Ulography #13 : The Sunset When Cloudy

in #ulog6 years ago

Hello Uloggers, what's up?

In a happy day, I want to share photos of the sunset when the sky. Activities ulography my time in the City Nisam precisely in the area of rice fields because in these areas the landscape is clearly visible when the sun was about to sunset, a photo I took at 18.20 time of occurrence of local rain in the east area of North Aceh.

Di hari yang bahagia ini, saya kembali ingin berbagi foto matahari terbenam saat mendung. Kegiatan ulography saya kali di kawasan Kota Nisam tepatnya di area persawahan karena di area tersebut bentang alam terlihat jelas ketika matahari hendak terbenam, foto saya ambil pukul 18.20 saat terjadinya hujan lokal di arah timur daerah Aceh Utara.


Friends uloggers, when the weather is cloudy in the east then in the west sunset looks orange in the western horizon, but the view of the sky half dark and partly bright by the light of the sun, the results of the photos look as interesting as the painting of nature. This phenomenon is rare, this is the advantage of my new activities ulography.

Teman-teman uloggers, ketika cuaca mendung di arah timur maka di arah barat matahari terbenam terlihat jingga di ufuk barat, namum pemandangan langit setengah gelap dan sebagian terang oleh cahaya matahari, hasil foto terlihat menarik seperti lukisan alam. Fenomena ini jarang terjadi, ini merupakan pengamalaman baru saya dalam kegiatan ulography.



For the last photo I took it with a magnification of 4 times so that the sunset is clearly visible with its dazzling light in the afternoon. Pemndangan looks beautiful with the gleam of the light as yellow gold. Thus the activities of the ulography I, good friends entertained. Thank you for viewing the photos I take and see you on my activities the next.

Untuk foto terakhir saya pun mengambilnya dengan pembesaran 4 kali agar matahari terbenam terlihat jelas dengan cahayanya yang mempesona di sore ini. Pemndangan terlihat indah dengan kilau cahaya seperti kuning emas. Demikianlah kegiatan ulography saya, semoga teman-teman terhibur. Terima kasih telah melihat foto-foto saya ambil dan sampai jumpa pada kegiatan saya berikutnya.


  • Nature always give a charm and beauty to us all


CameraXiaomi Redmi 4x
LocationNisam Antara, North Aceh , Indonesia


Regards: @zaim4d1


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