The worst weapons of war don't stand a chance to a declaration of peace

in #ungrip6 years ago

The armies of the world are often used as examples during conversations about war, but what about our own personal wars?  The macro is indeed a reflection of the micro as our own little mini wars rage on every single day.  But it does not need to be this way and I do believe that when we declare peace and end the micro wars, the macro wars around the world will fall silent.

Spirit has a strong aversion to violence and given the chance, we would rather love and forgive than fight or kill.  But something happened that bypassed this spiritual standard and code of ethic that prevents wars.  Some how we found a way to demonize and dehumanize those that we are angry with so that we can lie to ourselves in order to justify the war, violence and genocide.  By lowering their status from being a spiritual being to something lower than horse piss in a wagon rut, we found a way to not see them as equals which then allows us to bypass our ethical codes and engage in some of the most hateful, dark and evil behaviours ever seen.  

How many of us have called other spiritual beings names like 'ass hole', 'donkey', 'jack ass', 'shit head', 'cunt', 'bitch', 'bastard', 'whore', 'savage', 'uncivilized', etc?  What in the hell happened that brings us to this level in order to justify going to war against somebody else?  Is our pain so deep that we run blind and just want to lash out instead of processing the pain so that we can forgive?

We got hoodwinked through propaganda to think that our enemy is lower or beneath us.  We absolutely need to do this in order to justify our actions against others.  However, when we stop and rise them up to the same standing as we are, our spiritual code of conduct kicks in and we are confronted with our own feelings.  We no longer can justify violent behaviours against others as guilt, shame and other feelings flood in when we contemplate such actions. 

 "The organizing principle of any society, Mr. Garrison, is for war."  X (JFK Movie 1991)

The propaganda we learned from others and is enshrined in our feudal, political, social, economic and financial structures, runs deep and is designed to detach us from our natural spiritual connection of love and compassion.  It convinces us that other spiritual beings are animals, not worthy of our love, but instead is deserving of our hate.  But if we were brutally honest with ourselves, the animals and all the other life forms on this planet don't deserve to be treated in this way either.  There is zero excuses for lashing out at spiritual beings, no matter what form their vessel may take.  Zero.  Zip.  None!  Our current structures must be dismantled, starting within our own hearts and minds.  

When we demonize or dehumanize our self or others, we violate all that is sacred and desecrate something that is divine.   When we declare peace, we choose to walk away from the battle field and our king and country.  It requires that the battle field within our heart and mind be cleaned up as well.  This internal battle field is the toughest to clean as it demands discipline to ensure that we don't surrender to the propaganda and justifications.  When we plant flowers in our hearts instead of land mines, we start the transformation process to ensure that we walk the path of peace.

Mopping up all the blood that was spilled and finding ways to return to the standards that Spirit demands of us, is the greatest challenge we will ever face.  I share my journey because this is the work that I promised Creator that I would do and I share my journey to inspire others to consider doing the same.  I've worked hard to help many, but most of them succumbed to the temptation of war.  My heart weeps when people want to study with me, but cannot find within themselves to declare peace.  I miss them dearly and I pray they find peace before their wars destroy themselves and their families.

The declaration of peace is the most difficult aspect of life on this planet.  It demands that we completely change our lives and all our relationships.  When spirit finds a way to declare peace and we dedicate our lives to peace, then that is when the spiritual rewards start to flow.  These spiritual rewards far exceed the physical in all its forms.  The physical realm may seem real where wealth, power and control run supreme.  However, these are distractions from the ultimate goals that demand we let go of the physical and embrace spirit instead.  

Artwork of Avia Buttler (9), Turtle Island - Our youth is trying to tell us too!

Spirit demands peace, love, prosperity, joy, forgiveness and patience.  We are all driven to acquire this level of consciousness.  Our own meat suits cannot comprehend this at all and must surrender to spirit.  When it does, the weapons of war will no longer have any impact on our lives.  They become relics of an obsolete and brutal past.  They no longer have power over spirit and that is when the guns will fall silent.  The words we think, speak and write are an outward reflection of our hearts.  Do these words reflect peace or war?  

I pray that I will be a witness to the day the real war ends ... but that means I still have a lot of work to do as the war still unfolds in my own heart and mind.  I am sorry.  Please forgive me as I work on forgiving myself.  

I forgive you!  I love you.  

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It would be absurd for us to witness on finger attacking another finger. Anyone watching would know that they are both part of the same hand. The fingers might thing they are separate yet they are connected. It is foolish for each finger to believe it is separate from the whole.

Equally true for us. To attack an "enemy" is to really attack ourselves. How foolish is that? The law of oneness teaches this....something that is woven throughout all spiritual texts AND, for those now inclined that way, being proven through repeated experiments in quantum.

If quantum entanglement occurs in particles that are even separated by long distances, thus making them whole, how can we, who are made up off trillions of particles, consider ourselves separate.

All hared of others is self hatred...all anger self anger...all abuse self abuse.

The lashing out at another is really lashing out at ourselves.

"Love your neighbor as yourself."

This isnt a command as much as a practical reality. The love one has for oneself (or lack thereof) is what is give to the neighbor.

Hence, hate your neighbor as yourself.

And this is exactly what happens.

Thanks for another sensational post....

Well said. Thank you for that. It is all true. :)

For me.. when people call names it shows their true colors, so to speak.
When you are at odds with another person and have a disagreement, it seems name calling becomes the norm. It's a way of trying to be superior to another. Make the other person feel low and you can get the upper hand... what people don't realize, is by using this form of immaturity you actually show more of your ethical and moral personality than you know.

I forgive you, and i love you. We love you!
I find this post resonates deeply. We are not designed for war. We are programmed for war. I have been thinking about that alot lately. Since i have been sick, it feels like things are really shifting into a clearer awareness.

"The organizing principle of anysociety, Mr. Garrison, is for war." X (JFK Movie 1991)

I don't know who said it, " if your economy is failing, start a war". Love these quotes. They truly resonate. It seems that war precedes peace. When it should be the other way. So much work to be done. I am grateful to love the way that we do here. Deprogramming. I don't think that could do that living in town, working a 9to5 job.
Avia is thrilled you used her picture. She says Thank you, with the biggest smile. :)

By starting wars, they destroy everything which means it all has to be rebuilt. That increases demand for labour and keeps the slaves working. Imagine when the slaves catch up and get everything built? They go idle. Not good for business! It is a disgusting idea. They need to keep destroying our productivity to keep their machine going. So what if they loose a few slaves along the way. The slaves reproduce quickly, so replacing slaves is not an issue. They are cold bastards.

I though, do feel gratitude, love and appreciation from you, Avia and others. Thank you for the forgiveness and for sharing Avia's feelings about the share as well!

Somewhere along the line, man has lost his humanity. The need to belittle or lower the value of others is man's response to his lack of self-worth. The spirit is broken. A simple example: A man buys a young horse from a neighbour. He cannot ride this animal since it has not been taught to accept the weight of the man on his back. So the man proceeds to "break" his new horse in. The techniques he uses are cruel and inhumane. He whips the animal, demands respect of the animal and finally "breaks" the animal's spirit so that he may ride him. If he had approached this animal with respect, developed a relationship with him first, the "breaking in" wouldn't have been so harsh. The man wanted to have control over a dumb animal. No consideration was given to the possibility that this animal deserved respect as all living creatures do.

YES! Much love to you White Walking Feather! For sharing your journey. It's a pleasure to enjoy this beautiful blog today. I share with you the calling to be expressive in my work and the legacy I am leaving on my journey! More posts are coming but, it is my becoming to be the peaceful Gentle Warrior I am. And, to be in that energy space as much as i can! It is the healing ripple the world needs. I am the change! You are the change. There are many of us rising and uniting. It's a good time to be alive! 🌿🌻☘🐴

Very good read, thanks a lot for posting. A simple example is we don’t know the meat cutter at the market but we’ve said hello a bunch of times, know what they look like, their name, etc. but we wouldn’t literally die and kill for that meat cutter at the market.

The same people know far less about the rulers they vote for but they’re willing to die, fight, sever family ties, and... and... and.... and... a bunch of other stuff for.

Ya, ok thumbs, you can stop typing now!

Great post @wwf

The behaviour seems insane when we start to examine it closely. Right? Well said.

Mmmmm. This is really delicious. Excellent food for thought for me. I am currently writing a novel and trying to unravel how the heroine will break down the structures of the patriarchy, and of course violence is a huge one. I want a heroine who is a heroine, not for fighting but for her particularly feminine qualities. I knew it would somehow involve her coming together with the "other" side, but this is making it more clear.

Spirit guides me a lot and has kept me safe even though my vessel panics at times. Surrender to spirit was a leap of faith and resulted in magic unfolding in my life. things that I cannot explain start to happen and all that is required on my part is to recognize the miracles and say yes! I look forward to reading your book when you are done.

Surrender is a good word for me right now. Thank you. I'm really excited about the book. Fiction writing is a new game for me.

The world is on other side bit each and every person also loosing morals its also a violence by any means ...

Great post Hats off

Mopping up all the blood that was spilled and finding ways to return to the standards that Spirit demands of us, is the greatest challenge we will ever face.

The organizing principle of any society, Mr. Garrison, is for war." X (JFK Movie 1991), I agre thankyou sir

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