Ulog # Day 8 cycle 1. Big day today

in #ulog6 years ago


My therapist having a nice lunch on the Amalie coast.
LOL. I do have a lot of fun with my buddy

It’s 4:30 am and I am looking forward to my appointment. And on the same time worried about it also. Good news is all I can do. It’s only been a week when you kicked my feet out from me. What my family was told was brutal. I do not want to go through that again.

The question that keeps going through my head is “how do I make this easier on my family “. I am in very good spirits, so do not worry about me in that area.

What’s that movie where they say “never give up, never surrender “ Tim Allen movie 🎥

Well now it’s 5:30 am, let me see if I can get an hour or so sleep.

Well it’s 7:30 am and just woke up again and took a pain pill.

All throughout the house not a creature was sturing, not even a mouse. When all of a sudden, with such a scream that Ran though the houses
“Get your lazy arsa up”

I will give them 10 more minutes to get up

It’s 11:30 am and just finished the bone boost. Was just told that the labs are done. Now I have to get a blood transfusion because my platelet, red blood count and white blood count is low. I will be here for lunchtime. Hope it’s good.

No matter what they have to be higher (labs). Kemo knock the crap 💩 out of them. This is going to be along term thing!

These are some dark subjects. But at this point needs to be discussed.

“If you ignore it, it will go away.”

That is a true statement for the most part at least for one party.

I took a picture of my lunch and it’s gone. I guess I have a lot of things to learn about the iPad

We had
salsberry stake
Spanish rice
Green beans
Chocolate cake
Ice tea
2% milk (not my favorite)
Roll with butter

That was lunch sorry for the picture mess up. I will get it right next time.
I think I will see if I can get a little sleep 🛏 .
Well they got me all hooked up waiting on blood and bone marrow to get started
So that’s enough for now

Grandson will be here tomorrow 😁 . I am looking forward to seeing him and will try and get him to be more interactive with steemit and this.
Alot has been put on my youngest. He will go to OKC where he will meet grandsons to bring them here.

If anyone knows how to find the url for a post so I can copy it to put in biscord let me know. Having a hard time with this.

Okay this is enough for a while. Take care hug your family



Seems like your post always make me want a nap these days. I am glad you think about writing the updates between times.
Maybe your grandson would like the Steem Monster game?
I played my cards a little but I lose more rounds than I win.

Not a bad idea
I will have to ask him
Not bad at all

I was just thinking of avoiding junk food for a while but seeing that pizza I guess I'll postpone haha

That is a well balanced lunch 🍴
A Europe lunch with only the finest ingredients

It does look good!!!!!!! 🍕

It does indeed look tasty!

Hey, @wolfhart.

You've definitely got a lot going on. Since I'm kind of late to the party, hopefully you've been enjoying the visit from the grandsons.

That lunch you had sounded pretty good. I don't drink whole milk (though I would like too), so the 2% would be fine with me. It's less than that when it starts to taste more like milk flavored water. :)

Did you get the help you needed with the iPad. Bet your grandsons know how to do that. :)

Yea they seem to know more then me. Grandkids. LOL

The lunch was real good. The 2% milk gave me something to complain about. My hole diet has changed. That’s ok as long I am moving forward.

This is one party you want to be late to.
People just don’t want to be outcasted. No matter what problem they have

Which URL you need?

Namaste, JaiChai

I want to copy the post and put it in discord post promotion . Using steemit blog. I tried putting a post from busy in pifc post promotion. I don’t think it worked

I am using an iPad, and a little lost 😀

That is a very tasty pizza! Cheese overflow, just I like it!

Hugs, @wolfhart!

Back at yea
That is a nice lunch during his Europe travels
Looks real good too

Sorry to hear of your struggles @wolfhart. So yes cuddle the grandson and HUG YOUR FAMILY!

Do agree.
I will get through this so no worries

Well done @wolfhart. You are doing a great job mastering your ipad and getting these posts written in between naps and everything else that is going on.

Are you in hospital or at home? Sometimes I think it's one and then I think it's the other.

We have a charity in the UK that is specifically set up to support the family of people who have cancer that is wonderful. And has been a godsend to a number of people I know. I there anything like that locally?

The last thing you need is extra worry about how your family are coping and vice versa.

Sending love to you all and wishing you some peaceful moments.

Enjoy your grandson. 💙

Not as far as I know
I am at the hospital during the day and hame at night
They will do a platlet check to see if I can go home in about 20 minutes
It’s the end of the cycle so it will slow down to build up before doing kemo again

I hope the check goes well @wolfhart and you're soon on your way home.

I'm off to bed shortly.

"Speak" to you tomorrow.

I am looking forward to it
You Europeian sure go to bed early. Whaaahaha

Well I ended up going to bed late again. 11.26 to be precise which is slightly better than the other two nights. I actually like to start getting ready for bed at 10 and read a bit. I just dont' sleep as well being on the computer "late" and then going straight to bed.

Hope your night wasn't too bad. 😊

Last night was a good night for me
Fell asleep around 3 am and sleeped for 3-4 hours. Now that was a good sleep 😴

That's good to hear @wolfhart. 💙

I read the story , mouth watered over that pizza now I am off to hug the boys, hugs are Free so spread them around 😉
Have a Nice day

Hugs make me happy
I have an appointment with him on Monday. Should be interesting.
I will let him tell me about his vacation.
I will also be nice

You can’t hug your boys enough, so spoil them with it over and over

I like that quote from Tim Allen's "Galaxy Quest". And that pizzza ... looks sooo tasty.

I liked that movie 🎥
It’s a silly movie but I like it

Looked like a very nice lunch
I will get him on Monday to tell me all about his Europe vacation

Just came to your blog thru @lynncoyle1. Maybe you don't want it or maybe you do but dammit you are a steemian and we help each other out ;) So I put a little something in your Wallet. Hope you are not one of those people who get offended by stuff like this. Oh well f- it if you are ;) :)

Btw, that pizza looks amazing!!

F-it if you are
Gotta love the attitude 👍
Lynn does a good job and a great steemian
Thank you

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