Hey! Let's Cross Breed a Human and a Sheep!!!!!

in #unfuckers7 years ago (edited)

... 'Cause there's no significant hidden message in THAT at all!!


............ There are no fuckin' words.....




Scientists create human-sheep chimera with hopes of affordable organ transplants

A team of scientists has grown embryos inside a sheep that contain human stem cells, moving the sci-fi idea of developing human organs inside animals one step closer to reality, which has sparked ethical concerns... This week, the team from Stanford University was able to grow a sheep embryo injected with adult human stem cells for 28 days, including 21 days inside a sheep, it announced at a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Austin, Texas, the Guardian reports. The experiment had to be terminated, as the law prohibits developing cross-species embryos, called chimera, for more than 28 days. Researchers had already created the first human-pig hybrid... ...The bulk of their concerns center around the chance a sheep or a pig embryo could become more of a human than desired if human brain cells are accidentally developed. Ross admitted that the scientists have been taking this issue seriously, and if the researchers run into with this problem it may stall the research forever.
Scientists create human-sheep chimera with hopes of affordable organ transplants






Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://www.rts.earth/2018/02/hey-lets-cross-breed-a-human-and-a-sheep/


what's the problem?
you don't like the idea of having organs available that don't require immune suppression when needed to SAVE LIVES?

Just what I was going to ask.

How then do we improve in science and medicine?

I saw a post of someone saying albino wistar rats should not be used again for experimental analysis.
I asked the person if she would donate her tissues for testing.

yup...it looks to me like ignorant people are just trying to find something to complain about.
in the age of information
ignorance is a choice.
why do people CHOOSE to be uninformed?

Perhaps IF people choose to remain uninformed, they do so for the same reasons other people choose to live unhealthy lifestyles which cause them to need to have scientists fix their bodies with questionable moral and ethical practices. If people learn and begin to take personal responsibility for their own health they would have to rely far less upon franken scientists playing around with the lives of others, to the detriment of the natural cycle that should be capable of sustaining life on this planet.

The ignorance is the willy nilly genetic experimentation being done for profit (they don't care about health of the general populations!) by a system that only makes money from maintaining a massive population of unhealthy people. There are plenty of examples of scientific tinkering throwing the natural cycle out of balance. The rejection of and objection to people questioning these types of "accepted mainstream scientific practices" by casting about aspersions often stems from fear.

I love science, but what the mainstream is allowing to pass for science right now is a circle jerk. The only things that pass muster are 'studies' funded by and profiting major corporations that care not for the health of the people or the systems we need to really thrive in this world. Plenty of evidence for it if one wants to really learn.

being done for profit
why else would anyone do anything unless it's a hobby.

Yeah... 'nuff said.

The the children will have to live with the shit hole left by our choices if we don't care about something other than man made concepts of value that have little to do with actual reality.

Some people do things because they care. Some people choose to waste their time here, shittting on everything because they know no better. (Or willful ignorance...)

If you didn't create the world you probably should not presume to have the right to fuck it all up just because you can like a little kid playing with dump trucks and sand castles in a sandbox.

It might have slipped your notice, since you are SUCH a caring individual
that except for a few socialist shithole here and there.
the majority of the people globally
are living better today than their ancestors ever dreamed of.
it might have slipped your notice, since you spend so much time CARING.
that the enviroment (other than in socialist shitholes) is in much better condition than it was half a century ago.

for example there are more trees in the US than there was when columbus landed.

I wonder how much else has slipped your notice?
you seem remarkably misinformed.

I'm not sure if you've noticed who's blog it is you are following?

Lol, @daniarnold is an #Unfucker. Have you heard of them? Have you actually read anything she has posted? Lol.

A. I'm not a socialist. Assumption # 1 Wrong

B. You are mistaken on so many accounts I'll assume you either need a little more time to learn or are just looking for a dopamine boost.

Either way, I'm sure if you choose to be educated by something other than the 'mainstream faux snooze propaganda' programming brought to you courtesy of big govt. and big corp. you have the ability to do so. It's your choice if you decide to be led around by the nose like a feral bull by those who presume themselves your masters. :)

I don't consent to that. And I know why our 'school' systems originated with the Prussian 'Education System. Maybe you could start there. ;)

Well, I don't know for them, the world is evolving, so do we humans.

Like the popular quotation

if you are not informed you will be deformed

I think some folks just don't want to follow up with the "happenings in the society"

It would be very interesting, if we can make a human-champanzee hybrid. I think it can be done, but it will never reach public notice.

What are you saying?
How does this apply to science or future science?

I am saying it's interesting because it's possible and if it's done, we are essentially proving one more time that we and chimpanzees are cousins (i mean have a common ancestor). Today even some of the science graduates don't know the basics of the theory of evolution. Most of then think that that's just a theory. But today anyone having a sound knowledge in molecular biology know that it's a fact. Modern bilogy was build upon the foundations of the theory of evolution. We hypothesis many things based on the theory of evolution and then we prove our hypothesis by multiple experiments. There is no single evidence against the theory of evolution. But the layman can't understand this facts. If they has to appreciate we need to do some thing like a hybridization of chimpanzee and human. I know it's little harsh to say this. But the current situation demands that

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