Unschooling at the Austin Zoo, An Aninal Rescue Sanctuary

Last week we went to the Austin Zoo to learn about the rescued animals they have in their sanctuary.

Traditionally I am not a fan of zoos, but the one in Austin is full of animals who were relinquished by their owners or rescued from dangerous situations.


Peafowl and chickens roam free, while most aninals are contained in their closures.

The loins were so beautiful I could hardly believe they were real.


I was introduced to new species, like the bearcat, and enjoyed listening to the exoctic birds speak English words like "hello".


Its important for me to expose my children to wildlife in any capacity that is possible. I believe that exposure to other living creatures helps form empathy and compassion for all.



I live about 15 minutes from that zoo. I too am not a fan of zoos but like you, find this facility necessary because of people's stupidity.

I wonder how hard it would be to do a little Q&A with a zookeeper there.

I feel like when I was younger, I didn’t ask enough questions. In fact, I was kind of jealous of the kids who were able to come up with really good questions. I just kind of took what was given to me.

Now that I see asking questions as a skill, I wish I would have had more practice growing up.

So- I know you just went to the zoo, but what if on your next visit, everyone on your learning adventure (both you and your kids) took some time to think of 3 really good questions to ask a zoo keeper- then found one to talk to?

That’s what-9 interesting questions to ask?
And if the zoo keeper doesn’t know, I’ll bet you could look it up and teach him. How empowering would that be for your little ones!?

I love your parenting/ teaching style- by the way. Keep unschooling :)

We actually go once a year to the homeschool day and they have zookeepers set up at stations all over! On this visit we did talk to the woman feeding the exotic birds, but I agree, more questions would have been a great thing!

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