Ulog #29 - Enjoys A Piece of Ice Cream

in #ulog6 years ago

Hello Uloggers

My daughter named Rahil, today asked me to buy a piece of illedered cream, he bought it because he was getting 100 in his training book, my goal to give a little gift to be motivated to continue the learning spirit. Now my daughter has become an elementary school student in one of the public schools in North Aceh.

Putri saya yang bernama Rahil, hari ini meminta kepada saya untuk membelikan sepotong es cream pelangi, saya pun membelinya karena ia hari ini mendapatkan nilai 100 di buku latihannya, tujuan saya untuk memberikan sedikit hadiah agar ia termotivasi untuk terus semangat belajar. Sekarang putri saya telah menjadi murid sekolah dasar di salah satu sekolah negeri di Aceh Utara.


Enjoying a piece of ice cream is the pleasure for the children, they do not care about the hot weather, which they remember is just a sense of fruit that is sweet in the ice cream content. Look at the way he enjoys the ice cream, makes us as his father is also to feel the ice cream.

Menikmati sepotong es cream adalah kesenangan bagi anak-anak, mereka tak peduli cuaca panas, yang mereka ingat hanyalah rasa buah yang manis dalam kandungan es cream tersebut. Lihatlah cara ia menikmati es cream, membuat kita sebagai ayahnya kepingin juga untuk merasakan es cream tersebut.


Dear friends uloggers, is our happy son is our duty as her parents, so is my moment taking photos when he was eating a piece of ice cream, when later at home, he asked to see the photo, of course he would be happy because he saw his style of life when enjoying the ice cream.

Teman-teman uloggers, membuat anak kita bahagia adalah tugas kita sebagai orangtuanya, begitu juga momen saya mengambil foto ketika dia sedang makan sepotong es cream, ketika nanti sampai di rumah, dia pun meminta melihat foto tersebut, tentu saja dia akan bahagia karena melihat gayanya yang asyik ketika menikmati es cream.



Every moment with the child is so meaningful for a father, this is my story today's friends of ulogger, hope you are entertained and insisted, looking forward to my next story.

  • Greetings Ulogger



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