Tis the season for giving

in #ungrip7 years ago (edited)

Well, that is what the industrial machine wants us to think anyway.  The machine needs people to keep spending and consuming in order to keep the machine running.  So why not advertise so that they can pull on our emotional strings to convince us their form of giving is a show of love.  

But is it?

What are we trying to tell others with our gift?  Is it an expression of love, compassion and caring?  What if there was another gift that we could give that would blow all those others out of the water?  Would you be willing to invest in that gift?  The gift is sacred, meaningful and scarce for once we spend it, we cannot get it back.  Would you want to give something so scarce as that or should we hold onto it and keep it?

What is it?

Our Time!

What if we actually spent time with people and told them face-to-face how we actually feel about them?  What if we spent time with one another instead of busily rushing about in the stores consuming?  In the end, we are spiritual beings and we cannot take all this 'stuff' with us.  But we can take our memories, feelings and experiences.  So why not make lots of them instead?  

It is my experience that the times I remember most in my life is the time I've spent with others doing very interesting things.  Train ride across this land with my wife this summer is one perfect example.  Quitting my job and spending the last 10+ years building our homestead with her is yet another.  

One of the biggest lessons I learned when I was recovering from depression was to examine the purpose behind the gift.  Why not say to the individual directly using words what we are trying desperately to portray through a gift?  The gift is a fleeting moment in time.  But to actually hear somebody express the love, feelings, respect, admiration or other thoughts is touching and memorable.

I've cried tears while doing this and to have it reflected back is amazing.  Many of us feel unworthy to hear such words from another and this must change.  We are all worth of having somebody else express how they feel about us.  To hear them, see them and feel them express that gratitude and appreciation is an experience that results in growth, increase in self esteem, joy, happiness and love.  It means we are not alone and we don't have to guess how others feel.  We are worthy of love and that then helps us overcome the doubts and bouts of loneliness that people often feel at this time of year.  

Our time here is finite.  When a moment passes, we cannot get it back.  So how do we invest in each passing moment?  If we choose to spend that time with others, that is the greatest gift!  

I encourage phone calls, conversations, even social media posts to express how you feel about others.  Go for walks, play games, help out with the garden.  Teach a class, learn from an elder, learn from a child.  Tis the season for giving people a piece of our heart instead of our wallet.  Yes, there may be lots of tears, but that is a good thing.  It is healing and rewarding to bring somebody else to tears of joy!  

Imagine how our relationships would thrive if we shared with people how we really felt rather than wrapping it and hiding it in a box.  That is Christ level consciousness!  That is the spirit of love.  So rather than trading time for fiat currency, how about we trade time for memories instead?  

I've done it and it saved my life.  I'm sure it has saved the lives of others as well.  Time to give people a piece of our ... heart and our life every day of our lives!


I couldn't agree more. Time and love are two things you can give that are appreciated more that material things. I don't Christmas Shop. I don't use a credit card. I don't own one so I can't spend money I don't have on useless gifts that some commercial giant tells me I need to buy in order to make some one happy or feel valued. My family does not exchange gifts. Instead we reach out to those who have no one to spend time with over the holidays. One of the loneliest times of the the year. I believe in telling people that they add value to my life.

So, in this vein, I am going to tell you that I appreciate you and value your knowledge and wisdom. Sending a huge hug from Nicaragua to Turtle Island.

Give freely of your time and talents. It cost you nothing monetarily and you receive in return so much more. Smiles and hugs are free for the giving too. Tell someone that you appreciate them.

Thank you @cecicastor. I have come to appreciate many new friends on steemit and I must admit, you are indeed one of them! I cherrish the interactions we have had and I look forward to many more years as our friendship grows. May Creator bless you with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy, love and a LOT more TIME on this planet to explore your relationships to the fullest!

I was reading and was about to say "love and time" when you wrote it "time". In my family, we give each other token gifts, such as socks :p Gotta keep those feet warm. My mom always has a goodie basket for us, with socks, and vitamins, and things like that. Because our gifts to each other are always to be together. Same with my husband. Frank and I don't buy each other gifts, we do something extra special that we don,t normally do, out of the routine. It's the best gift imo.

Sounds wonderful. Making sure we all have what we 'need' is fantastic. Social interaction with one another being one of the most important! Thank you soooooo much for sharing that. I love it! May Creator bless you with even more peace, freedom, prosperity, joy, love and TIME to spend with your family!

Thank you :) Same to you.

Dear @wwf

This is an excellent reminder to us all of what is important during our brief stay here on earth.

Although not a big gift buyer myself, I could certainly increase the amount of time that I spend with friends and family.

Thank you for taking your time to writing and share with us.


Thank you Asher. What is amazing is that we can make time for friends and family just by sorting out our priorities and ensuring that our time is properly allocated. I find that there is often a huge discontinuity between what we want in life and where we spend our time. The bigger the gap, the more unhappy we are. I found in my life that the more time I spent with what is important to me, the happier I was. Living off grid and removing my dependencies on the grid helped me free up even more time to SPEND with other people. That is how I can spend so much time here. <3 May Creator bless you with freedom, prosperity, joy, love and plenty of time!

I’d like to write some thought provoking post, but I think you the subject well.

Our spirit and life is the greatest gift our Creator has bestowed upon each one of us. Each moment of our life is the time that could never be bought back or brought back no matter how much money or power we have. (SBD and Steem Power included ;-)

Thank you for this post. It helps me focus on what is really important in my life!

enjoy your holiday, put away the phones and electronics. I do this once a week and it has only increased my awareness and love for those around me. I am sure speaking to someone who lives off grid knows better than me though ;)

I agree. I don't understand the obligatory-gifts-for-people-you-barely-know (though admittedly in the past I participated, because I felt obliged to). For instance, my reletives do a big holiday party with a frikkin' mountain of gifts. Several of us over the years said, why don't we just buy gifts for the children and not the adults (because we can't afford this)? Others said no, it's fun to buy all the gifts!!
...is it? Those relations are buying generic gifts for people they see twice a year and don't really know but happen to be related to. They don't know what the person wants/needs/likes, and they don't ask. How much fun is it to buy kitchen towels and umbrellas (both frequent gifts at this gift exchange) for borderline strangers? I get that it can be fun if you find something you think they'll really like, because you pay attention and care, but the random stuff is fun? That's just a shopping high, y'all.
But I digress.

Some may not realize it, but I do know that shopping can also be an addiction. So it could be possible that they want to shop to deal with some underlying issues that have not yet been addressed. But that is my opinion. :) I agree with you @phoenixwren. <3 I've been there. Done that. No longer do it! Many are confused as to why I don't participate with gifts.

Oh, totally, it can be an addiction like any other.

Sir. I've read your writing. You talked about a lot of contemporaries in the present time. I'm so happy with a teacher like you.

Sir. already your post resteem @wwf
please sir visit my profile

Nice post please vote me @ajibsingh

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