Stewards of Terra Mater (Mother Earth)

in #ungrip7 years ago

I decided to take a page from @fulltimegeek and pay it forward to help new comers to steem get started.  I started my weekly debate forum and it is going very well with the intent of helping people.  Thank you to all the curators that are supporting that initiative.  Since I am an author, I felt moved to support other authors.  So I have delegated some of my steem to two individuals who are setting an example of how to look after Mother Earth.  I want to introduce them to you. 

@EarthMother is a lady that I've known on Facebook for many years and has been living off grid in Northern Ontario for about 4 years.  She is new to Steemit and just getting her profile setup.  She is interested in blogging about her experiences while living off grid and I've loved her journey so far.  I encourage people to look her up and support her blog.  If her Steemit blogs reflect what she has been sharing on Facebook, it should be a great blog to follow!

@cheneats also started on Steemit just a few months ago and has been active on my posts for some time.  He writes about permiculture and I really do want to encourage his work so that he can share more of what he knows in this area.  

From what I know of these two, they are highly spiritual people as well, which helps in their efforts to be good Stewards of Terra Mater and that resonates with me greatly.  

I have spots for three more people.  If you know of anybody who has just started and is blogging about off grid living or other freedom / stewardship type subjects and has no steem, please introduce them to me as I want to have 5 people that I can help get to at least 500 steem.

I am looking for spiritual people who write original high quality content.  So please don't introduce people who write junk, share videos or any of that stuff.  I'm looking for creativity, originality and people who walk the path rather than just talking about it!  

Actions speak louder than words and I'm looking for people who have taken action and are willing to share it with their words, photos, etc.  


Wow!! I sit here, grateful beyond words. To be acknowledged for who I AM. To be connected with Terra Mater, and in turn being connected to Creator , and fellow stewards.
I AM honored and humbled.
I am excited to take this part of the journey on steemit, to share and network with all that are interested!
You know my heart @wwf, and once again I thank you.
Blessings to all.

I look forward to reading what you choose to share along your journey! May this experience increase your circle of influence and bring healing to the planet and those who chose to hear and see what you have to share!

What a way to pay it forward, that's awesome White Walking Feather!

Congrats to @earthmother and @cheneats for your delegation and good luck to the future Stewards of Terra Mater :) xoxo

Thank you so much. I am so humbled and grateful. What an amazing journey. Thank you for your encouragement!

Thank you @lyndsaybowes!! Looking forward to sharing and networking! Love your blogs!

Thank you so much for your ongoing support, @lyndsaybowes!

This is truly a humbling experience for me. I'll make the best use of the delegation for our Terra Mater. xoxo

I am speechless ... It is an honor ... It is a total surprise!

I am so grateful, White Walking Feather @wwf for your trust in me.
I'll make the best use of the steem bestowed upon me for His glory and our Terra Mater .

A little story of how I found out:

Before I read this blog, I saw my vote jumping from $0.01 to $0.05 only one minute apart when I was replying and upvoting comments on my last blog about permaculture.

I was completely astonished! How could this be? Did anyone make a mistake? I was caught completely off guard.

Then I checked my steem and saw your blog. :) Thank you!

I love your permaculture posts and your faith in Creator. I pray that the exposure helps you build a following and some wealth so that you can then pay it forward one day as well. Keep writing my friend. I will do what I can to support your efforts to help teach people how we can heal and protect Mother Earth!

Thank you so much! I will.

Such a lovely thing to do! I can't put anyone forward I am afraid as you are already here ;) I am trying to do a similar thing with the new photographer's that join steemit by running a resteem sunday initiative, hopefully if more of us start supporting new bloggers, our platform will thrive! :) Well done sir!

Bravo to you as well for your initiative! I look forward to seeing the fruits of our labour as it results in prosperity for all!

Hello beautifulbullies. I am not a photographer but my daughter-in-law is and has some pretty awesome pics here on Steemit. @Lyndsaybowes. Check her out and connect. Nice to meet you here on this platform.

thank you @marionbowes, great to meet you too! yes I do follow @lyndsaybowes, she has some great posts! :D

What a completely awesome idea. A wonderful way to pay it forward and for the rest of us to come together to learn more about off grid living and Terra Mater. I am interested in learning about more people who are looking after Mother Earth in their own small ways. The more people who do this the greater impact we will have as a whole. Like Gestalt we are all sums of one great whole. Congratulations to @cheneats and @EarthMother.

Thank you so much @marionbowes!! I am now following you. I study homeopathy and whole foods, and forage as much as i have knowledge on.

So awesome to meet you. I saw your post on something a few weeks ago and told my daughter-in-law @LyndsayBowes to check you out. I am pretty sure she did. I am a Registered Holistic Nutritionist originally from Ontario now living ocean side on the east coast. Living partially off grid and eating clean. I will be doing my Introduction in the new year and posting on a regular basis. Looking forward to connecting with you.

Ooooooo! Looking forward to your posts!!!

I did not realize you study homeopathy too! You and Carey will have to connect. Carey has been practicing for well over 10 years now. <3 Very cool.

If i can't find it by foraging/growing (herbal remedy), homeopathic is my go to. We do not use pharma here. I had a bottle of advil here in case of emergencies for visitors good thing i checked the expiry. Expired 2011. Lol had to buy another small bottle. Lol

Thank you so much, @marionbowes, for your kind words! Let's all work together,

Like Gestalt we are all sums of one great whole ~Marion Bowes

for our Terra Mater! It's very nice to see you, again :)

likewise...I really can not wait till I start in the new year and I am very intrigued with some of the people I have met on here

That is wonderful news @wwf.

It warms my heart to see you doing this. I love the pay it forward concept.

I am sure your choices will be wonderful representatives for what you are setting forth.

Together, we not only can make steemit a wonderful place but also the planet. With the resources people acquire from here, we can combat the tyranny and destructive war machine which has most of humanity enslaved.

Thank you @taskmaster4450. It came to me during my meditation this morning. I pray that I can pay it forward to help others dedicated to healing the earth, themselves and each other. <3 Thank you for your encouragement and support! May we all lead by example as that is the best leadership the world has ever seen!

This is a good imitative, @wwf! I think we need to help others along as our obligation to keep Steemit alive and healthy. I too Am on the hunt for those that have good content and maybe aren't getting the exposure they need. There sure is a lot of junk to sift through...

You got that right! Bravo to you for doing the same! What they say about great minds can also be said about caring hearts as well! <3

And you have helped me a lot I'll never forget this

You are welcome. Just pay it forward to others that may need a hand up.

Hello wwf,
A pleasure to meet you - your project sounds wonderful!
If I can be of any assistance with anything at all please ask. I make a living from wild food hunting, music production, technical assistance (mainly for musicians, multimedia and digital artists but any technical areas) and crypto trading. Oh yes ... I have lived off-grid for 4 years in Southern Spain but recently moved to Costa Rica for the wonderful surf, wildlife and people. I am going to be building an eco jungle home powered by hydro and solar and growing all our own fruits, vegetables and many special life giving herbs.

I really like what you are doing so am following you now :D

Upvoted and resteemed!

Very cool! Thank you. I'm following you as well as I too have been living off grid, approaching 11 years now. We have a lot in common, except I do it in the north while you are doing it in the tropics. Beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. If I come across anything, I will endeavor to remember your offer. I know of a few steemit people now living in Central America. Popular place to live!

Thank you wwf!
I am enjoying your blog immensely - I really like your de-coloniastion concept - much needed for so many!

Upvoted and resteemed

I wonder if I post enough about what you talk about lol, I dunno if I know enough yet to talk about gardening or stewardship yet. Our little village is just getting off the ground anyways, with only some posts related to homesteading and off-grid. Sooner then later, I may get more into writing about that stuff.

Other then that I am glad you are sharing good accounts to follow, I will look at em both :P

honestly of all the awesome beautiful people commenting on this post, there is so much good to be done. Ima just follow everyone.

I find value in the journey and you are beginning that journey. It does not matter how much experience you have. It is the journey that counts. No worries. I just want to support your journey. <3

Thank you! The more I can make from Steemit the more I can work on the homestead and art and researching all day, which is what i love to do. The jounrey is great!

Hey! This is an awesome initiative. Thank you! We would be honored if you would feature our permaculture homestead. We've been doing it for two years so we're relatively new on the land (no fruit trees fruiting but over 150 planted!) and we have a real passion for sharing our earth care, fair share practices! Check out our posts :) (we're about 5 days in after setting our account here and trying to share meaningful content we believe Helps spread the good word). Many blessings!

I've delegated steem to you to help you get started on Steemit. I've been through your blog so far and I love what you are doing. Keep up the great work on the blog. I hope the extra steem will help you get established. Welcome to the team 'Stewards of Terra Mater'. I'll write an update in a week or so to check in with the members and promote their blogs, including yours. I hope the extra steem helps you out! If you need help managing your blog, I found these tools to be helpful.

The markets are very favorable for turning SBD into steem. If you want to power up quickly, now is the time to covert SBD to steem. You can do that by going into your wallet, clicking on the SBD dollar value and selecting 'market'. That way you can trade in real time. I hope all this helps. Welcome to steem. I am glad you had the courage to reach out to me directly.

Thank you so much for your belief, encouragement and support!! 💃🏻 I'm happy we crossed paths today and now are connected on steemit! I'll look through the links, thanks for the tips & steem! Resonant connections make all the difference in life and here. Many blessings 💙🌿 fellow steward of nuestra madre tierra

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