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RE: The often ignored but legalized violence of Commerce

in #ungrip5 years ago

So very true mate and one reason I can not stand housing having been turned into a profiteering exercise as we now have massively over valued homes and land that few can afford. A basic human need and it sucks the life out if people just to be able to have shelter :(

Posted using Partiko Android


I agree. I've been advocating that land should be free. We are the land. The land is us. We cannot and shall not be separated. However, the commercial system has attempted to do that and we fell for it. I believe that removing people from the land is the ROOT cause of poverty. If people had access to land, then they can grow their own food, build shelters, collect water and do what they can to meet all their needs. That is very tough to do now that the system owns all the land and issues feudal tenures to people to possess the land (title) and pay rent each year. It is a travesty in my view. Wealth comes from freedom, relationships and life, not money.

All so very true mate.

Posted using Partiko Android