Space time vs Time space (different value/same dimension VS same value/different dimension)

in #universe5 years ago


Space time is the time (s) needed to move with constant speed (Rounds in m) (from point A to point A , in a circle) , through that specific space (m3).

One earth rotation (distance in m) measured against heavenly bodies equals 1 day (time in s). This is how we measure (incorrect) time.
Let’s try to simplify this massive to see a change in time:
Situation 1 : Move a point around on the circumference, inside a circle with circumference of 1000 meter , with a constant speed of 1000 meter per second (in this space). Volume of this space is 16886863.95 m3 (using circumference 1000m to get the radius 2rπ=circumference circle and (4/3)π(r³)=volume sphere) This 1 round takes exactly 1 second . (measured as distance (circumference) , in this volume space , conform agreement , the time needed to do this is set on 1 second = 1000meter/rotation). Exactly as we agree a rotation around the sun has a time of – 24.00 hours.
Shrink this sphere till circumference is 500 meter
Situation 2 : Move a point , inside this circle with a circumference of 500 meter Volume of this space is 2110857,993 m3 , with the same constant speed as in situation 1 , the time measurement used in situation 1 will be halved (0.5 second) , only 500 meter sphere circumference instead of 1000 meter sphere circumference.
So , if we want to compare situation 1 with situation 2 we need to correct this spacetime , because the 2 circumferences are not the same in an ever shrinking Universe. I think this is the principle (tenet) of Space time. This also explains the Energy increase by less seconds (m/s)² in the Energy formula (comparing situation 1 with situation 2). However this view is measured with the circumference of the ‘black dust’ , surrounding our Universe , and not measured from the earth rotation. Therefore we cannot compare these situations (times). Time is a subjective constant and is actually derived from a (movement) , a fixed distance around 1 point (according agreement) as distance is an objective constant inside the sphere (1 meter is always 1 meter) , but on objective variable if we measure on the circumference of that shrinking sphere (the Universe). This is what I think space-time is all about. Maybe ‘spacetime’ then is in 1 : 1000m/1000m and in 2 : 500m/1000m in seconds , so times can be compared. And ‘timespace’ is 1: 1000m/1000m and 2 : 500m/500m , so both time can’t be compared , because it’s measured with different references. The litteral view about halving time.
Probably this is a better and more correct way to measure ‘time’ , how2 …???
And when mass is the same , the mass sucked into the 4D energy sytem in the beginning of the ‘biggest’ Universe has less ‘Energetic’ potential than the mass sucked in at the end of the ‘smaller’ Universe.

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