October Homeschooling Miscellany

in #unschooling6 years ago

Stock up and strap in, this one turned out a bit longer than I thought it would XD

October started out with @pixietrix's bestie staying for the weekend and them asking if we could wander around Perth for a bit after visiting a store they wanted to browse. @shadowlioncub requested my phone to take a couple of photos of things that interested him:

The city has been trying to do more fun and interesting stuff so we tend to find random things whenever we go there. At the time they were celebrating the arrival of spring so there were these random bird cages there, which were apparently great for photoshoots.

We finally went back to the Naturescape playspace at King's Park (which we had actually tried to visit previously only to find when we had walked in from the city that it was under development), it was a hit with the kids though we have planned to return during the week when there's less people there.

One of @gorc's chosen activities was to hit up the Armadale Reptile and Wildlife Centre which we have been to previously many years ago. @pixietrix was initially a bit reluctant as she claimed she didn't like reptiles, but came along anyway. As it turns out, she likes lizards and turtles and tortoises (and possibly frogs) but not snakes because they're creepy (though as of even more recently she now likes them). The boys loved everything and I lost my phone temporarily as the two younger ones wanted to take photos of everything.

As the name suggests, they don't just have reptiles.

It was mostly reptiles and amphibians though.

The centre is pretty small so the only concern was making sure youngest didn't wander into places that were supposed to be fenced off. The older two did their usual thing studying the signs of the things they were particularly interested in, and @shadowlioncub was reading more of the signs than he usually does now that his reading fluency has increased dramatically. We had some amusing conversations regarding snakes vs legless lizards, and the boys also compared and contrasted and shared information they'd learned from people on Youtube that keep snakes and lizards.

The centre also had an impressive wedge-tailed eagle (that I couldn't get a decent shot of despite my best efforts), emus, kangaroos, dingos, various flying birds (including one that could fly but was a bit clumsy doing so according to @gorc who actually read the sign).

Sometime in the following week @pixietrix bought more makeup supplies and gave her younger brother a facial scrub thingi.

and made a video of herself setting off a bath bomb. I recorded the video on my phone and she edited it and made the thumbnail on my computer (and probably spent longer on the thumbnail than the entire video) before uploading to dtube.

My in-laws have my nephew for the day at least once a week, so a thing we've started is going on an excursion with them once a week. The kids love showing and teaching their toddler cousin about things, and he seems to enjoy their company as well. The first place we went to was AQWA (another place where the previous visit had been a few years ago).

That underwater tunnel is always a massive hit and totally worth the entry price just for the looks on the kids faces.

Getting to see this is one of the main reasons I homeschool.

We went around twice and then I ended up going around a third time with @shadowlioncub (who may well grow up to be a marine biologist if his chef aspirations don't end up working out) partly because we didn't realise everyone else had gotten off at some point and mostly because he told me he really wanted to go around again.

While the underwater tunnel is probably the main attraction, there were plenty of other things to marvel at. The entrance and upstairs area had tanks galore of smaller things that would be extremely easy to miss in the gigantic tunnel aquarium.

As the rest of AQWA is a lot less directed than the tunnel, with so many directions to go and so many things to see in each direction, @shadowlioncub and toddler found it hard to focus, with 9yo occasionally having choice paralysis about what to go look at first

while the toddler tried his hardest to be everywhere at the same time. @shadowlioncub eventually saw the words "Danger Zone" on one of the areas and that's where we started the big section.

The touch pool is another thing everyone loves. The water was freezing but the kids found it fascinating to be able to safely handle some of the creatures that can be found in the water.

There was a quiet area that was under what looks like it was an amphitheatre at some point where one could sit and relax, listen to soothing music and stare at the gigantic aquarium. @gorc said he could have quite easily sat there for a few hours if we were to stay there for a few hours.

Toddler of course had other ideas. We headed out and across the bridge to what used to be Stingray Bay but has at some stage been replaced by another aquarium ccontaining a school of fish. The older kids watched the fish school and occasionally turn into a baitball before the younger two retreated to go play with their cousin on the little kids' play equipment.

The top of the amphitheatre contained sand play which got used by everyone. Toddler was tired as we were leaving and @gorc was carrying him so I jokingly told him to take the toddler to the car (which was parked a fair way up but not nearly as far as I'd parked the first time we'd gone, toddler is a lumpet). The teenager said no problem and did so.

A day later we were trying out Latitude for the first time. They had a couple of things on the trampoline side that were different to Bounce but otherwise more or less the same. Also similarly they had their own version of a Ninja Warrior course (Bounce's is called X-Park and I forget what Latitude calls theirs but I'm pretty sure the section had a name). The interesting and different thing for the kids was the rock climbing section including the Skywalk.

The wobbly climb around to the right of where @gorc is climbing in the third picture, @shadowlioncub was absolutely determined to get up. Several attempts later he got there eventually by "cheating" (using the cable to assist, told him it wasn't cheating it was using what he had at his disposal). They all had a great time testing their strength, coordination and courage on the various types of climbs, and then practised their flips and things on the air track and the trampolines.

A couple of days later we rounded off the month by going to Pt Walter, a place we used to frequent weekly for homeschool playgroup from when the kids were preschool aged. The main reason for going was because 9yo wanted to swim and it was closer than the beach, but I figured we could once more at least vaguely observe the ecology of a river system while there (the bits of river we go to have varying degrees of human impact from "not too much except for the dam a long way upstream" on one of our bushwalks all the way through to "well looked after parklands"). Plus it was going to be a little bit nostalgic for me and the older two who remembered going there many times before, and a new place to youngest who was a baby at the time and doesn't remember.

The tide was out and the first thing 11yo noticed was that we could walk across the sandbar to the island, so of course they all wanted to do that.

The wind was up and the big two felt the wind chill (unlike their little brother who takes a lot longer and with noticably lower temperatures to get cold) and hid inside @gorc's towel that he had decided to bring along while the rest of us had left the stuff in the car.

Along the way we observed the tidelines formed by the shape of the sand and many shells in various stages of being bleached, and a floating seaweed that @shadowlioncub decided were "sea potatoes".

When we got to the end of the island, it was fenced off as it was nesting season for the shorebirds.

We looked over seeing what we could see, which was not much, and after looking around for a little bit we eventually headed back to the main bit.

Back on the main part of the river foreshore we found a nice spot to set up camp and @shadowlioncub finally got to swim. As the slope to the deeper water is extremely gradual, he was initially disappointed because it was so shallow. As he's reasonably good at swimming I told him he could go out up to his neck but he had to watch out for boats especially if he wanted to swim around under the water.

My 11yo waterbaby had decided she wasn't going to swim as she thought it would be too cold but as the day had warmed up she still didn't swim but couldn't resist going into the water.

Then we had another "can't take gynnasts anywhere" moment when @pixietrix had another great idea for a photoshoot.

All in all this month turned out to be quite a lot busier than I initially thought (and for once I actually knew it was a busy month!), guess I was really trying to make up for the couple of months that were missed while I was closing down business.

This post also appears on my blog.

Yes I know it's insanely late XP

99% of the post payout is being split between @gorc, @pixietrix and @shadowlioncub (only because I can't figure out how to do more than 99% but I could just say I'm taking 1% for writing this up every month XD)

Thanks for looking! ^_^

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Look like another fun and adventurous month for your family :D. The one on top of that pink tube, that looks so scary and dangerous, but it's actually safe, is it? XD

Not that dangerous, they’re wearing climbing harnesses 🙂 Pixie did find it scary as she only got halfway up, Cub is only just developing the bit in your brain that says some things might be a bad idea 🤣

Posted using Partiko iOS

That sure was an action packed adventure @ryivhnn ..........I want to be a kid again! @gorc, @pixietrix and @shadowlioncub deserve every bit of your 99% payout because they provided you with plenty of material for this superb post.

I love the fact that they wer able to combine a ton of fun with a wealth of education and 2 of my favourite pics were @pixietrix giving her very obliging brother a makeup session and @gorc carrying his very cute baby brother all the way to the car. What a hero!

Yep, part of the reason I made them accounts XD Pixie trying to be pragmatic said it was fine as she doesn't really use steem much anymore, and I said it's cool, maybe if steem takes off sometime in the future like bitcoin did they'll thank me later ;D

It's a very cute baby cousin, I just have the three :D They do love him very much though XD

Wow, what an incredible post, ryry !! I love this <3 What fun and terrific places to bring a sense of wonder to your kids to <3 <3 <3

The looks on their faces at the aquarium is priceless :D

And I love all the photos ! Such gorgeous post <3 <3 <3

Yeh that was pretty awesome, I'm so glad I caught that one on camera, I'm not usually so lucky XD

Fun times where had! Lots of neat things to see.

Yep slightly insane month was fun and insane 😆

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Looks like it was a jam-packed October, MATE-me-in-the-pouring-rain! I've always hated snakes, because I loved Indiana Jones and he hated snakes. I used to run away whenever I was asked to pet one in a zoo. Ran away screaming and crying like a wittwe baby. Now that I've grown up, I guess I'm... indifferent. I don't mind them as long as they mind their own business, and I finally got the chance to let them wrap up against me a few years ago.

The kids look like they had an awesome time in Latitude! I remember a year ago when I tried something similar to that. I made a post about it, I don't know if you remember. Let's just say your offspring would be laughing their little bums off watching me struggle haha!

LoL! You just keep 'em coming XD

I'm sure Indi's fear of snakes was a random flaw thrown in to make him not a Mary Sue XD How'd you go with having one wrapped around you?

I love snakes! though I don't know if Pixie's friend knew this or whether she was hoping for a different reaction when she put her pet snake on me (it's a tiny little python). The thing wrapped around my neck because it was cold and it was winter so I had this awesome snake choker for a bit before I popped it into my hood.

I do remember a post about a trampoline and/or adventure park, was it outdoors or am I remembering wrong? They probably would have been but they would have dragged you around to play with them anyway XD And hey you were doing better than me, every time we've gone there (all of twice!) I've managed to be injured just enough to decide I better not participate as it would exacerbate the injury I had XD (first time it was my ankle, second time my wrist, lol).

I'm good with a snake wrapped around my neck these days. Though I don't prefer when they pop up elsewhere. Especially in the toilet.

It was outside. Me and the former fiancee went there for our birthday extravaganza last year haha!

What a lot of amazing activities and places to visit!! Dontcha love being able to go out and about while all the kids are in school and not have to deal with crowds, haha!

Love the photos and everything you all do!
Whenever my daughter gets back on here, Ill have her follow your kids too. :D As time goes by, more and more homeschool kids are on here.

Yep that was one unexpected advantage of homeschooling which turned out to be a really big deal when youngest turned out to be adhd/autistic :D

Aww thanks :) My kids aren't that active, my daughter kind of comes and goes, she's not that interested in steem (my kids thoroughly aren't motivated by money) because all her friends are on instagram and snapchat and youtube so clearly those are the only places to be. The boys come and go, youngest actually wants to be a dtuber (but has to think of things he wants to do, he actually wants to be a gamer tuber like some of the youtubers he loves watching but my sp4 is too tiny and weak to manage OBS and the game at the same time) and the oldest keeps meaning to write posts but you know teenagers, youtube and games are infinitely more interesting and dopamine rewarding XD

Also I don't know if you read up (or down depending on what interface you're using XD), my daughter is also trying high school next year so will likely have even less time for things like steem (and pretty much everything else she likes doing now, she claims she knows but I don't know if she actually knows). But I'll let them know for sure that there might be another homeschooled kid adding them soon if they want to add her back :)

Haha I get the youtube obsession! That is one of the main things mine like to do. They always say they will write a post, and then when the time comes, well, theyd rather watch someone else play a video game... :/ Its crazy.
My youngest wants to be a youtuber, but he gets super shy in front of the camera, haha.

Interested to see how your daughter likes high school! None of mine have asked to go to school, but I know that some kids to eventually want to at least try it. Whenever mine seem interested, I remind them that they would have to get up before the sun and that generally squashes that interest, haha!

Yeh it'll be fun to see how that goes XD My bigs are at the age where they like sleeping in so despite my youngest and I being up relatively early (well me depending on what I was doing the night before, I prefer being up late and while I can switch it's hard to stick) our days usually start late morning when they're up and not so grumpy XD

Again, I love that you homeschool. I was home schooled and I loved it. It was nice to have the freedom to go on an adventure with my mother and we often got to take off during the 'school year' for a month at a time and there was never any worry of 'missing school' as my tutor was really good at giving me a good lesson plan to take with me. This really taught me to plan and schedule well.

It looks like you had a great day out and also I forget your in Spring and Summer while we are in Autumn winter, funny ole' planet.

Actually makes sense seeing as the planet is more or less a ball and we're on the other sides of it ;D

I'm currently being told off about my planning and scheduling (or the extremely loose planning and scheduling that we do as some things are planned but otherwise we're a bit too spontaneous for a world where everone likes micromanaging down to the nth degree and sincerely believe people are misguided freaks that must be corrected at all costs if they don't conform XD

My daughter is actually going to try out high school next year, big adventure :D I still consider it homeschooling as she was the one that made the choice to go and picked the school (she has some friends from gymnastics that go there). However I'm mildly annoyed as we agreed on one term and she would have to get herself there and back as I work in the morning (so can't do dropoff) and am still homeschooling her brothers (so can't be relied on for pickup all the time), and on a more selfish/self-protective note I don't want to deal with school rush XD Of course she's now wheedling for school runs and to go for more than a term as she simply refuses to consider the possibility that she might not enjoy it as much as her friends are [sigh] XD (she has some friends who were previously homeschooled who have had changes in their family circumstances which has required them to now go to school, fortunately they're enjoying it) and apparently I'm mean because I refuse XP

I'd love to be able to take off, travelling off-peak was another reason for homeschooling, however we had no way at the time to predict that the kids would love and be good at gymnastics, and the club we go to only operates during school terms, so we're tied to it anyway despite not even using the institution lol XD

A most fascinating and fun day out :D !

We had quite a few good ones in that month 😄

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