Great Second Day On the Doors

in #ulogs6 years ago (edited)

If you've been keeping up with my #ulogs, you'll know I'm working as a door-to-door fundraiser as of right now, and luckily, I've made a great first impression on one of the best team leaders I've had the pleasure of working with.

Luckily again, I've been put on a charity that I believe in so much, Barnardo's. When I'm talking to people, they can tell that I truly do care for the vulnerable children of the UK. When I was reading the pitch, I was shocked to find that 1/20 children have been through sexual abuse at some point and it shows in my pitch because I know people who've been through that and I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy.


So, back to fundraising, generally, getting a signup on the first day is a shock! Even though I'm experienced, yesterday was a good start at one signup, but I was disappointed in myself for not getting a higher score. I did manage to beat one of the best fundraisers in the office, which would be great if she wasn't having a doughnut (a fundraiser's worst nightmare, a score of 0)!

My team leader at the minute has a really similar outlook to me on life and more importantly, how a team should be led. Many team leaders in this job are rather hands-on; by that I mean, they'll tell you to "pick up the pace", or make you pitch the way they do. My current team leader is really laid back, he gives you the freedom to do whatever you want, as long as you want to go out and get signups and have a positive attitude. He also praises you, which I think is often an overlooked thing with many managers, even when he gives a criticism, it's in the form of constructive feedback, with praise before and after. I think all managers should be taught that if you respect your employees and treat them well, they will go out of their way to do the best job possible for you.

Mind, he is full of himself but fair enough, other peoples moods rub off on me, so his confidence makes me confident in a way; I'm just a quietly confident kinda guy, that way I don't look stupid if I fail. Anyway, we were cracking on and I literally said to him, "Mate, can I be on your team tomorrow? I think we're gonna do well together." He just went, "Absolutely, you're the dream newbie!"

Jump to today, I get four signups on my second day! I actually started the day out pretty badly, I got lost for a while in the first hour, stuck with nothing but a Nokia brick! My head was out of the game and I started getting aggy for stupid little things, questioning his leadership decisions and such. But luckily, I managed to get myself back in a positive mindset, just as we started moving into the middle-class area.

Now, it's worth noting that a lot of salespeople don't do well in middle-class areas since many are quite pushy. Pushy works on young people and council estates, but calm, genuine and understanding work much better on the middle classes and older people (oddly, they're my best demographics).

So, I get my head in the game and the first signup set me straight, after that they just started rolling in, people weren't even giving me objections, they were just saying yes! Two of my signups worked for tech companies, one guy was for Ubisoft, and the other was a recruiter for Microsoft. I like young professionals, I think they see themselves in me somehow. It might be my middle-class upbringing that they like, who knows?

Anyway, cheers for reading, peace.


Trust me getting a manger like that on a real job would be the best, giving you the freedom to pursue the work the way you wish, whilst getting paid and whilst getting praises as well.

Even if it's voluntary mate, you found the golden goose (or geese) of opportunity.

(Well done on those sign ups btw!)

There will be managers out there that are just as chilled out, unfortunately, managerial positions often attract control freaks and ambitious people who aren't always team players so to speak.

I don't think anyone in their right mind would do door-to-door voluntarily!

hmm, it's a shame most managers are like this because it's less effective when it comes to reach goals and objectives.

I don't think anyone in their right mind would do door-to-door voluntarily!

You'd be surprised 🙂

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