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RE: Unboxing surprise gift from @Tecnosgirl. With a CONTEST!!!

in #unboxing6 years ago

I've been reluctant to join Smokeio. If I regularly posted cannabis related stuff I would. Plus I really don't want to join another social network even if it is all stoners. The only people I would know there are you and Dave.


I was reluctant as well. Then I joined. I didn't really like it much. So I stopped using it. Some people like the simplicity, I think, but I didn't like that there are no tools like Steemnow, Steemd, Steemdb, etc. The Smoke token is difficult to do anything with as well. For the longest time, images wouldn't even work on Smoke. Not sure if that's still an issue. I would certainly hope not.

The way they do reward is what tricks people into thinking it's somehow better. Every post there has like $80-300 written by it for rewards, but it 80-300 smoke tokens, which is worth... almost nothing compared to $80 or $300. I feel like dollar signs should be dollars, not anything else. It's misleading.

I would never knock anyone for joining or liking it, but I don't think it's quite as necessary as some people make it out to be. And frankly, I may start flagging shit that is just a link to Smoke posts here on Steemit and nothing else. That's spam.

Just to point out.. a $80 SMOKE post is 80 nickels.. that's $4 USD.. go look at your blog for a $4 post.. I'll wait

It is no different than how steemit's reward system is. Yes SBD is connected to the USD but because it doesn't stay worth what USD is worth it is the same thing. I just think for the cannabis related stuff a niche site is better for that type of posts myself and that is why I pretty much keep all that type of stuff there. The site is new and slowly those tools are being added. There are already tools like Steemd for smoke now. I like it because it is niche, but I also love steemit and I rarely cross promote smoke on steemit at all, just thought I would ask him if he has joined yet because I will be giving a way a huge basket of smoker related swag on 4/20 over there including a $200 bong that has been donated by a sponsor. Which I never have had any one offer to sponsor anything I have given away on steemit, and I give a shit ton of stuff away on steemit.
Currently smoke is trading for about .05 cents USD not bad considering that in October it was trading at .001 cents USD The site went live in September not a bad uprising for a new site and crypto. Just saying....And those who adopted Steemit early many became millionaires by posting commenting and curating here. Even with the dip some still have millions in their accounts so if Smoke becomes the Hightimes of the Blockchain there will be those early adopters who could become millionaires on smoke like there has been here on steemit. You don't have to create content to make smoke dollars, you can comment and curate and earn.

It's all good, I was just stating my opinions on it. If people like it there, that's great for them. I'm happy. I just have no interest in it myself.

Also, I think the fact that it went live in September is exactly why it's so popular. Because people were down in the dumps about Steem and wanted something shiny and new to distract them from the doom and gloom. With the exaggerated payouts and the timing, it's a perfect storm.

As was I sharing my opinion and I disagree on its popularity. It became popular because it is niche. And for many smokers in illegal markets it gives them a way to talk openly but anonymously about their activities and be rewarded for it. My account there is currently worth more than my account here too. Admittly I haven't been as activty as I was but when I have $2 or $3 steem is worth less than $300 smoke as steem is worth $1 to$2 if I earned $2 or $3 on a post but a post on smoke that earns $300 is currently worth $15. Now I personally am not trying to sell any cryptos right now and am hodling. If you don't live in the culture it likely won't be a good fit a niche site about sports would suck for me. But for many they would love a blockchain site niche to sports.

I also think that @hippie-witha-gun would enjoy it if he gave it a chance and it is why I asked him if he has joined yet. As you don't have to post daily. Matter of fact I know of two users who just curate and rarely ever comment and they have earned more there than here. For me I been here for a while and made some good money while it was trading high last year so it will be a while before I make there what I have here but I love both sites and will keep asking openly smokers who have not joined yet when they are going to not only because I want to see the site grow but because I also want to see other stoners have more money and do better in life. Plus the stories will help legalization around the world IMO and in many others opinions too.

I really didn't mean to come off as confrontational, so I'm sorry if I did.

I don't like Smoke, but my opinion is not popular, and that's fine.

We can leave it at that.


I appreciate the incentive @tecnosgirl. Maybe one day in the near future I might sign up. I'm just not much of a social butterfly. I'm more a ranter. Plus there is a part of me that is against legalization too. Not because I'm against cannabis but because of Big Pot and Monsanto. All weed will soon be GMO. I refuse to use the "M" word too. Now that I know the truth about how we outlawed this plant that cures cancer because keeping people sick and weak is more profitable than living in a healthy society I refuse to go along with the narrative. Willie Nelson is growing weed finally to take on Big Pot. Like Big Pharma, Big Oil, and Big Agri, we have Big Pot now as a result of legalization. That is just what we need, lawless government approved cannabis that has been laced with glyphosate and other chemicals. Like they've down with Tabacco. America is the dumbest most enslaved country in the world. I only want it legal so I can grow my own for myself because I don't trust where I get my weed from anymore.

I want legal weed so I can grow my own medicine because I too am concerned about "Big Pot" but legalization allows people to grow without the fear of being locked up, people shouldn't have to worry about going to jail because of their choice of medicine. But I truly believe many are concerned about big pot and because of that many will keep growing their own, to combat it. And if I sound defensive it is likely because dude started talking about flagging a discussion, and tbh I am trying to be polite about it.

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