The four levels of violence

in #ungrip7 years ago (edited)

I honestly believe that the modern definition of violence has done a disservice to mankind.  

Violence: behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something -

If we only view physical force as being the only way to hurt other people, then we have isolated and ignored the other three levels of violence, which can have far greater and longer lasting implications.  In the interests of having discussions about what actually constitutes violence, permit me to explore what I've found in my own life and why I take the stand that I do.

Physical violence

This form of violence manifests in what we can actually see.  It is hard to miss broken bones, cutting, bruises, blood and other trauma to the body.  However, even if I never physically hit or injured anybody, I do know that kicking down doors, flipping tables, throwing chairs and other forms of physical action has a tremendous impact on the other three forms.  

There is a covert form of physical violence and it has to do with violence by proxy.  If our actions at one end put a chain of events into motion that results in injury at the other end, we must contemplate our role and involvement in that injury, even though we did not do it physically face-to-face.  One of the errors we make is to claim ignorance or innocence when we engage in violence by proxy.    Voting is a perfect example of violence by proxy!

Mental violence

This was one form of violence that I engaged in on a regular basis in order to pick myself up at the expense of putting somebody else down.  How?  By leveraging my intellect to make other people feel stupid, inadequate and incompetent.  When I was younger I had the ability to remember vast amounts of knowledge and I also had a very logical mind.  It is no wonder that I was attracted to the computer industry when I was in Junior High and High School.  I wielded my intellect like a sword and I was merciless.  

Being hyper competitive did not serve me at all as I found over time that nobody wanted to play with me. I was a poor loser and a horrible winner.  As a result of my mocking and bragging, I took my mental abuse to the next level.

Emotional Feeling Violence

It was fairly easy for me to recognize the physical and mental violence that I was engaged in as that is the realm upon which I lived.  I ignored the rest and as a result, I really struggled trying to comprehend what feeling violence was all about.  Before I could see this level of violence I had to do the work to accept the idea that people had feelings.  I had to learn how to express them using words, body language, tone of voice and other subtle methods of communication.  

Doing this type of work on line is really difficult because I don't have the advantage of using modes of communication that express 90% of what I am attempting to share with people.  That is why conflict resolution is best done face-to-face.  As I found ways to put my feelings to words I was then able to start processing and feeling.  

That is when I realized how hurtful and damaging my words and actions really were.  I was then able to empathize with others once I got in touch with my own feelings.  Now that capacity to empathize extends to plants and animals as well, it is not just limited to people.  Anything that I do that results in hurt feelings in other is violence.  The challenge with this form of violence is that it may be different for some people as it is always up to the other individual to express when they are hurt.  

What complicates this form of violence is that hurt feelings is often confused with emotional reactions.  We do a disservice by calling it Emotional Violence when it is actually Feeling Violence.  We often resort to emotional reactions to mask our feelings.  Finding ways to work through the emotional plague reactions is necessary to see the violence associated when our feelings get hurt.  

Feeling Violence is really tough as a result of the emotional masks that we wear.  If we can find ways to remove the masks and really get down to the root core feelings that we experience as a result of our interactions with others, then we can resolve this form of violence.  

Teasing, mocking, name calling or any other action or behaviour that attempts to dehumanize, demean or diminish other individual has significant impacts on how they feel about themselves and their relationship.  Terms like passive / aggressive is usually used to describe these behaviours, but the better term to use is covert violence.  Pouting, laying guilt trips and shaming others are all covert violent attempts to hurt peoples feelings.  

Spiritual Violence

This one took a really long time for me to comprehend as at first it made no sense to me.  Spiritual violence is when our very thoughts betray us and harm others spiritually and / or energetically.  Before you dismiss the idea, this is the foundation behind this passage in scripture:

That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. - Matthew 5:28

This form of violence does not require any interaction with another individual, whether it be physical, emotional/feelings or mental.  In fact, it does not require any physical connect at all.  Both individuals could be complete strangers on opposite sides of the planet, having never met one another before in their lives.  

However, because we are spiritual beings, we are still connected, spiritually.  Our very thoughts can betray us and cause harm to another being.  That is why things like pornography are so harmful to people who watch it and to those who make the films.  

This level of violence may have physical consequences but most of the violence is done spiritually.  We may not even know the level of harm until we pass away and return to the spiritual realm.  So now our own thoughts, behaviours, lusts, impulses and desires are under the microscope.  

First things first

For somebody just starting to explore these forms of violence, it may seem very overwhelming.  This is a life long journey and perhaps also include many life times to work through all of this stuff.  I found it helpful to deal with the first three forms of violence before I was even ready to start tackling the fourth.  Mean while, exploring all my relationships and evaluating them on this platform has helped me to determine whether a specific action was violent or not.  

If I depend on the opinions of others, the legal system or any other 'system' to make that determination, then I will fall pray to justifications for actions in order to make them 'okay'.  I refuse to use systems as a benchmark for the evaluation of whether or not specific actions or behaviours are violent.  I always go back to the foundational benchmark to make that determination.  

 Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. - Matthew 22:39

In order for me to use this as the foundation, I first had to find a way to love myself first.  Until I accomplished that goal, it would be impossible for me to make any reasonable assessment of my behaviours, words and actions.  

If we want peace, then each individual will go through a process similar to what I just highlighted.  When we realize just how violent we really are towards our selves and each other, we will be confronted with guilt and shame.  We will have to find ways to forgive ourselves, change our behaviours and move forward.  

Fear tends to block this process.  However, there is hope.

 "Hope is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous." -  Robert Ludlum 

May hope spring forth a flood of inspiration for change.  

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I agree with you that the first 3 are much easier to comprehend and I am working on these right now. I fear for my son as he is going through the exact same process as you describe in your past with using his intellect and abusing others with it, but he is also finding out the hard way that people no longer want to be his friend, which causes him pain and he reacts to that pain with a viscious circle. I am hoping that as I develop myself and work on my own path of living without vioence, my son will take on board what I am trying to acheive and his will find his way too. I know it is hard for him as he has autism and ADHD and struggles with empathy, I would go as far as to say he has none. But he has to learn about these things and I will try my best to live my life as an example to him. Sending you peace and love my friend <3

My dear sister, please read my response and insert a sniffle about ever third word as feelings are so hard to express through a medium like this. The sniffle is the result of tears and a runny nose due to the feelings of gratitude, sadness and almost every other feeling I have felt. All of this is a result of being a witness to you and your journey over the past few days. You have touched me deeply as you 'hear' what I speak about and have found the courage to share your journey with us all. Even though I did not have autism or ADHD, I can still relate to what your son is experiencing and my heart weighs heavily contemplating his journey in life. I know that through your example you can influence his path. Your health comes first which will then serve him more than you may ever know.

I will continue to share my path in the hopes that it serves as a guide or at least helps you 'see' what is going on within him. I am so deeply touched by you and your expressions here on this platform. Thank you. <3

You have no idea how this helps me keep going with what I do! Your words have been the most wonderful gift one can share with another. <3

I think that it is difficult to pigeonhole violence into one category, physical. To me, all four, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual violence are all interconnected. The person who swings the sword had to have thoughts of this beforehand and has probably used passive/aggressive violence too. And what is contained in their spiritual soul has also been contaminated. Volence just doesn't happen by accident. It has to be nutured and fed just as peace needs to be nutured.

You are absolutely correct my friend. I agree with you 100%. I found that to be true while I was writing this post, but did not want to make it too complex. This topic is worthy of another post! <3

Exactly! Another post is in order for sure!

Very informative post.

What went through my mind when reading this is the phrase "sorry that is company policy". What a way to abuse people.

Spiritual violence is something that is very difficult to comprehend. Like you said, we might not even realize the ramifications until after we passed from this form.

It is really a shame that society only embraces the first form as violence. Little is said about the mental and feeling although it is starting to gain some attention in domestic violence situations.

It is a daily moment by moment endeavor. Persistence is the key. Each situation gives us an opportunity to either uplift or to degrade....all are learning processes for us.

The other phrase that really bothers me is 'nothing personal, just business'. In the end, this is all personal and if we started seeing it that way, then perhaps the spiritual, feeling, mental and physical violence would diminish.

I'm still struggling trying to comprehend Spiritual Violence, but I do know that it exists and that is the focus of my own personal work now.

I agree with you my friend. We will get through this. Now that these topics are being discussed, it cannot be contained any more. Ideas are bullet proof and impervious to violence. :)

Yes that is true, the topics are being discussed so that is a big step.

I still am saddened by the continued violence we see on here. The 3d consciousness I just posted about is in full swing. Spirit is easy to talk about but tough to fully embrace. Fear is very powerful and we are mired in it as a culture.

As for spiritual violence, that is the toughest to locate since it is hidden away from all. It is that which happens when we are alone with our thoughts, thinking about all the things we would do to someone....the thoughts of revenge, of killing, of beating the pulp out of someone....ideas we so not share nor act upon, but we are emitting out into the grand ether that is the universe.

The biggest problems in all this is I believe my own B.S...I might be able to con you but I can con myself.

Yes, I agree. I believe that everything in the 3D is manifested from spirit, so if we have all these violent thoughts, over time they will manifest. I'll check out your post. Thank you for your insightful comments once again!

Well i did not know these four stages violence i had an ambiguous idea but i was not that much clear about it, Yes it is very much true that every body has to confront the violence he/she is doing with himself/herself and also how he/she is responding to his/her respective environment in which he/she is residing.

To me this is the actual myth of life and i am fully agreed what did you state my spiritual brother

If we want peace, then each individual will go through a process similar to what I just highlighted. When we realize just how violent we really are towards our selves and each other, we will be confronted with guilt and shame. We will have to find ways to forgive ourselves, change our behaviours and move forward.

Yes, i am following this rule since i met you Rob aka @wwf and i am convinced that you're genuine and true Peace promoter through your actions and words <3

Thank you brother for walking the path and being a companion along this journey! Side by side we will influence the world to self evaluate and take stock of what they do and the impacts it has on those around them. Peace to you brother.

The way you have nurtured us (your followers) i am quite sure everyone is going to influence his/her surroundings in a very peaceful way to promote love and brotherhood. Still much needed to do but at least we took initiative for which i am really happy that my Mother Earth is going to be a peaceful place to live ;) ;)

your post is so informative thanks for sharing. I want to add some more what I know, violence is a term often used interchangeably; however, Violence can be defined as the use of physical force with the intent to injure another person or destroy property.

Yes, your definition is the common one used in the dictionary. That is why I opened this post the way I did. This post was meant to expand the definition of the term so that it reads:

Violence: The use of physical, emotional, mental or spiritual force with the intent to injure another individual or destroy property.

That is a much more accurate definition. Thoughts?

Wow, I only heard and read about spiritual violence here, this form of violence is really hard to control as even the offender may not be aware he committed these form of violence.

You are right! Awareness is what is required to bring our subconscious behaviours into our conscious mind so that it can ALL be evaluated!

for me feeling violence is worst type of violence, it spoils your personality

I think they all ruin an individual and the community too. They have spiritual implications and I don't think people realize how deep the violence goes and the full consequences of it as well.

people should realize the worst consequences of physical or emotional violence, sometimes this type of violence target broken families children.

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