What kind of courage does it take to stand up to tyranny?

in #ungrip6 years ago (edited)

July 24, 2018

Authority has trained us all to obey and as such, we do as we are told.  That allows tyranny to grow unabated.  However, there are times when people find the courage to do the right thing, despite the rebuke of others around them.  This brave hero saved a man from being deported to Afghanistan and she did it peacefully, courageously and with honour.  

So this begs the question:  How many of us would take action if we ever found out that somebody was being bullied or forced into something that would literally end up killing them?  How many of us would stand up to do the right thing, putting ourselves in danger to protect or protest the treatment of others?  How many of us has the guts to get ourselves into trouble with the authority to make a point and highlight the injustices of what is going on?  How many of us are willing to lose everything we have to do the right thing?

How many?  

I applaud Elin Errson #elinerrson for doing what she felt was right.  I applaud her for having the courage to follow through despite the anger of the other passengers who were pissed off because their own schedules were being disrupted.  I applaud her for standing up against authority, abuse and violence of others to do what she felt was right, honourable and loving.  Take a look at what courage, bravery and integrity looks like people.  If we cannot find this within ourselves, then I ask us all:

What in the hell are we doing here if we refuse to stand up for peace, freedom, love, respect, dignity and honour?


It takes a very strong individual, i admire her. There are not many places left in the world where challenging authority will leave us unscathed. Even in the USA, much of the will to do so is waning. No one has the right to force someone against their free will and those who are trespassed against have every right to resist. This is every persons right who ever existed. An irreversable law of the universe 😊😊

What a very brave girl. If more of us were willing to stand up like this we could change the world in a day.

You are absolutely correct!!!

It takes a lot of guts, certainly not possessed by many. Here in Nigeria doing so can get one killed very fast. Still there is no path more noble

Some people have privilege and for those that do, this is the best way to use it. If anybody of color stood up to do this, there is a high probability that they would have been tackled in the isle and dragged off the plain by force. So for those who have privilege, we need them to step up and do stuff like this, that way everyone can be respected, honoured and loved, not just a small few. I hear sadness in your words as you speak of how this would have gone down differently in Nigeria. That brings great pain and sadness to my heart. We have a LOT of work to do.

Bravo to Elin Errson for standing up to the tyranny and saving this man's life. She did it with grace and honour. She has a brave and courageous heart. We should all follow her example and stand up for what is right.

yes true stand up for tyranny need support ^_^

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