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RE: Debate Forum - Week 1 - Sponsored in part by @FullTimeGeek

in #ungrip7 years ago (edited)

every revolution had a leader, and its not easy to find the right one, if all the people wanted to do something, then they need some idols, so again leaders come up ... Iran had a revolution, because before us, our father's were thinking that government was wrong and they have to change it, taking the king down... so a leader came and he told people : I will bring freedom! I will share all the goods with all the people, free oil, free electricity and more .... .
but well now you can come and see what was the result. ( the result was lies)
I also want all the things that you said, I dont want a government to rule us, and I want people to have the same power, nobody should have more power than the others. but again we will find out that some people are doing crimes, so we need to create a group of people to take care of cities and places ... . because all the people of the world are not good, crimes happen everywhere, and as I know, some people ( I mean criminals) never change, even if you try your best, he may love to kill or love to rape or ... .
so again we will create police stations.
then they will need a boss again to organised.
then that boss need a group to check what is he doing, to make sure he is doing his job ok.
and well in all the parts of our new system, which has no government, we need groups of people to take care of those places, actually we will create a new government which we call it People's government, Like Iran when they said : No west , No east, Islamic Republic , and what people who did that revolution in Iran was saying : Independence , Freedom, Islamic Republic, in their thought Islam was a thing to change everything and make everything good and make freedom and make equality and ...
but well bad people, started their work, and they used people, people never knew that this will happen to them.

so after all that I said, I just mean we have to learn from the history, I remember when a revolution happened in Egypt they said we won't do it like Iranian, but they exactly did it way wronger than us, and many people died in there, and outside power came to choose for them.

I don't know if there is a way or not but I just wanna write my wishes in here :

peace and love between all the people of the world.
all the people of the world see that we are all equal and we are all humans.
we don't need countries, we need a United world, no borders, we need free world, like If I wanted to go to your country or you want to come here, you dont have to pass exams to come here or I dont have to pass exams to be accepted to be there.
If I wanted to go to another country in europe : they ask do you have money in your bank account? they ask me to make a huge money then you can be here.
they use colored visa cards and any other things, we don't need cards, like old world, people could travel with horses around the world, they could go anywhere, there was no soldier with guns in their hands to kill them ... .
refuge is not good in my mind, I think all the people are the same, nobody is different, I can be chinese, american, arab, Iranian, African, I can be one of them, why not? because humans like to make groups and look different to others. ( i know it's about geography and history which all these places became like this and all these borders are from the past, but I wish we didn't had any border.
example : look : he is not one of us!! he speak bla bla, his color is different, his face is different, we have to keep our traditions, we have to keep our race!! this happen!!
everybody knows, and with these ideas!! when they grow more, they will destroy others with other races as they think.
I felt it, and I saw it! racist is not a thing that only some group has, racist is in all the world!!
and I wish that racist will finish one day, and all the people start to communicate with each other, maybe if humans from the start had one language, then they hadn't much problems, because I saw that when I talked different in a group of people with another language, they looked at me different, they didn't liked me like their race, they more liked to take care of their race!
also different religions had effects on people, cause anyone think his religion is more true and the other ones are wrong, we need to find a solution for that too.
these are all I could say, other comments also wrote great ones, and I was thinking that I can't say better but I just said all that I know and all that I was thinking.
thank you so much for this opportunity. :)


The problem with a one world united no countries/no borders is that it's exactly what the powers that shouldn't be want. But not for the good of humanity, not to unite all nations in peace and harmony but to rule over all of them under a one world government enforced by a global military police force. It's the road to enslavement, a 'brace new world' Truth is we should have all our own countries and cultures and traditions(separately). We only have war and hate because we have been manipulated by governments and the (controlled)media that has programmed and terrorized us into fighting over land and resources, not for us, but for the ruling class. People in general are peaceful and kind.

Research agenda 2030

it's all true about powers and media, but why we dont have to be free in this world? why do we need borders? why should we be separated? separation made us different, made us think that the other ones are not us!, but if we look from a zoom out to the world we will see it's only us, and if we had a real united world not united nations for USA, then if anything happen everywhere, people will take each other's hands, then people wouldn't say : fuck it it's not in my country so it's none of my business, let them die ...
air pollution, it's none of my business let it be ...
they asked china why do you keep making pollutions, then they said : first ask USA to stop it, because they have more effect on air than us.
but anyway, this means separation, and you see, it's not working.
you are living in a country, why your country shouldn't be my country? why my country shouldn't be your country? why can't we share this world? from start of life of humans, they looked for lands, and they just said this land is mine...
brother, we will die when our life time is ended, but future people will understand what I meant. ( before us, these lands were for other races and now it's became lands for the races that we see today, all of us will die and after us other races will create their countries and get separated again and own lands of the world!)
I want all the races to be together! and call themselves Humans!
my problem is your problem, your problem is my problem, because we live in the same boat, and if one of us start to destroy this boat, the others will die too.
man should understand that this planet is not a blackboard to draw lines on it and call each part of it "a room for only one group". it also looks like jails ..., any of us living in a jail which we call it country.

Country and Border :

No Country No Border :

People don't care what happens to someone in their own neighborhood. Countries and borders have nothing to do with the state of apathy in society.

You take away the country and borders it wouldn't suddenly cause to people to care about what happen to others on the other side of the world.

Regardless of drawn out borders there's still a geological barrier, physical land that separates people.

Yes civilizations comes and goes but we all remain human regardless of these differences in our cultures.

No countries, no borders, no cultures, no identity, no difference, no resistance, only asimulation and world domination.

These are the things the powers that shouldn't be want.

A brave new world, we will all be one race, one nation, with one leader all crammed into megacities in our tiny shared living spaces among the internet of things, awarding us credits for every appropriate action we take day to day. You can bet there will be no procreation outside of a laboratory.

Agenda 2030.

as you said :"People don't care what happens to someone in their own neighborhood."
it depends on those people, it depends on their situation, it depends on their study, study has a huge effect on people.. (and also all the people are not like that.)
countries and borders are not only about that problem which I said, I mean, If you wanna walk or ride or drive or fly to another country, you can't! because they have to check you! you can't go to any sea, because they may shoot at you or take you as a person who passed the border!!
in that part I meant this, I meant that I just wish that our world could be free,
you don't know how many people die to go to for example Australia, or USA or ... they go in a wrong way, because governments don't allow people to go everywhere that they want to go.
If I go to another country I will have a timer on my head and if I didn't had a place in there or married someone and also in most of countries they ask foreigners to have huge amount of money then they can go there, they will easily shoot me out!
I just want a free world, I wanna go anywhere that I want without any rule, look how much USA banned Iran, or other countries, they can't go there ...
I hate of borders, I hate of country rules ... even my country rules! all!
in this part you said :
"No countries, no borders, no cultures, no identity, no difference, no resistance, only asimulation and world domination."

you mean powers want it? powers can also say good words but they can act like a wolf inside a sheep skin!
so if my words are like their words it doesn't mean that my way is like their way ...
no country doesn't mean attacking and destroying countries! I want peace between all the people of the world. and I know my wish is not easy to happen, I know that people can't take down all the governments in one day and if there was no plan before it, then all the places will become full of war and tensions. so always there need a good leader which after he did what he have to do for all the people, people don't have to give that leader power, people have to let the power be for all, not for a group or one person, they only need a person to lead, cause you know that if there was nobody to start a work then nobody would like to start or join.
thanks brother for replies

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