Julian Assange tweeted out our song "Kill The Messenger"!!

in #unity4j6 years ago (edited)

So yesterday I was chillin on discord, working with @V4Vapid on a new song for our #Unity4J project, when @Fortified messages us and tells us that JULIAN ASSANGE just tweeted out about one of the songs we are working on. The founder of Wiki Leaks... just wow... Blew my mind. I am still super excited about that, it's just nuts.

Here is the tweet I am talking about.

The tweet is in regard to this post about our new song #KillTheMessenger.

I need to give MAJOR thanks to @suzi3d for her massive support for this project. I can't possibly express how grateful we all are. YOU ROCK! Thank you so much.

If you haven't already listened to the rough draft of the song here it is. This is only the first verse, the full song will be released as a single on all major platforms.

Why#Unity4J matters

Free speech and freedom of press is necessary for a free people. It should worry everybody, regardless of political bent, how Julian Assange is being treated. He has committed no crimes. He is a truth-sayer, and for that reason alone he is being hunted.

I strongly encourage each and every one of you to speak out about this to any/all followers your have on your different social media accounts. We might not think that it amounts to much, but it really does. It doesn't matter what you have to offer. You're artist? Make some art. A singer? Sing. Rapper? Rap. Whatever you have to give, give it. I can't overstate it enough how important this is!

The information he has shared isn't he-said-she-said bull shit... It's the unadulterated truth. https://wikileaks.org/

We need to speak out and show our solidarity! http://unity4j.com/

There will be another livestream on July 3rd. Show your support!


If you wish to support this music project, there are a few ways to support. You can upvote, resteem, retweet, reblog, etc. This post to get more exposure for it and the #Unity4J movement.

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Man, that's super dope some well-deserved recognition! His tweet is getting a lot of activity as well.

Thanks bro!! Yea man, that was INSANE when I saw that. Still am wrapping my head around it.

As a rule I am not fond of rap at all. Maybe a generational thing, I don't know. However, I have to say that I listened to the rough draft and the lyrics and musical genre mix well together. Precisely because it is rap, I hope that it will touch a lot of young people and raise their awareness, and that through them, because they are so virtually connected, it will reach a larger networked audience . I am looking forward to the finished version.

I appreciate you taking the time to check it out even though it's not necessarily your cup of tea. I hope the same. Thank you for your kind words and support!

Love it

That amazing exposure. Wow. Good stuff guys.

Exposure is right! Already had one person tell me that this isn't exposure, it's my eulogy, LMAO. Guess we're on the right track? O.o

That's what's up!!!!

Amazing, and this is just the preview brother!

Wooooot! We make a bad ass team! Just saying!!

OMG Amaziiing!!!!!! :D Following you

Love it! Awesome that Julian is spreading your message!

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