Ulogs 007: @samal's Visit To A Piggery

in #ulogs6 years ago (edited)

This post is a narration of my visit to a Piggery.

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Yesterday I paid a visit to a Piggery/Pig farm belonging to Mr. Olayinka. Though it was an impromptu visit but I didn't regret visiting because I made meaning of out it, no regrets. I once visited his Piggery, but its been a while since I visited. This time around I took pictures, but the last time, I didn't really take pictures.

Mr Olayinka made me understand a few facts about pigs:

Pigs are known to be highly social and intelligent, and are one of the most populous mammals in the world. Pigs are omnivores (feeding on herbs and flesh) and can feed on wide range of food. He added that pigs are biogically similar to humans, as a result of this they are used for human medical researches. When there is a new medical development, it can be tested on pigs first, thus an idea an of how it would react on humans is derived.

In the afternoon, Mr. Olayinka received a call from his employed piggery's caretaker that she found a 3 month old pig dead in it's chamber, remember I said the visit was an impromptu one, this very occurrence made it actually an impromptu visit and another reason I would narrate in the following paragraphs.

The Piggery is about 15mins drive from his residence, at about 4.00pm, we drove down.
On getting there, we went straight to the dead pig's chamber but we just couldn't figure what caused it's death.

The dead Pig

Mr. Olayinka being a long time Pig Farmer guessed that it could be that a dangerous ant perilled in through the pig's snout(check illustration above to know the snout) and that would mean death for the pig or a swine flu caused it but only one died, how could it be a flu? The chance for that to have been the reason was just too low, almost insignificant.
He had no choice than to bury it, it was beginning to produce an horrible smell already.
He dug it grave and buried it!


A Second Reason Why He Had To Check The Piggery

The caretaker added in her phone call report that two of the pigs just completed their gestation period (pregnancy period) and they both had eight(8) litter of piglets each.
Gestation period of pig is 3 months, 3 weeks, & 3 days.

The first Sow- after a pig has had her first litter of piglets she is called a sow

And the second Sow

Probably the next this one in the photo was going to under go farrowing(the act of giving birth in pigs) in few days time.


How Does A Pig Give Birth?

I got curious as well about this very question of which I forgot to ask to Mr. Olayinka. So I had to do a little research.

Other Pigs In The Piggery

This section will be more of photo illustrations than writing..


This one actually got me me scared when it suddenly leaned on its chamber's door and grunted like I was going to intrude. Hehe!

The meekest of all. Hehe!


End of post

I hope you enjoyed and learnt a bit!?
Thanks for following through.

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