"You do not truly know someone until you fight them". -Seraph, The Matrix Reloaded

in #ungrip6 years ago

I love the Matrix movies.  When the Matrix came out in 1999 I fell in love with it due to the martial arts and special effects.  However, after my recover I found a deeper and more profound appreciation for the messages in the trilogy.  

In the Matrix - Reloaded, Seraph fights Neo so that he can get to "know" him.  Neo told him that all he had to do was ask, but Seraph's response was perfect as he knew that masks prevent people from being completely honest with themselves.

You do not truly know someone until you fight them

While the context of the movie displayed this through physical battle, I've since realized the deeper meaning of this as it applies to everyone's lives.  When we fight somebody, how we fight tells a lot about ones character.  I'm talking about the emotional, mental and even spiritual fights that we engage in every day.  We will always disagree with other people, but how we govern ourselves through that disagreement determines how healthy we are or whether we are dealing with our own trauma at the same time.

When our emotions flair up, our capacity to hide the pain and trauma that we stuff behind masks and in our body is significantly diminished.  That is when the pressure releif valves open up and we engage in language or behaviours that are heavily influenced by those pent up emotions and pain.  Most of us can easily mask the pain and trauma when we are feeling good or things are going well.  However, when life gets derailed, the train wreck can cause all that sludge to impair our self control and even add fuel to the situation.  

That is why it is critical that we off load all that pain and trauma that we care around with us all the time.  We cannot hide from it and thinking that we can is delusional.  

Our bodies were designed to move energy, not store it!  - White Walking Feather

People can see right past the masks when we are angry and fighting.  That is when we really get to know the other individual, when their guards are down and the fight begins.  If they carry around a life's worth of pain and trauma, they WILL tap into that and use it in the fight.  That is when we really get to know the other individual as a life time of trauma gets pumped into the fight and violence manifests quickly.

However, when we preemptively work on ourselves to heal the past pain and trauma, we no longer have that energy to tap into as we no longer carry that energy around with us.  The memories are there, but the energy has since been processed and let go.  When we get into fights at that point, we must then tap into our heart space which is full of love, compassion, empathy, peace and freedom.  We still fight, but our behaviour and approach completely changes.  Rather than retaliation with force and violence, we find peaceful approaches to resolving the conflict instead.  

It is this reason that makes it so important that we heal ourselves first BEFORE we engage in our relationships with others.  Just as I shared in my post a few days ago, we cannot heal our marriage, community, clans, tribes or nations without FIRST doing this internal work.  

If violence is a part of the fight, then we know we are dealing with somebody struggling with pain and trauma that is being stored and not allowed to flow or to be processed in a healthy way.  Stored energy will manifest disease within the vessel.  If we fight with somebody who can take the charge and deal with the fight in a loving, healthy, peaceful way, then we know they have done the work.  That is what I think Seraph was saying with that one line.  It is beautiful, pointed and accurate.  Our true nature comes up when we are threatened.  How we respond to that threat shows our most hidden character.  

How we fight says a lot about who we are because that is when the masks come off to show our true self inside.  Fights cannot be avoided, so learning how to fight in a loving, peaceful, non-violent way is critical if we want to heal the planet and find peace on earth.  


This is so true. Having been on the receiving end of a verbal attack from someone near and dear, I realized that my internal work has had a wonderful effect. I am deeply grateful for the time that I have had to do the work. It is ever a journey, never a destination. It is a constant work that is full of insights and surprises. Thank you for leading by example.

My dear sister, you are so right. It is never a destination but rather a life long journey. I too still have much work to do. What makes it more enjoyable is being consciously aware of the work and embracing the opportunities to do that work when they are presented. I am honoured to walk with you side by side along that journey.

You do not truly know someone until you fight them

I am not a fighter in this war but I do observe what is happening around me. I see how they attack and fight. It is vicious and violent covered in deception and lies. These people must be so injured and hurting inside to do the things they do. I will be posting more today. I have needed time to process what has been happening and make sure that my mind, body and spirit are in the right place.

This morning I am physically sick by what is happening. The war now has ramped up to a point of no return. As two American embassy cars were leaving for the airport, they were brutally attacked. The driver of the first car, who we believe is a marine assigned to the ambassador was forcibly removed from the car, tortured and shot execution style in the centre of the highway. The cars were then torched. We believe the others may be taken, hostage. The United States will now become involved.

O M G. :'( This is just terrible. I look forward to your updates my friend. Please know that you have support here if you need to process these energies so that you don't hold onto them. Make sure the energy passes through and does not stop.

Thank you, @wwf! I try to get rid of the negative energies as quickly as possible. I need to be able to function for the protection of my family and guests staying here.

I for one would be interested in Updates. Using SteemIt to record Evidence of news from other parts of the world can already be used as a productive method for Alchemizing the Fear and Terror from these events. Instead of misunderstandings growing into more deception and Lies... this network can consensually drive clearer narratives, expose truths, validate facts, and generally improve the overall process.


I agree. By standing as witnesses to events, the lies being told by others become easier to sift through. Good point!

Highly rEsteemed!

Incredibly valuable PEACE Bruv. Very useful in correcting our Ills,
when used correctly, conflict brings clarity.

I've always been a fan of the Trixster from the Fight Club Philosophy...


true words sir this is a bitter reality we actually see the real face on anyone when he gets angry. and somewhere else i read if you want to see someone's real face be angry. but more importantly, it hurts a lot when someone who is very close to you gets angry and fight with you and crossed each and every limit :(

Indeed it is tough. Boundaries are so important as nobody deserves to be violated with violence. It is a tough boundary to hold. But if we want healing to happen, we cannot ignore the violence. We help them by setting firm boundaries. They then must let go to heal so that they can have relationships with those that they love. I've been through the process. My history is one of violence and I had to heal it all in order to have a healthy relationship with myself and my wife. But reconciling relationships is possible when both sides do the work!

You have just said that everything is enhanced in the body of the production of the body and we have understood the meaning of it. We are all about how you are doing. But here you write each and every word and thank you very much for giving this wonderful gift to us.

This is great movie.

A great sci fi movie .......
Not so easy story......

*its a very helpful post, thank you :)sir

This saying is so true, we never get to know someone until an activity goes up. When i was a child i watched matrix, if you watch tomb raider also you'll likely get the same answer you are looking for.

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