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RE: Oklahoma's Sequoias - Keystone Ancient Forest in Osage County

in #ulog6 years ago

We have tried a little bit of everything, but I think the past eight videos have finally helped us find our place. This past one is my favorite so far. This link will take you to the post that talks about where we have been with our video style.

I also suffer from anxiety. It actually caused us to not go to Tucson a few weeks ago. However, Scott is patient with me and so understanding. I tend to get out to the parks and outdoors to help me control the depression. I talk about that anxiety and all in this post.

I am sure you didn't comment to get posts thrown your way. I am always trying to find ways to relate to others and I hope this relates. I guess, I am just looking for way to connect with anyone who will listen. haha.


The links are fine. Thanks for sharing. I enjoy connecting with others. I'll be sure to check those out.

Frank, my husband, is also very patient. Last year I was still too unwell to go to Anarchapulco in Acapulco Mexico. We're planning the trip for this February in 1029. We have a special warrantly on the whole thing so if ever I'm sick and really can't go, then we won't lose all our money on the hotel, plane and event. But I'm hoping I can go. I want to go. We never had a honey moon, so it'll be our belated honey moon. Never thought it would be in Mexico, but flying across an ocean right now is not an option. When the anxiety doesn't drain me, the burnout does, so I'm very careful what I do and where I go, when I go to social gatherings and such.

There was a time when I could travel without fear and I'm confident that I'll be able to get to that place once more where I can feel assured and do a lot more than I can right now. There are so many places I'd like to visit. Travel goals, I guess ;)

Little steps my friend, little steps. I completely understand and hope that you are able to travel to Mexico for your honeymoon. Scott and I never had one, but it feels like we are on a continual one with all this travel; even if it is just to the next county over.

I will be rooting for you and hope you are well enough to go.

Thanks, I appreciate that ;)

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