The two sides of the coin


Since we born, we've been teached to see every negative part of each the situation, standing out the worst in every case... And it's because we feel a type of "satisfaction" talking about it.

But the true is that...
There are two type of persons: Who complains about everything and who makes an opportunity of everything.

We're the creators of our future, but since we come to the world... The society keeps us in a box where they put limits in our way to live and they focus only in the bad things we do; teaching us to be the same way.

But today I've come to tell you that not, you don't have to live that way anymore.

There is one way more to perceive the world than being the "negative", there is another way to act and react, and that another way teaches you how to act from the LOVE and not from the FEAR.
When you act from the fear you feel angry, you feel powerless... But if you start to see from the love, you will see the other's soul... And not only their faces.
Without you even try... You will be understanding, you will be kind; you just will be looking from the other side of the coin and that will change your whole world...

Because the world is not what you see outside, the world is what you make of it and what you give to the others.

This is my opinion about the only two ways to perceive the world: From fear or from love.
¿What do you think is another way to see the world?
¡I'd like you to comment and learn from you!
My best wishes today

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