Ulography #5 : Landscape of The Sea In My City

in #ulog6 years ago

Hello Uloggers Friends.

In this afternoon, I was a visit to the sea in the city I, Krueng Geukuh, North Aceh, with the aim to let go of fatigue, enjoying the scenery sea and took a photo of the sight of the sea in the city of me. I visited at 5 afternoon with my wives, I was taking pictures of a tree at the edge of the beach and the sight of the sea with a stretch of sand at sunlight still shines a light in the afternoon.

Di sore hari ini, saya pun berkunjung ke laut di kota saya, Krueng Geukuh, Aceh Utara dengan tujuan untuk melepaskan penat, menikmati pemandangan laut serta mengambil foto pemandangan laut di kota saya. Saya berkunjung jam 5 sore bersama istri saya, saya pun mengambil foto sebatang pohon di pinggir pantai dan pemandangan laut dengan hamparan pasir pada saat cahaya matahari masih bersinar terang di sore hari.



Friends uloggers, to see the photos when sunlight want to set, then I wait until one hour to take a photo of the next so I can see the difference the photo. This photo I take with the smartphone my wives who branded Xiaomi. The results of the photo look different with the motive clouds different color

Teman-teman uloggers, untuk melihat hasil foto saat cahaya matahari mau terbenam, maka saya menunggu hingga satu jam untuk mengambil foto berikutnya agar saya bisa melihat perbedaan foto tersebut. Foto ini saya ambil dengan smartphone istri saya yang bermerek Xiaomi. Hasil foto terlihat berbeda dengan motif awan yang berlainan warnanya



Such is the story ulography me today, hopefully friends uloggers comforted everything. See you in the next ulography.

Demikianlah cerita ulography saya hari ini, semoga teman-teman uloggers terhibur semuanya. Sampai jumpa di ulography berikutnya.


ThemeLandscape Sea
SettingAuto Focus
CameraXiaomi Redmi Note 5A
LocationKrueng Geukuh, North Aceh , Indonesia

Regards: @zaim4d1


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