
The Weeping Mother Earth

Today, @steem-lagos tries to animate Mother Earth in the Untalented-mama series, Mother E has bled and wept for so long, she had been battered and injured; yet she still cares for humanity her prodigal Child, holding unto us and never letting us out of her sight!

Technology has battered Mother E, human quest satisfaction had led to the discovery of fossil fuels, Whale Oils, Natural Elements and Chemicals components. This Discoveries had left Mother E polluted and the fight to restore Mother E's health back to a more friendly and Bio-Hazard free environments had been on since many years after human(her Children) had realized the dangers we had exposed her to which indirectly affects us her children one way or another.

It is hard truth to accept, the adverse effects of Civilization and Technology seems to be leaving a bigger dent in humanity.


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Whales and Whale Oils, What Killed Some of Mother E's children

Mother E had lost so many of her child; before fossil fuels were discovered, Whale oils was used as Energy source to power the then Civilization, According to "Moby-Dick"; this wiped out almost 85% of Whales in existence and till now some Whales are just but a few left putting them on the Endangered species list. The quest to energize the World then sentenced This Mother E's children to death, an irrecoverable blow to Marine Eco-system, nothing was enough for Mother E's elder Child- Human and we always wanted more and more damaging the other siblings to a fault!

More Damages in Disguise- Fossil Fuels

Fossil Fuel was discovered, though Mother E was not affected by this at first and it was a great relief for her to see Whales left alone, this made some of this Wonderful animals repopulate a bit. After several years, Fossil fuels starts to attack Mother E serially through Gas Flaring, Crude Oil Spillage etc then this starts to poise danger to her.

Gas Flaring damages the air i.e the atmospheric components, it ruins the Ozone Layer which protects Mother E's oldest Siblings Humans who caused this chaos from having skin Cancer due to the extreme UV rays from the Sun. The Crude Oil Spillage killed Thousands of Marine life, she was happy killing of Whales had stooped but never knew not Only Whales will die in the future but the entire life in the Ocean ranging from Zooplanktons to Whales. This and many more blows had dealt with Mother E, she survived it all and whenever she couldn't bear it; that is when Natural Disasters Struck killing Millions of all Mother E's children both Humans and Animals and Vegetation. Sadly many of this Natural disasters are avoidable only if we had treated Mother E well and better.

To save Mother E of more pains, her Child Humans needs to embrace Renewable Energies as an alternate source of Energy, Humans needs to go Greener from Housing(CLT buildings) to farming (Vertical farming) to avoid more deforestation and huge land movements killing the soil texture. This could help Mother E recover a bit from all the injuries and trauma placed inflicted on her!

Follow @oluwoleolaide, @lucashunter, @peman , @jotmax , @sweetestglo-eu and @cwen for more updates and details on @Steem-Lagos Nigeria-Africa-World!


Special thanks to @dray91eu our them logo designer Animated Footer by @rituparnaghosh


Good job men
Have a nice day

I liked the article. Great story bro

its really good post, curry on bro

Really good post, at @steem-lagos thanks for putting it together and sharing this important message.

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