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RE: Peace and non-violence are integral for obtaining spiritual growth and benifits from Creator

in #ungrip7 years ago

I agree with you in all this... Because I lived a bloody childhood. I'm still young for your long life.but my short life taught me that violence leads to another violence.
In 1992, an Islamist party won elections in Algeria.
But the government refused to recognize them.
Never party heard to the other .. They went straight to the fight...
Result: 10 years of war and destruction... 200,000 civilian victims.... Widespread poverty.... The spread of crimes.... The collapse of the national economy..... A breakdown in everything.... The worst crimes occurred (when I was out of school, I see a lot of corpses on the street and at night, no sleep because the sound of bullets and bombs.).... etc
After 10 years.. They decide to negotiate. Then everything stopped.
Why didn't they negotiate before the catastrophe happened? How stupid they were.
They decide to negotiate. After they destroyed everything in Algiers. They destroyed a whole people. .. destroyed our dreams.... They destroyed our lives....
violence leads to another violence

I want to ask you about brother @wwf .... Of the principles of non-use of violence, whatever the case. And I'm trying to planting these principles into my students... But in the case of Palestine the case is different for us. I can't tell my students about peace with Israel.


Palestine is a tough case as all genocide cases are. We have genocide going on even here with the indigenous peoples still. I think if Gandhi or Christ was alive today they would be advocating for peaceful non-compliance as well. Resorting to violence only gives the oppressors the excuse they are looking for to bomb the shit out of the people. Don't give them anything! Keep resisting and not participating but don't use violence.

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