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RE: Question/Poll to the steemit community... with regards to the Unity Tutorials... please choose

in #unity8 years ago

Both choice 3 and 4 sound interesting to me. But if all the AI does is mimic the user I might have to go with 3. I do have interest on how these smart AI's work on though


It would try to act like a person. How smart we can get it to be really depends on us. A truly smart AI is a massive amount of code and would not fit into a few blog posts. Someone could write a large book on that subject. I could give the foundations though upon which people could build upon and experiment on their own. We would start working along the lines of Eliza, but hopefully better. Add in some simple logic type system, and then run with it and see where we can go with it.

That one is a pretty easy one for individual people to tweak and create their own systems once they see how it works. It certainly would not be true smart AI. At some point if we could make it reach out and do web searches and attempt to find answers that way that'd be pretty cool, but I don't know if we'd ever get to that point or not.

Voxel stuff is pretty straight forward with what that would be.

I'm torn between the choices but my vote goes for AI-stuff then.

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