I don't care what Old Man Winter says, I declare Spring officially here!

in #ungrip6 years ago

There comes a time, whether there is a foot of snow on the ground or not, new life determines Spring time, not the weather outside.  I woke up to our Muscovy duck having chicks under her.  I don't have much to say with this post, only that I am grateful that she can hatch, brood and raise these chicks on her own without me having to intervene at all.  That makes off grid living way easier!  Time to get our chickens to do the same.  I'll let the pictures speak!

When I got out there, I heard the chirps, but I could not see anything.  

Then she moved and I could see more.  The chick on the left had an empty egg shell on its head.  How mother nature can make me laugh.

Now I have to put wood shavings down with waterers and feeders so that these little guys can eat and drink.  With over a foot of snow on the ground, they won't be able to find much themselves.  So I'll help them a bit.


That was so awesome to see! Nothing says spring better than little fluff bottoms!! Avia is in love! Lol

I don't know how many yet, but when I dump the nest tomorrow, I'll know more.

These are so cute. Just couldn't wait until the snow was gone. The little one with eggshell on their head is really cute. I am hoping to get my chickens and ducks soon. I am digging my pond now. Hopefully, I can have tilapia too. They are to help keep the pond clean. I also happen to like fish.

I look forward to seeing pictures! Bravo to you!

I think I told you I have a daughter who lives in Minnesota. She is quite DONE with winter. So tell me how your declaration of spring works. if it gets good results I'll let her know!!

Well, the day of my declaration we were having a snow storm. But now the sun is coming out and by mid next week we expect temperatures to be in the mid teens (Celsius) - which is very warm for this time of year. Snow is melting like crazy now. Seems to have worked. So let her know! ;)

Well then your declaration worked! One more thing to add to your resume. Did you hear that? A nudging sound, as I push the pedestal just a little closer. Glad to hear the weather is warming up. Here too. Daughter getting married today up at Lake Tahoe. Will be about 40 degrees. Blessings.

Please express my love and congratulations to your daughter on this wondrous day. May Creator bless the couple with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy, love and gentle lessons! May today be wonderful for all that are choosing to be there to witness their affirmations for one another.

I did hear that noise. Did you see me reach for my sledge hammer and stick of dynamite?

I'm telling you, you have to beat it with a stick. Well, maybe not you so much, but I've always wondered what the view might be like up there. I think, to tell you the truth, Creator, as you call that Source, has made sure I would live a more humble life. I know that in earlier years i'd have completely given myself over to ego. I would have been a 100% pure 14K jerk. So perhaps if the opportunity presents itself, I'll be able to decline stepping up on it. But you have permission to bring it to my attention if I fail on this account. Really. That's assuming a pedestal ever presents itself. Blessings.

I think you and I have walked similar paths. I too have been on that darn thing and I work hard to avoid being there again. I'll agree to bring it to your attention and ask that you do the same for me. Thank you!

Humble is my chosen path now.

I've had this nasty illness now for about 25 years. It has been very humbling indeed. I've been grateful for it at least in as much as it has kept me humble even if not by my choice. I'm thinking the practice has been good for me however. You understand what I'm saying. But you know, here is an idea too: the world needs men of strength, and moral character who won't succumb to the temptations of ego. I think that's what you are doing. I have no doubt, for example, that Jesus and the Buddha were both humble men, but also very confident and strong. I would like to be that way.

Awwwww... love coming home to little cheeps. My chooks were taken by a fox so we are a little bereft of poultry right now... 🖤🌼🐓😢😢😢

Sorry to hear that. Yes, foxes do love the same kind of animals that we do. I pray one day you get to enjoy the sound of little cheeps.

So beautiful i really love animals and nature i also miss having my mini farm back on maui 💗💗⛰ i would love to go outside and see the hatchlings and watch mommy teach them their first bath in the pond or showing them how to scratch for bugs 🌸

It was so nice to have the ducks join us here. She had a batch of eggs in December, but it was way too cold. Now she has 9 ducklings to look after and she is doing very well. In the next week or so our goats will start to kid out. It is spring time! Still have snow on the ground but it is now melting fast. Ever since I made the declaration! We are powerful beings and can manifest a lot! <3 I am grateful that you enjoyed the post.

This is a nice display of life at work. Thanks for sharing. Now that spring has been officially declared... let's lose the snow!

lol. Working on it!

Looks like she is being a good mom! 🤗

A funny duck kid

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