Life is all about relationships

in #ungrip7 years ago

Of all the lessons I learned in my life, they all come down to this one realization:  Life really is ALL about relationships.  So now that I see everything here as a relationship, the same principles apply as what I was taught in kindergarten.  

 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.  - Matthew 7:12

Some would argue that this passage would give me permission to do evil if people do evil to me.  But I don't see it that way at all.  This is about searching within first and figuring out how I would like to be treated and then treat others in that way.  I once heard somebody tell me that most rapists would not like to be raped themselves.  Most murderers don't want to be murdered either.  

If we are really honest with ourselves, we all just want to be loved, appreciated and prosperous so that we can experience joy, peace, freedom, friendship and family.  The psychopaths, rapists, murderers, thieves and all around bad guys are merely a symptom of broken relationships and we can fix all of that with hard work and honesty with ourselves.  

As I sit here adding two new members to the Stewards of Terra Mater over the past two days, I experience a roller coaster of emotions.  I've delegated over 5000 steem, which works out to 99% of the vested steem in my wallet and I feel like I'm on cloud nine.  Especially when I see tears rolling down peoples faces, tears of joy!  That is how I like to be treated, so it only makes sense to pay it forward and do the same.  

But I also help people with their problems too and I am a witness to the pain and suffering that they experience.  It is very difficult as I am highly empathic, so I have to make sure I have firm boundaries.  That means that it is really easy for me to 'feel' what they are feeling because nine times out of ten, I've experienced the same kinds of challenges they are facing.  

Because of my experiences, many people see me as an elder and come to me for advice, assistance, counseling, guidance and help. My counsel is tough as I don't sugar coat what I see.  I think most people who really do want to change their lives appreciate my approach.  I've called people on their shit and some have walked away as their current behaviour would have to change if they really wanted peace within their lives. I've lost friends as a result of their own unwillingness to learn, change and confront their violent ways.  It is astounding how many people justify violence. 

Being a witness to the ugly side of people is tough work.  I do it because others were willing to do the same for me during my own recovery.  At times, I do indeed feel sad as I mourn the dark side of relationships.  Over the past few days I've not felt like writing at all as I've been experiencing a deep and profound sense of sadness and sorrow.  Parts of me wonder if something significant has swept over the face of the planet while other parts of me recognize that it is time to do some emotional processing.  So I give myself permission to process.  

What ever the cause, I embrace the feeling and find comfort in the sadness and sorrow.  I don't try to run or hide from those feelings but instead I embrace them and give them a great big hug.  I bath myself in those feelings so that I can explore what they mean, process them and let it go so that I don't have to carry it around with me for the rest of my life.  I find comfort in processing sadness and sorrow, much like I find comfort in joy and happiness.  I am not afraid of those feelings which makes it easier for me to embrace them, learn and listen.

It does not seem to matter if my helping people covers recovery from depression, broken marriage, confronting the state, murder, suicide attempt, family violence or any other topic.  I have confronted it all and I've talked to people of all walks of life regarding almost any relationship type issue that you can think of.  

The state did not qualify me to do this work.  Life did.  Creator put me on a path to learn the hard way what it takes to have a healthy relationship.  That experience almost killed me, but I survived and I pay it forward the best way I know how.  I've made my fair share of mistakes and I hurt a lot of people in my life.  

So while I continue to process the energies that are flowing through me right now, I will not be able to interact with people as I normally would.  I'm not asking for sympathy, just patience.  I know that I will bounce back and engage full steem ahead when I am done this processing.  I will do my best to do this in a healthy way and I hope this post helps others who are currently processing as well.  

Vincent van Gogh - Old Man in Sorrow


Take your time friend, we all go through these moments, I myself have been struggling to be the love I want, to give it freely and to notice when I'm not. It's very easy for me to become absorbed in the business of life and that can make me complacent and distracted from the things I know I need to work towards.

Thank you for sharing.

Over the past few days I've not felt like writing at all as I've been experiencing a deep and profound sense of sadness and sorrow. Parts of me wonder if something significant has swept over the face of the planet

I've noticed some difficulties in my own life and those close to me recently. The world was calling out my crap and making me address it or keep trying to hide from it.

There is no doubt at all that human is bound to many roles at a time and that's why relationships are quite necessary to garnish the beauty of life. Broken relationships are the biggest source of depression and hatred in my opinion while strong bonding in relationships leads happiness and peace in life.
Yes, i am witness of this wonderful act of delegation because it has changed the lives of all the Stewards, salute to your kind efforts @wwf <3

I've delegated over 5000 steem, which works out to 99% of the vested steem in my wallet and I feel like I'm on cloud nine. Especially when I see tears rolling down peoples faces, tears of joy! That is how I like to be treated, so it only makes sense to pay it forward and do the same.

There is nothing to exaggerate that you are indeed a best brain to bring positive energy among fellow beings and off course you are God gifted with awesome skills through which you can convince the others <3

My prayers and best wishes are always with you and please come out of this situation as soon as possible because we all love you <3 <3

Tears are such a healing balm. At one point in time, I can say with all honesty, I did not cry. In fact, it was years between any tears. And they were always shed when I was alone. It is no wonder my health suffered and I experienced such anxiety. Today I find such release in tears. Sharing tears with our community is an act of communion and builds us all. Thank-you friend.

Einstein was right: everything is energy. Everything...even our thoughts, words and dreams. I've had the experience of tapping into what Jung called the Collective Unconscious, and what Sheldrake calls the "morphogenetic field". These banks of energy can include, for instance, the feeling and energy associated with the recent school shooting in Florida. But banks of energy can also be created for the the fans of Eagles (who won the Super Bowl) or a political party or ... well, anything. Perhaps you tapped into the Florida school shooting, or it may be something more personal: a deep forgotten reservoir of sorrow and suffering you had created from an experience long ago. Perhaps your soul is calling you to acknowledge it and let it clean you out, so to speak. Seems to me that honoring it and letting it do it's work is the best path (which you have chosen to do). One more thing: from my brief time on Steemit I've noticed the posts that garner the greatest # of votes are the ones dedicated to how to make more $$. Which I understand and appreciate, however good balance is necessary and posts like what you have just made are very valuable and make live worth living. Bravo. Like the pic too. Isn't it fun when you find the perfect pic ?!

Exactly what I need to hear. Thank you. But besides crying, I am not sure how to handle the grief of losing my husband. Yet maybe that is all I need to do right now.

@wwf Collective work helps to raise morale among individuals, each of whom tries to have the greatest possible participation in the work. We find that in the collective work, no matter how much the individual stops, he will not be affected much. Collective work brings together ideas and facilitates complex problems. But self-development is also necessary because man is created to learn and develop himself .
I am sorry if there are some mistakes because I do not know English very well

yes, @venox ... man is created to learn and develop himself ... but what should he learn?
The person who made the nuke is educated, and the politician is an educated person.

I understand and can empathize with what you are feeling. Somedays I get overwhelmed with life and need to step back and take some time for me. I used to try push through but like you have found that actually makes it worse and makes it harder and longer than if I was to stop and do what my body and mind had been normally yelling at me for the weeks/days leading up to the fall. I'm am also lucky that I have learnt to see the trigger signs approaching. I hope you can process and continue on being your awesome self as you help many people and to continue doing so you must help yourself first. Sending air hugs and smiles. 🤗😁🤗

Sometimes life is a harsh school... but this cruelty gives us more power and a lot of hope...the arrow needs to go back in order to start more powerful and more accurate to hit the target...
Your past life, my brother @wwf, has made you more powerful and more knowledgeable about the truth of life, and that's why we need you to help us move towards peace... Not as a leader, but as a mentor.
Peace to You ... and love you my brother @wwf

Wanted to say thank-you for resteeming @yagoub 😊 i have been processing myself and miss posts like this one but, it's wonderful to catch this resteem in just the right time. Blessings!!

By combining different ideas and methods and consulting the team, it is sure to link the end to the mixed creativity of the ideal because it combines the various possible ideas and the different ages associated with the technological methods @wwf
And sure to reduce the pressure and tension, especially if it is in the case of lack of time and thus reduce the tasks assigned to each person and ultimately achieve the main objective of the company is to achieve the desired goals Bkfei spirit of cooperation and fear of one interest that brings them together

I'm so sorry that you are going through this right now @wwf, but I appreciate in a world where we are only supposed to be positive, that you are embracing the negative and learning something from it. I believe that a lot of people push those negative emotions down and by not dealing with them, develop further issues and in the end, move farther and farther away from their true selves. Your true self is a good one and I think your work alone here proves that. So take your time, work through it, learn from it, and come back an even better @wwf !

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