Unpacking 拆包

in #unpacking6 years ago

Owing to frequent outstation, I have to use several bags. When I come back home, it is important to unpack, if not, the things may be left there for a long time. Used items have to be cleaned and mended on time lest they will become obsolete.

Similarly, we need to constantly unpack our thought as a discipline. Unpacking our thought is also a time of reflection for us. Our thought can become obsolete rapidly if we insist that it is the unchanging norm. However, if we unpack and revise it according to the new season and new challenge, such revitalisation can enable us to move forward continuously.

Therefore, unpacking of thought and practices can avoid revolution yet promote reformation. Revolution is often painful as it tends to dichotomise the past and the future. Comparatively, reformation has a higher possibility of connecting the past and the future harmoniously.






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