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RE: The often ignored but legalized violence of Commerce

in #ungrip5 years ago

I am really glad you took the time to write this post and expand your thoughts and concerns with the word commerce and the use of the word interchange. I would love to reference it later if that is OK with you.

It is interesting that our modern culture does not allow us room to place value on life, such as your example of the tree, including living connections in ecosystems as well as spiritual life. We are so driven by profit that we do not allow ourselves the luxury of looking past value in terms of money. The tree example is painfully obvious to me as I live in an area where trees are commodified and logging trucks are zipping by in a constant buzz. I am certain there is no permission asked and there is no offering given before the largest trees are taken.

What would it look like if we made offerings to nature and our fellow beings before we take? If we made offerings and asked permission could it still be considered taking or would it be the receiving of a gift? And what would our world look like if we considered seven generations in our decision making?

Since you brought up cryptos I have realized that the same fate of seeking profit through greed is already happening with crypto - how could it not. In fact I think it may already be happening even here on steem. That doesn't mean that our fate here is just as bad - it could end up much better, especially if those that control most of the steem know and embody that there is more to life than greed. But the one thing that I love about crypto is that they spread like a virus, which means that we will always have more choice - and if there is too much injustice in one place we can move to another that is more free. At least the free thinkers can be free enough to move if there is need. I hope that there can be more people thinking freely all the time. I certainly wasn't always thinking free or acting free - and so I find hope!

Thanks for the thought provoking post.


To continue the tree example, the other issue with commerce is that some people feel justified to take all the trees they can. They take more than they need with the sole purpose of capitalizing on them for profit. No regard for the trees or others who may need those resources OR the life forms that depend on them too.

Spiritual stewardship requires that we be consciously aware of much more than what Government or Corporations deal with on a daily basis.

Yes, feel free to reference the blog post. I'm honoured. Thank you.

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