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RE: The Pope's Catastrophic Failure

in #ungrip7 years ago

Amazing article @wwf ! I totally agree with everything that you are saying. I've been researching and thinking for the past 10 years about all that is happening on the planet and how it is all built on the foundations of the greed, lies, violence and cruelty. I was trying to answer to myself many times how come that such a small planet, which is perhaps no bigger than cosmic dust, can be so messed up? What happened that so many people turned into pure evil? Is this "psychopathic" damage that happened to the humanity still reversible? How can we people change something and make the planet to be a better place for us and future generations? When I tried to talk to people about all of those things majority of reactions was the same; that im mental and People usually laughed at me. I worked for 13 years in psychiatric facilities, and there are questions asked to every patient if he believes in secret societies etc. And if the answer is positive they put people on Clozapine and other extremely strong drugs that are making zombies of people. I couldn't watch it anymore, and a few years back I left the job. What I personally think is that fighting the system is kinda pointless because it is far too big and powerful, and perhaps the only way to change something is to spread the light amongst as many as we can and collectively pray or meditate to raise the vibration of the planet. I come from Poland, and there is a huge group of people from all over the country that meditate at the set time on a regular basis to bring peace to the country and the planet. The vibration of love is the most powerful one and if there are enough people who are willing to do it we can make positive changes. Thank you for your awesome work! Kind regards.


Wow. Thank you for those words. I agree with you. I do know in my heart that the way to freedom is to live free despite the system. No sense wasting energy fighting the system but instead using that energy to build a relationship with Creator and Mother Earth. Over time we will build enough people living on the land that the system will destroy itself. I don't think we even need to fight it. They will destroy themselves. I was in those 'psychiatric facilities' 6 times in my life. I am fortunate that it happened BEFORE I woke up. I had no clue about the conspiracy to control and own this planet back then.

Thank you very much for writing and confirming my views. Peace to you.

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