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RE: October/November/December Homeschooling Miscellany

in #unschooling5 years ago

I got tired reading all these activities {smile} ... brave girl going on the rollercoaster but possibly, just possibly {smile} ... the head banging knocked some sense into you ....LOL ... only kidding !! Not a pleasant experience having concussion and still having to bear up for the kids.


Roller coasters are fun :D

Bahahahahaha would take more than a concussion to knock sense into me I think XD Also think it's the first concussion I've ever had so I'm probably getting weak in my old age, I've had several hard knocks to the head in my childhood (just from being an active clumsy kid, nothing major) including falling off the top of a rope ladder and landing on my head (and not breaking my neck like I should have x_x) and I don't recall ever feeling that bad as a result x_x

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