ULOG 17: A Movie Review on Die Beautiful- Touching yet Realistic

in #ulog6 years ago

Hello everyone, today was a movie day. I had a chance to watch atleast 4 films earlier and there was one movie that stood out. It was "Die Beautiful" a Filipino Independent film released in 2016.
By the way that is the official movie review of the movie.

The Plot

The movie started with featuring a fabulous adolescent, practicing as he would in a beauty pageant, adorned with the necessary accessories, improvised and all, complete with a question-and-answer portion. It was a beautiful scene to watch: of such wide-eyed optimism and freedom that are soon halted by the voice of the boy’s father. Jun Robles Lana’s prelude to his latest work paves waythe torture.A few years forward, the wide-eyed but repressed adolescent is now Trisha (Paolo Ballesteros), a transgender woman. She still pursues her dream of winning a beauty pageant, visiting barrio after barrio, with her friend, Barbs (Christian Bables). In between, Trisha also takes care of her adopted daughter to forge the same path as her own. Trisha unexpectedly dies while being crowned in a beauty pageant. Her last wish was to be presented as a different celebrity on each night of her wake, but her conservative father wants to bury her as a man and not as woman. Trisha's friends are left with no choice but to steal her body and hold the wake in a secret location. And as Trisha is transformed to look like different celebrities and famous , they also look back at the colorful and extraordinary life that she has way back.

The Movie is Touching yet Realistic


The movie started to be in a light gay humour that turned to be dark and very dramatic. In the film’s characters are occasionally made the subject of comic relief and center of discussion; but past the witty and colorful banter, humor acts as a mask and a protective shield to these people who have suffered and hurt enough. The movie is very realistic in way that LGBT community has been portrayed. It was an image of sexual identities connotes the myriad of personal and collective histories that are defined by diverse struggles for acceptance and against society.

The Movie talks about Acceptance

For most LGBT, acceptance remains to be one of the most elusive things yet struggle faced. In the movie we can see how much Trisha was hated by his father. So he sneak out whenever he was not around so he can go out and be himself. It is a clear representation of how LGBT struggles even within their own family.

The Movie talks about Discrimanation

Clearly from beginning to the end f the film, Discrimanation against gay people was very prevalent. It shows how much struggle for the gays as they became a center of attention as people looked a t them so differently and make fun of them. The movie was an eye opener for everyone as how LGBT feels when they are discriminated.

The Movie talks about Self-Choice

One of the most powerful theme the movie presented was self-choice and freedom. Trisha was condemn by his father for being gay but he still choose what he loves and be himself. Although he struggles , it didn't stop him from doing what makes him happy. It's a great lesson for all of us, we can have a choices in our life and that we can be ourself.

The Movie talks about Loving Youself

The movie was a great representation of how essential it is to love yourself no matter what. When you start to love yourself , you are more empowered and you have a better understanding and perspective in life. That's crucial to progress in life. When Trisha started to love and accepted himself, he fought his way to be able to make one.

Beautifully Acted; Clear Storyline

The movie is very strong from the cinematography to the acting skills of the actors. The 2hours seemed short as it was really beautifully portrayed and acting wise, the main star Paolo Balasteros was really superb and convincing. The supporting crew as well was harmonious to the film. The storyline was clear and the flaw of the scenes was just perfect.

Conclusion: 8/10


Overall I would give it an 8 out of ten stars. The movie was timely and relevant as it brought as sensitive topic yet portrayed perfectly. The movie exposed the starkly unique struggles and trials of a trans woman, all of which fascinatingly result in emotions that are universal.

This film is an image of LGBT struggles that celebrates an enthrallingly colorful universe where hardships and happiness seamlessly converge and achieve in this patriarchal society. So if you have time, better watch this film.

Thank You for reading!

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