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RE: Debate Forum - Week 10 - Trade Agreements

in #ungrip7 years ago

Whatever the intent of these trade agreements are we should always bear in mind the law of unintended consequences. Whether the intended outcomes were (good or bad) there will always be unintended consequences that cant be foreseen that will hurt somone.

Guaranteed consequence of trade negotiations:

Increased bureaucracy with every tariff.
Decreased bureaucracy with free trade.

Current trade negotiations clearly favor those who are running large business, militaries and governments.


When I see or hear the word whatever I enjoy echoing it back so that the concept of indifference that feeds the word can be approached to resolve the context it was presented in. Surely the intent behind these agreements isn't something to be lightly brushed off, even if it's construed to mean that somehow this might backfire on the actors, because their actions have the extent of touching the most isolated of places from the top of towers and depths of bunkers which are sitting 99.99% unoccupied 100% of the time with the effortless single stroke of a pen or wave of a hand by the same players that have the potential of either spreading death, destruction, indifference and utmost selfishness through deceit/illusion and outright obvious secrecy and collusion burrowing into the heart of people all over this world cynicism instead of skepticism and criticism or these globally pivotal actors could obviously be building and creating something that is revolutionary instead of the same old scheme that is woven into the theme of any sociopolitical discussion: Exploitation of the Poor, Slavery, IOU Notes, Experimentation on the public, Suppression of technology, Censorship, all the way to outright sanctions and war, which they have a clear history of and in so many ways all this crapping on the planet with the cheer and applaud of the upper and middle class who wear blinders to the intent of retarding technology or the function of money, schemes that are literally centuries old and they are hypnotized by the dreams sold by these same players who lift a giant whatever to the poor, because what all these gatherings have repeatedly exemplified is how the context of environmental harmony and sustainability which such agreements clearly need to be presented and approached from, is brushed aside for the focus of "material" benefit of a small minority, and the complete control of the extremely few actors and their beneficiaries all under this willful ignorance of the upper and middle class, and with the of obvious disinterest in propagating harmony with nature the foreseeable consequences compound only to make the insult of the intent of this scheme as thorough as it could be and the consequences would be measured in bodies.

There is no more powerful realm in the world than the realm of Perception/Presentation and in today's world it's under the context of Economy, and if you see it then this is simply a war that has been waged for before time so to speak, more than everything today the resistance is build up, and the power has in fact been grasped by the same hands for millennia even though the perception has changed with prejudices. Class warfare today is a form of racism that is also lightly brushed aside and few stomach to even consider it while even fewer digest it, yet throughout time this has been evidenced from the priests immunity, then the politicians and rule makers, to the bankers immunity and into the rich people's immunity and it's as if a very subtle perceptive infection creeps into the minds of those that see the destitute and poor as to blame for their own situation in a denial of the reality of this obvious war, ultimately the war being so subtle to them that it simply cannot be considered as an intentional assault but an unintended consequence, yet the way things are set up is not by accident, they are all by agreement and consent regardless of how unforeseen consequences might be, and they are allowed even if they appear unaccepted to the public at large, what is even more appalling is that after that matures and becomes an apologetic perspective for the utter shit that the world is in, it seeps out of through the very ones that could manifest exponential change because as Leonard Cohen says, Everybody Knows.

It is glaringly obvious in this situation, the fact that this is done behind closed doors under the label of Agreement is either a contemplation of how to fleece someone else, or they are throwing us a surprise party or planing to give us an intervention for being so lazy and not getting a job, but it's not by accident or chance that we've been pushing rubber and burning oil for over 100 years while our mythological ancestors around the world are of flying spaceships and lazers, and the more ancient the more incredible, with dna knowledge by the Sumerians and some quite remarkable geometric shapes which we are still in awe of and unexplained in many different aspects by the Nile, and there's clearly unintended consequences for the 50 Miles of shelves that are locked in a vault under the vatican by the mighty king of commerce who's responsible for over 1 billion subscribers and holds title of benefactor of the spaceship, and they are there to keep us safe from all that corrupted ancient myth.

I don't doubt that everything can backfire and not everything goes to plan, but if we ignore the obvious intent of this agreement we might as well say whatever to half of the debate, because there's a clear conflict of interest between the public and the secret and this manifests as an internal conflict, and saying whatever to the intent is basically saying whatever to an internal conflict.

This is so true that current situation is ultimately giving favor to large business corporations and military.However, it is also true that we human beings also getting benefits from the trading ideas may be in a very small ratio as compared to the large corporations my friend @tony10

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