My stbx is raging that I’m pregnant with another man’s baby

in #united2 years ago

Hi everyone! Thank you for your support. I knew I wasn’t crazy like my family thought me to be for deciding to keep my baby. I love my family but I think me being pregnant outside of marriage is just too much for them besides I don’t think they’ve totally gotten over the fact that I’m no longer with my stbx. They’re heartbroken as well because he and I were that perfect couple people aspired to be.

Now to my stbx. He is not doing well at all. I don’t feel that I’m able to help him. He needs better suited people to help him. I told him that for both sake we need to cut all contact. He needs to stop visiting me and he even needs to stop being in my family’s life. I’m close to his older brother, I’m planning to go NC with him as well in case he tells his brother what’s going on with my life.

Stbx texted me later that he wants me and the baby in his life. Even if he wasn’t the father. I didn’t answer him. Honestly I don’t know what to answer when he asked me to have an abortion a few weeks prior. I will probably change my number and maybe move.

To answer the question I got most: No my stbx wasn’t the problem. He’s not impotent and he doesn’t shoot blanks. I am the problem. He’s probably going to have children without any problems, just not with me. I don’t know why or how I got pregnant. The doctor’s only explanation was I just did. Sometimes when you’re not stressing and let it be it just happens. And it did with me. There are no guarantees I could get pregnant again.

The new guy is wonderful with me. None of what happened was something we planned and both are scared because we really don’t know each other. But we have discussed it, I told him that I wanted the baby and that he’s free to run. But he didn't. Now the worst case scenario is that we break up and I become a single mom and it isn’t that bad actually. So we’re just enjoying each other and it’s been amazing. (I have never had so strong orgasms in my entire f’ing life) so no complaints there.

I hope we stay together. I pray for my baby to be healthy and I wish you all who supported me (not the nasty ones though) have a great day.

Ps: writing from my phone, i do not proofread and English is my 3 :rd language. Don’t judge ok?

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