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RE: The fine line between war and peace

in #ungrip6 years ago

Beautifully stated. I too was taught self defense. Rule number one: don't get into trouble. If the people you hang around with get into trouble, find new friends. Rule number two: run. Only as a last resort are we to use the training we received. I agree with you. If he keeps coming, my self-defense tactics would change to the point where they guy could easily end up with a broken wrist or arm. But I would have to evaluate each step to ensure I don't cross the line. To be blunt, if it is my time to die, it is my time to die. I refuse to defend myself with deadly force if deadly force is being used on me. If they guy has a gun, I have strategies, but I will not shoot they guy in self defense. I am ready to die. I live life in order to have a good death. In the end, I am a spiritual being, not a meat suit. So I cannot die. But I can be separated from my vessel. I would rather be separated from my vessel than to separate another spiritual being from their vessel. I love your response. Well written. <3


Thank you ^_^

Never will killing be a solution to anything. Never will it be right. I agree with you.

Your post and the comments within your post brings great insight and gets people thinking and on the right path too I hope. Posts like this are much needed.

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