Ulogquote #5 - Keeping the Faith No Matter What

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

In these times of uncertainties, we often ask ourselves why are we still in situations we never had imagined we would be in or why our hopes, and dreams we've long been praying have not been answered yet though we already tried the best we could even if it meant shedding own's blood, sweat and tears.


So how are you going to keep the faith? I am not an expert in giving advise but I always try to do these things for myself to keep my spirit free from stress and of course to strengthen my faith. We are human beings anyway and we should use our lives as worthwhile as we can and as long as we live.
Most of the following instructions had worked for me and who knows, they may also work for you.

1. Allow yourself to grieve for what you have lost. ...

I always think that we can't turn back the time and every decision and mistake that we made will always be part of what we are today. They leave us lessons to grow and become a better person. Allow yourself to grieve for what you have lost but do not let yourself dwell in it forever.

2. Be patient with the uncertainty....

Patience is a virtue and pays off once you will reap the fruit of it. There are many times I thought of how important patience is in every aspect of life. In times when everything is unsure, you have to learn how to wait, whether in relationship, work, or in family. Nothing comes overnight. Keep praying, hold on.

3. Focus on the positive....

Take problems as challenges, mistakes as avenues for improvement, rejections as ways to search for better opportunities, and failures as motivation for yourself to keep trying and not surrendering the battles you want to win triumphantly.

4. Have deep water faith in the shallow end.

When nobody else believes in you, to whom are you going to cling on to? Remember that you have your ownself when no one else can. Save your faith for yourself and believe what you can do to achieve your hopes and dreams. Say to yourself, "I can do, I am able, I will."

Life's challenges and uncertainties all spice up our lives and it will depend on us how shall we face and deal with them. With this, faith will be one of the best thing you can count on. Keep praying. Have faith!




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