in #untalented-mama7 years ago

The great creative and versatile contest @steemit-virus is here again in another dimension and this time around we joined our heart together to send a heartfelt condolence to our fellow Nigerian and a great mind who has contributes more than enough to the growth of Nigeria community on this great platform @surpassinggoogle who lost his mother 2days ago, my prayer for him at this trying time is that the great and merciful God will grant the whole Ajayi`s family the fortitude to bear the loss of their great and wonderful Mama.



Mama is my life at the very beginning when no one else offer such, Mama is my first love when no one else cares, Mama is my living when no one else choose to live his/her life for me, Mama is my fortress when troubles drive me away, Mama is my strength when my power and might failed me, Mama is my shelter and abode when I have nowhere to go; she is my all in all, a virtuous Mama full of life.


Mama is love and when I say that I really know and understand what I’m talking about. If I’m to go in details what my mother means to me, the whole universe will not be enough to accommodate her uniqueness. Mama Abiyamo tooto [A pure and lovely mother], she was there when no one else was and show me tender love and care of the highest order that surpass my wildest imagination.



I live with my mum alone for almost twelve years of my life, she brought me up in a way I couldn’t imagine myself. People used to say that being brought up by a single parent or mother will affect your life in one way or the other, but to me it is a rare blessing and privilege and I`m who I am today because of Oluwakemi even when my father was nowhere to be found. Oluwakemi is very hardworking and I really appreciate the grace and favour of God over her life. I could remember one day when we woke up in the morning and she didn’t have any money on her and I and my sister was suppose to go to school that day, she has to go and asked for money from our neighbor just for us to go to school that very day, even if I forget everything about her I won’t be able to forget the pain she went through in her husband house and she had to go through the pain just for the sake of her children.


All that I am, or that I am hoping to be, I owe it to my dearest mother (Oluwakemi). She has always being my greatest teacher; she taught me the value of true compassion, empathy, tenderheartedness, fearlessness and love. My mother is the truest friend I have and when swear trials suddenly fall upon me and friends abandon me, when troubles thickens around me, still she will cling to me and endeavor by her kind counsel to dispersed the cloud of darkness and cause peace to overwhelm my heart. No love can ever be compare to the love and care I receive from my adorable mother.


So with all my Mama Attributes and motherly love, I believe she will easily thrive and make tangible difference on this great platform and that’s why I`m calling on my adorable Mama and every other Mama out there to come and join this great community and set our [their children] feet on the right paths so that their status as our author and protector will forever live on with their tender care and guidance.

You are the light to our paths so come now and set us on the right way and create in us a heart of gold like yours that see goodness in others so that this great community will become Mama-like environment.


Special thanks to @Steemit-virus team for this great humanity and for this rare privilege and also I pray for the heart and fortitude to bear this irreplaceable loss in the Ajayi`s family.





Cute mother and daughter
Great qualities

Great one. I like the love you have for your mom. I was also brought up by a hardworking single parent. God bless your mom and you.

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