The best leaderssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #ungrip6 years ago (edited)

Years ago I quickly realized that politicians are not leaders!  The relationship I had with the state was abusive, violent and full of greed, coercion and slavery.  Leaders don't engage in that sort of behaviour.  Leaders desire to empower others, bring prosperity to their communities and protect those who have yet to acquire such standing within their tribes.  

The interesting thing about true leadership is that it is not the uber smart that rise up to be these types of leaders.  What I've found in my life is that those who have been to hell and back are the ones that really comprehend what that type of leadership is all about.  Here is a beautiful story of exactly what I'm talking about.  

In the last 20 years, I've had the privilege of being in circles with people who have attempted suicide, engaged in cutting, over dosed on drugs or alcohol, lived abusive lives, been raped and molested, were members of gangs and even dealt drugs and engage in other violent behaviours.  Those that found the courage, strength and support to heal themselves and start walking a path of peace, prosperity and love have a capacity for healthy leadership.  They found within themselves the moral and ethical standards upon which to govern their lives and help others along the way.  

They are not interested in power, greed or control.  They acknowledge that those unhealthy paradigms are what caused their addictions, trauma and life long battles.  I've seen miracles unfold before my eyes as people work through all these challenges to walk a path of righteousness in their efforts to redeem themselves and influence others to consider changes in their lives as well. 

Sadly, some people don't make the transition.  Some fail to bridge the gap and they still engage in self destructive behaviours that impact their relationships and their journey here on Mother Earth.  They engage in behaviours that appeal to ego rather than supporting spirit.  They talk a good talk and somehow hoodwink others to follow them, while behind their masks is somebody who lashes out with anger, frustration, lies or greed.  When people see those behaviours, they justify it as being righteous, but it is a lie.  Politicians and many others in our lives walk this path and it is up to each and every single one of us to have the eyes to see the difference.  

Leaders are not those who are the heads of political parties, wear pips on their shoulder straps or carry weapons, whether that be guns or keyboards.  Leaders don't demand that people follow them, rally the troops, demand obedience or engage in lies to manipulate or intimidate others.  Leaders also refuse to engage in behaviours to rescue or save people from themselves, as they are addicted to being the saviour of others.  

REAL leaders know that none of that stuff works because they themselves have been on the other side of all that crap.  Real leaders work hard to lead by example and share their stories in the hopes that others can inspire themselves to do the work and find their own peace within.  This level of healing journey is the archetypal standard that makes true leaders.  

So how can we find true leaders in our lives?  They are the ones that support and encourage others.  They work hard to encourage independence, freedom and healing.  They are willing to let go and allow others to run with ideas.  They are not interested in control, hierarchy or power, but instead work hard to show others that they have all that within themselves already.  

True leaders will call out the poor leaders, but will never resort to violence or coercion in the process.  They have the courage to testify to what they see while recognizing that the changes must be made within.  They shine a light on the darkness and reflect that image within as the mirror reflects what they see back towards them as well.  This is humbling, healing and acting in integrity.  They work hard to take full responsibility for themselves and will work hard to allow others to do the same.  

The leaders that I see in my life are not those that head up large corporations or governments.  They are not the ones that lead non-profits, other organizations or campaigns to govern people's behaviors on social media.  The leaders that I see are the beautiful spiritual beings who heal themselves and lead by example through their day-to-day lives.  They work hard to help build the tools that empowers others to be as independent as possible, without looking for compensation, praise or ego.  

I ask myself these questions:  When I interact with John Doe or Jane Doe, how do I feel?  Does their actions mirror the words that they say?  Do I feel respected or empowered as a result of my interaction with them?  Does my Spirit resonate with theirs?  

My real life tribe feels good to me.  They do a lot of amazing work that helps people heal and empower themselves.  I resonate with them deeply and is why they are the first group I've joined in over 15 years.  I've seen lots of people and groups work towards freedom, but they fall into the same old trap of war, hierarchy, control, privilege and power.  They reject the state and implement the exact same protocols within their new societies or groups.  My tribe works hard NOT to do that, but instead to allow others to participate and engage at what ever level they chose.  We are committed to healing, freedom and spiritual sovereignty.

For those that are interested in attending our Spiritual Sovereignty retreat, we will work through concepts and principles that keep us from being truly free.  It will challenge a lot of core beliefs that was drilled into our heads by the colonial empires that currently control the world.  We will bypass the traps that have caught so many for far too long.  

I had a recent conversation with @sagescrub regarding his vision for @homesteaderscoop.  While that was a private conversation and I don't have consent to share it in the public, I will say this:  @sagescrub is a powerful leader and I absolutely love what he is doing.  He is leading by example and in my view is headed in the right direction.  He is interested in empowering others rather than building empires.  It takes a tremendous amount of integrity, love, compassion, strength and commitment to walk that path.  Kudos to @sagescrub.  Thank you brother for leading by example.  May many others 'see' what you are doing and implement that into their own lives.  May Creator bless you and your journey with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.  Keep up the great work.  You have my support brother!  While I have no idea what your life has been like and I suspect you still struggle from time to time, your example here shows tremendous growth, courage and integrity.  Thank you for helping to build people up rather than tear them down. May you influence many and know that I will call you on your shit and I ask that you do the same with me.  I love you and what you are doing!

Anybody else want to share who they feel exemplifies true leadership?  Feel free to comment!  Let's bring awareness to the blockchain!!!


What a wonderful read! The video certainly brought tears to my eyes. As for your words, bravo!

Those that found the courage, strength and support to heal themselves and start walking a path of peace, prosperity and love have a capacity for healthy leadership.

Every single one of us walks a different path, some paths are straight forward with few, perhaps no, bumps in the road, other's paths are winding and have many hills to climb. It does take strength and courage to walk that path and make it through to the other side intact and mentally strong for that is where our wisdom comes. Wisdom to know that a long healthy happy life is not derived from things like greed, pride, manipulation, force, substance or monetary wealth, but from actions such as loving, caring, ethics, sharing, being, and living and maintaining a healthy body and mind.

Were I to follow my zodiac, I would be classified as being a leader... I hate leading, I have been in many leadership roles, but not the leadership roles I would now choose for myself. What I have come to understand is that my leading comes not from always being in charge, but in leading by example of the way I live my life and treat others... I am in no way perfect, but I make every effort to avoid the many ignorances that affects society today.

In my opinion, from what I know now, @sagescrub is a beautiful soul, being strong in front of the audiences when it is not in his nature, but guiding with a gentle hand and allowing those who choose to participate to be free. It is people like yourself and him who make me want to strive to be a better person.

Thanks you @WWF, your post has made me sentimental today when I think of my past, present, and future 💖

I am moved by your words. I wonder if you hated leading because your spirit told you that the form of leadership was the colonial kind rather than the spiritual kind. I see you very much being a leader ... by example as well. A spiritual leader to be sure!

I'm grateful for your kind words and I pray that you enjoy the sentimental mood that you find yourself in today. <3 Peace to you.

I am honored and humbled to be included in this post. I appreciate you recognition of what I attempt to achieve with Homesteaders Co-op. While there is more work to be done, we have already achieved so much. I can say the same with my own life.

While I have no idea what your life has been like and I suspect you still struggle from time to time

This week I took a deep look at myself and opened up to some fears and imbalances in my life that I have not yet fully addressed. It is difficult work ahead of me and yet being more honest and present with myself has been both scary and tremendously relieving.

I do really appreciate Homesteaders Co-op for giving me inspiration to be a better man both online and in my offline life. I appreciate the support of individuals such as you @wwf for being a positive role model and encouraging the hard work.

At your request I would like to honor @pennsif. The steem blockchain is so lucky to have @pennsif as an active member. He has selflessly offered guidance, help, inspiration and feedback to many, many individuals on steem. If it wasn't for his support Homesteaders Co-op would not be what it is today. His actions shined bright during the SOS meetings, radio shows and newsletters. When the attitude of many on steem was down due to steemit inc's downsizing and delays, @pennsif held a safe community space for leaders, witnesses and project owners to come together and discuss the future of steem. @pennsif is able to hold a safe space because he remains unbiased in his presentation and role as a mediator of the discussions that took place. Only possible because his priority was encouraging the steem community at large to succeed together, rather than his own personal gain. @pennsif has played a huge part in helping many people in steem come together in peace and he has also helped many people on an individual level.

I have nothing more to add. You are bang on brother. We all have work to do and the fact that you acknowledge and recognize your limitations and pulled back to heal, regroup and found others to cover the gaps is a very healthy boundary. Bravo to you for having the wisdom to see it and make sure that the project does not consume you. You have a tribe around you. Don't hesitate to ask for help. We all need it from time to time and there will be many who will step up. Ask and ye shall receive! Peace to you.

You have a tribe around you. Don't hesitate to ask for help. We all need it from time to time and there will be many who will step up.

I am learning this lesson well with Homesteaders Co-op. It never ceases to surprise me how people are willing to help. Feeling grateful that we are surrounded by wonderful people. I do plan on asking for help whenever the time is right :) Thank you for the encouragement!

Great post. I believe the moment we begin to see politicians as leaders only, that is the moment we begin to turn what true leadership means upside down

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