Hiking Our Way Throuh Life, Our Unschooling Flow


Anytime we head into town, we try to steal an hour or more to hike and enjoy Pachamama and all her beautiful gifts.

Yesterday after we left our Healer my son spotted this green belt and begged for a hike.

He and I walked up the creek, exploring the area while his sister and dad drove ahead to our lunch spot.

He fearlessly lead me through overgrowth and rough terrain, "playing minecraft" as he explored.

I love the balance we have found between nature and technology.


Man they are growing up fast, very cute.

Looks nice and warm where you guys are!! Following, we really want to unschool, just have to find a way to do it in NY state. I know it's possible, jkust gotta find the loopholes!

You can dooooooo it

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