Very unique and magical: Banana trees bear fruit after death cut down

in #unique6 years ago (edited)

An unusual phenomenon throws Mampie Village residents, Wonomulyo District, Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi. because a banana tree that had been cut some time ago, and suddenly brought out the fruit.

And this incident instantly throws citizens and cause curiosity. so that hundreds of residents, students and SDN Inp 060 Mampie also appear to be present to see the magic tree. And the plan, this banana tree will be maintained with the local school.


And uniquely, the banana that grows back is without stem and just away, along with petals of small banana fruit. But the location of this banana tree is behind the SDN Inp 060 Mampie.

And according to some teachers at school, some time ago the banana has been felled, and even the trunk is dry and dead. But, unexpectedly suddenly the banana tree takes out the fruit. This is considered by the local people to be less fair.

Usually, banana trees can only bear fruit once, and then cut down and will not grow again. However, in this case the banana tree that has been harvested is actually fruitful when the banana stalk is dead.

To keep this banana in order to keep it growing, then the school fence tree trunks so as not to be disturbed by students. but up to now, residents and school students have not stopped coming to capture the unique tree through their mobile phone. This banana tree itself will be maintained well by the school, and will be used as learning materials for students.

Hopefully what I share this becomes a new experience for all of us.

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