The struggle to heal the divine masculine

in #ungrip6 years ago (edited)

Why do men have such a hard time with the healing process?  During my recovery, the anxiety, pain, doubt, childhood programming and shame that I experienced made opening up extremely difficult.  How many of us grew up hearing that men don't cry or were teased about being a girl because we showed or expressed our feelings?  Why are feelings associated only with women when in fact we all have them?  

I remember sitting in group for weeks feeling extreme anxiety as I went there day after day working to find the courage to share my secrets and pain while feeling fear of being judged, ridiculed or forced through some sort of demeaning hazing ritual.  If I did that on some job site, that is exactly what I would experience.  In a safe container like a well facilitated sharing circle it becomes much easier.  


Why do men attack other men or put up all those masks and barriers when others are being real?  Is it an attempt to squash the process because they don't want to do it themselves?  What are men really afraid of?  For me, I feared looking weak.  In a world where the majority functions in a competitive environment, the strong survive and the weak perish.  But I don't find that to be true any more.  

It may sound weird, but I've found great strength, influence and prosperity in my perceived vulnerability.  By sharing my history, pain, lessons, experiences, feelings and insights, I've found great strength, wisdom and prosperity.  Fifteen years ago I was even talking about all of this stuff to my IT clients, despite the recommendations of other men NOT to talk about personal stuff in business relationships.  I found that the clients not only listened, but also appreciated, honoured and cherished the relationship that formed as a result.  I was not seen as some shady character but rather somebody with integrity and honesty.    

I really do believe that Spirit has changed the rules where violence, aggression and competition will no longer thrive.  What is required is the courage to bust through that barrier.  For a group of men who talk about courage in all their conquests, this area will require even more.  The problem is that fear or lack of awareness prevents men from stepping up so that they can heal and show this level of courageous vulnerability.

It is a curious phenomenon as I've found that women not only respond favourably to this level of integrity and vulnerability, they in fact LOVE it when men do this.  I've found my relationships with women are very intimate, strong, open, rewarding and loving.  The vast majority of my friends are women.  I have a few men that are capable of expressing themselves in this way as well and I cherish those relationships even more because they are so rare.  

By taking that leap of faith, I found ways to heal and connect with people on levels I never imagined before.  I know that the women are waiting for us men to do this work.  If we don't avail ourselves of the opportunities that present themselves, large groups of men could get left behind.  Those that have healed themselves and connected to spirit are moving forward and they are driving the changes in this world.  Our recent workshop has seen the women representing an overwhelming 70% of the people interested in our reconciliation event.  Reconciliation requires healing all sides before it can take place.  The violence men engage in scares women and will no longer be tolerated.  A new paradigm is at hand and the conquering male must adapt to that new model.

I can testify based on my own experience:  The support and encouragement exists for men to take that leap of faith and start their healing process.  When we get into larger social groups we must work hard to refrain from social behaviours of the past as it impedes or even damages our growth and relationships.  Competition was drilled into our heads in order to fulfill the needs of a colonial system.  However, the new paradigm is cooperation, compassion, empathy and love.  The new paradigm that will foster prosperity, peace and freedom cannot be built on the behaviours that were supported by colonization.  

For the divine masculine, what is required is the greatest courage of all.  Not the conquest of others, but the conquest of self and his false ego.  It takes more courage to open our hearts, heal and be vulnerable through that process than it does to conquer another land or be master of the corporate universe.  If you have an opportunity and desire to heal the battle wounds, we can make a huge difference in this world.  The Divine Feminine is willing to help us do that work.  Of that I have no doubt.  

When we reach that goal, our spiritual power become greater than any fictional or physical power we may have had.  Our influence grows exponentially as we surpass the leaders of yesterday.  We gain that influence through the Pacem Arts, self-governance and leadership by example.  

I pray that I can influence others to take up the cause, because it is worth the leap of faith and effort!  I have no regrets.  

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I live in a hugely macho society. The levels of violence are seen and experience here is so different than the levels in Canada, or in many other countries have lived in. My sons were raised differently and I pleased and proud of the young men they have become. We all have work left to do, but the difference in our lives is amazing. Others see by our example and things are slowly changing around us. But we have a long way to go and in times of war and deprivations, people revert to what they know because it is easier. Survival instincts kick in. It is interesting to observe but not so nice to live in...

It takes more courage to open our hearts, heal and be vulnerable through that process than it does to conquer another land or be master of the corporate universe.
There is such deep truth in those words, @wwf, and I truly believe that this world would be in a much better place if more people understood that. Thank you for so openly sharing your thoughts and perspectives in this powerful article.

Men always want to look Macho, fearless and dominating. When the truth is they actually have a fear of becoming weak in group of men. Teasing , ragging and dominance has resulted in most of them to live a fake life , a life different from what they are and would want to be in this extremely difficult world. I believe inorder to survive we will have to overcome these obstacles and move on to live an optimistic life.

I like this post. I'm all about the sacred Feminine @wombloom, and it is so importnat for men to allow themselves that softness they crave. Check out my posts.

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