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RE: A self-governing individual does not constrict or limit themselves in anarchy

in #ungrip7 years ago

That simple paragraph has saved us from MAJOR headaches countless of times. It is astounding how conditioned we are to comply with authority. We are taught that right from kindergarten on through the state indoctrination system. That is why the force kids into their school. It is to train the slaves for being obedient. To de-program ourselves takes considerable effort, time and stress. It is a tough process. Even after doing this for well over a decade, I still feel stress and anxiety when dealing with authority. It is ground deep and takes a lot to heal from that trauma.


I don't understand who gave the system power to control the Creature of the Creator. As He blessed them freedom but some greedy and evil minds bullied the innocents and created a sense of fear, unfortunately. Yes, in our education system we are producing the slaves who are ready to serve the system with open arms, how sad. This is the time to make them aware that they are actually demolishing themselves by serving the feudal system.

Need to spread this message all over My friend,

Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black. But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.

You don't understand who gave the system power to control you? You did! You abandoned Creator in favor of the state. It is up to you to reverse that and return to Creator and abandon the state. That is the whole premise behind my entire blog my friend.

Yes it is up to us how we deal with the power, whether we kick the greed and lust or we embrace these temporary things, depends upon our intentions.
A very well written blog with some awesome tips to confront the feudal approach. You are a genius indeed My Friend @wwf

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