What Lies Outside The Universe?

in #universe6 years ago


Curiosity is engrained into the very nature of our being. It is what drives us to reach out for knowledge beyond our grasp and has been the reason we completely transformed as a species from being nomads to the modern day civilisation.

We've always aspired to be more, to stretch the boundaries of what we know and understand the nature of our reality. This curiosity is also the reason why we are so obsessed about knowing our place in the cosmos.

For centuries, we have gazed up towards the sky looking for clues and answers to a million burning questions and all that has led to, is an enormous pool of knowledge and yet somehow, we have more questions than we started with.

We came to know about our solar system, then other solar systems, our galaxy, other galaxies and so much more. We even know with some certainty about how our universe was born. And yet, we just can't say for sure what lies outside of it.

An Infinite Universe?


Some scientists believe that our universe is infinite and there is simply no boundary as such. The idea of infinity is not liked by many as the very idea makes it impossible to imagine such a universe.

And yet, this might be true. Meaning that there might be no end to the beautiful starry galaxies that we all know and love. One interesting implication of such a universe would be that anything that is possible, exists, unless of course it breaks the laws of Physics.

In other words, in an infinite universe, there would be repeated patterns, say another Earth, or another Milky Way, as the particles can only be arranged in so many ways before they start repeating giving outcomes that already exists.

So, in such a universe, there might be infinite Earths and anything that is possible, probably exists. Maybe in one of these Earths, I am Iron Man!

Other Universes


Another popular theory is that there are an infinite number of universes, with each universe existing as a bubble similar to how many air bubbles. Just imagine that for a second if you can.

A whole universe, existing just as a bubble among infinite other universes. How large would such a reality be? It simply boggles the mind to even think about the expanse of all that.

One interesting thing about this theory is that the different universes could all have very different laws of Physics from one another. Imagine what kind of realities could exist under different laws! Imagine what kind of life forms could arise within those realities!

Living In A Black Hole?


One theory that may sound very "out there" but is very possible, is that our universe, exists inside a black hole. We all know that nothing can escape a black hole's gravitational pull, not even light.

Black holes throughout the universe suck in countless amount of matter and we just don't know what happens to all of that matter once it crosses the event horizon. But according to one theory, all that matter may be used to create a universe or many universes.

If that is true, our universe could be inside a black hole which itself would be inside a bigger universe, which in turn could be inside yet another black hole. The mind really starts hurting after this point!


Up up and away...thers are so many to explore far away....as universe is infinite...there are numerous question keep coming ..

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah!! Millions of questions yet to answer :D

I think another universe.

Posted using Partiko Android

That's one possibility, yes.

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