Am I Creating You On The Outside Of My Mind?

in #universe7 years ago (edited)

Am I Creating You On The Outside Of My Mind?


I swear I run into the coolest people everywhere I go, because well - DUH I created it to be like that.

But heres the story - I was at dinner last night, sitting at the bar and this elderly guy struck up a conversation with me about how he used to take a bunch of shrooms back in his day and it got him wondering if his reality is even real anymore. Is reality real I always ask myself? Or is it all just a figment of my imagination? 🤔

Shrooms definitely generated and planted some huge thoughts inside my head - ( Well they were always there, I just heightened my level of awareness for me to see them) so anyway, we keep talking and we got into this massive back and forth of how I was just projecting him outside of my head because this whole conversation is going on, on the inside of my head because this is what I have been thinking about for the past forever, is the fact that everything that I see is only because I thought about it first.

He then goes, "No, I am the one creating you, and you showed up in my reality for me to witness you because this is what I think about all day long." So then we kinda we're going in cycles of wondering who created who first and if we are aware of this whole situation then what was the awareness that brought this through in the first place.

It's an ongoing cycle and will never end if you try. Which is something that can get very interesting and get you lost trying to pull yourself out. LOL I go down there a lot (in this hole to never return) and then I'm like "Woah, Present moment Brie, Present moment. Come back."

Are we even here, or is it just my awareness that makes it so. Without the observer, there is nothing? Or is there?

I'll just keep creating till I can't create no more. Which will be forever & thats why life will forever be eternal because we are creators. So always remember that whatever you see on the outside in your physical reality was first created because you generated those thoughts and emotions to connect to your present view of life. Whether you like it or not, it's what you chose and you received it. So is your physical reality what you want or do you gotta go back inside and do some cleaning?

Also Be Sure To Check My Last Article By Clicking The Image Below :)

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Instagram - @SapioSexualPoetry & @AwakeAliveAware


Girl I could talk to you for hours hahaaha @awakealiveaware

lol i totally know we could!!! <3

its worth reading i upvoted you

It's so true that you've chosen your life... awesome post. Upvoted and going to do some cleaning! Hope you're having a great weekend :)

haha perfect!!! glad you enjoy, I am always cleaning my mind up

It is the never ending cycle that is life itself. Always flowing, never stopping. We can spend an eternity in the rabbit hole but the bottom is never meant to be found... what is meant to be found is the balance in between; just as you have seen...

The Last Sage

mmmm balance so true. something I like to stay on while diving down sometimes and then taking a breather and coming back up

Doing everyday cleaning... finding my true self everyday :)

yes always!!! :)

thelastsage is correct! The Tao that tries to be named is not the Tao; which is another way of saying the same thing. Wittgenstein correctly asserted to not speak on matters of which we can not know.....
Sam Harris and Jordon Peterson recently had the same debate about objective reality and subjective reality. There are problems that arise ,IMO, when one is overly attached to either view. In defense​ of objective reality, ​I'd say it's predictable enough to make trains run on time;​ a problem arises, though, when objective philosophy turns into an overarching​ ideology like scientism.
The problem with universal subjectivism is that it can create an ideology​ which​ blames the victim, and there really are victims! In that context, ​The Law of Attraction​ can become abusive in the same way the ideology of reincarnation became abusive​ in India creating political underclasses via dubious​​ metaphysics....

mmm interesting. I also see no problems that arise except in the mind with how they think something ought to be. But yes as you are saying there is a lot that can go in this and there can be a lot of spiritual bypassing that comes up when people fully believe and take on certain aspects to this as their truth which can potentially get them in trouble. if that makes sense

I cleaned all day yesterday! That was a philosophical reply to your metaphysics. Here's a personal one:
the primary cosmology I espouse is 'material spiritualism'-- the exact opposite of the woefully inept spiritual materialism. Material spiritualism is a type of post-metaphysics; it derives from modernities knowledge about the material universe from the scientific method and empiricism, from this we learned, The Myth of The Given-- that reality wasn't what myth told us it is--and that reality may not even be what science tells us it is.....A fuckin' humdinger! We don't know! But that not knowing isn't a doorway to espouse every manner of spiritual nonsense ( not that you are)....It just means we have to be very very careful about what we assert as fact when it comes to 7-billion peoples interior (phenomenological) experiences. A good place to start in that endeavor is to frame all spirituality as 'hypothesis' or speculation.....Maybe one-day we can test the hypothesis and see if things are universal rather than individual assertions​ without peer​ review.

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