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RE: Peace and non-violence are integral for obtaining spiritual growth and benifits from Creator

in #ungrip7 years ago (edited)

We both are on the same point with quite similar approach towards life i-e Peace Promoter.
Iam hundred and ten percent agreed upon the difference you addresed between Violence & Self Defence.
My point is self defence does not come into an account of violence untill one is purely doing it to make himself safe/ptotect from any harm against him specifically Physically. Martial Arts is a beautiful example of self defence.

My question is whe have Religion & Politics in every society then why nations do war against eachothers?
Secondly How martial Arts or other self defending techniques are useful against weapons?
With due respect if we make ouselves isolate from the world then how is it possible for someone to promote peace or how can he claim i am promoter of peace as he is not physically there to share sympathy with fellow humans?

Your wise opinion is needed upon it @wwf


Forgive me my friend. I did not see any notice that you had posted here. Otherwise I would have responded 2 days ago.

I'm not sure how people can suggest that living off grid is isolating themselves from the world. I live off grid and have a very public and active interaction with the world. What I see is that the world is at war and by living off grid I am taking an active step to no longer be a participant of the war. Any participation with the system is violence against our fellow man, so why would I do that. Now that I've declared peace, I can now work to influence others to do the same. After a while, we will have enough people to stand up and stand between those who are vulnerable and the bullies. Right now, those numbers are few. So it is difficult to do that. But in time we can. The martial arts is not a tool to defend against bullets or other weapons of mass distruction. Martial arts is a tool to help bring peace, awareness and self-confidence to the individual practicing the art. That way they don't have to fight. It is really difficult to explain unless you have done the training. 10 years is a long time, but it ends up being a spiritual journey after a while. I will say this:

Just as gravity provides the resistance for our bones and muscles to grow strong and healthy, life too provides the resistance so that we can grow stronger emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Martial arts is but a tool to help aid in that growth on all levels, not just the physical.

Oh please! don't be sorry it's okay :) But don't forget to say me hello when i will write my introductory post within 2 days :D :P

Well on serious note you made my point of confusion clear regarding Martial arts Vs Bullets. I am not fully satisfied yet upon this point specifically

Any participation with the system is violence against our fellow man, so why would I do that.

At the same time you said,

Right now, those numbers are few. So it is difficult to do that. But in time we can

At one point your saying i am not going to take part any more in the system but yet you're waiting for the right time to face it with your full support through vulnerable and the bullies.
So one which side are you actually @wwf ??

To be very clear, if you want to stand up against an army, you need hundreds or thousands of people ... all practicing peaceful non-compliance. Similar to what they did at Standing Rock last year in the US or what Gandhi did in India years ago. One man doing this alone will just disappear.

Gandhi did an awesome job to make prople of sub-continent aware but don't you remember he was also murdered!
I am logically convinced upon the point you just talked about that one man can't simply confront an army at all. Well your efforts will not go waste, you make yourself isolated from the world but still you are giving your best for the functionality of a peaceful system which you are trying to build. I always enjoy to do debate with you as you always teach me a few unknown facts My friend @wwf

By participating with the system, my energy and consent is being used to attack other people. That means I am responsible for the harm that the state does on my behalf. To ensure that I no longer support violence, it requires that I remove that support from the state and learn how to govern myself. (first point)

I'm already standing up to the system and confronting them by not participating in it and I think they respect me for it as they have left me alone. Standing up to people with guns and bullets requires lots of people. We have a military industrial complex that is gone rouge and one man is not going to stop it ... however one man can bring awareness and embarrass the shit out of what they are doing and inspire millions to act against the machine. We need millions upon millions of people to stand up and stand between these thugs and those that they attack. If millions withdrew support from the machine and decided to self-govern, the machine would grind to a halt without a shot being fired.

What I'm saying is that my job is to build the vulnerable up so that they are strong, vibrant and independent so that I don't even need to get between them to protect them from the bully. The bully will back down because they are no longer vulnerable. A spiritual warrior will not attack the bully but instead strengthen the vulnerable and dependent so that the bully becomes powerless.

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