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RE: Week 6 debate topic - Spirit vs Letter of the law

in #ungrip7 years ago (edited)

God set up the law in the first place out of His abundant love for us - to teach us, to guide us, and most importantly as a key to knowing Him. That's the spirit of the law. However, the Pharisees used the letter of the law to load people down with burdens they could hardly carry and ignored the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy, and faithfulness. They not only had taken away the key to the knowledge of God but also had hindered those who were entering the kingdom of God.”


Just to clarify, the common law of the land is the King James Bible and has been the law of the land since 1614 - taking over from Magna Charta 1215 which took over from the Triad. Although the Magna Charta can still be pleaded in court as the common law. The King James Bible has 613 commandments/laws, (i believe 3 have been removed) and of those 613 commandments/laws we have the 10 commandments/laws that good people choose to follow. Other faiths follow more of the commandments/laws than Christianity. Commandments are written by man yet inspired by God. Remember God created man not a person or mankind. i don't wish to offend your faith or the faith of others as long as that faith is for moving love and happiness to all i'm happy for you, as a Heathen, it's not whether i believe or not, it's that the courts believe.

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