Ulog # ? -Banning Plastic Straws ?????

in #ulog6 years ago


I have a simple question. Does it make sense to ban plastic straws. I agree that there is an issue with plastics. The land and oceans are littered with it. Causing harm to not only the environment but the animals who inhabit the land and seas.

I can only see two advantages to plastics. It is cheap to produce the product and locks up some of the earths carbon for a long period of time. In a day and age where carbons are said to be creating havoc on planet in the form heating or the cause of global warming. The second is the positive effect on the environment in the form of less trees have to be used in the creation of paper products that many plastic replaced. Back in the day deforesting was a major topic. Today not so much. Why should plants that uses carbon and produce oxygen be of any major concern.


Lets get back to plastic straws. What are they used for? For one you push it through the center of the plastic lid where the X is cut out. Then you push it all the way down to the bottom of the plastic cup holding your beverage then use it to withdraw the beverage.

Are you starting to get the irony in all this.


With all the problems in the world straws are not on the top of the list. To many other things that need to be addressed. If people look around their home the amount of plastic items is staggering. From their electricity to kitchen items. The phone and computer, I could go on and on. So why the ban on straws? Why are so many supporting the ban as if a Nobel prize should be awarded.


Here is a post with information about it. Post

For me if that is the best elected officials can do they just lost my vote and I will pick someone else. I expect elected officials to solve problems and not make laws just to make laws. I wish others would do the same.

I don't know why this crossed my path today. I just had to shake my head. Maybe someone can explain how this solves a pollution problem. To me recycling would be a better idea where other plastics would also be included.



I've always used straws out of necessity because I can get cold sores over my entire mouth very easily. But if this wouldn't be the case I would not use them. A few years ago when I purchased my first coconut bowls I got a few metal straws in the package too. I instantly loved the idea. Now I also have some cool glass straws. I always have a few metal straws in my handbag just in case that I would be drinking something from a glass outside of my home.

To your point, a friend of mine recently asked a similar question. He didn't point out households but as an examples he was talking about concerts and festivals. There can be maybe 50000 - 100000 (even more) people attending festivals over a few days. How much plastic is used there? All the plates, cutlery, glasses, etc. I have never thought about it myself (well I don't go to such events :) ) It's like a plastic sea just in that particular place.

If you take a moment and think about plastic then you realize that it's really everywhere. I try to keep my household plastic free as much as I can. I bring my own bags to the shop, I don't take plastic bag unless it's for berries and they don't have paper boxes. But what amazes me is that (At least in Switzerland) all organic produce is wrapped up in plastic!? E.g. each eggplant is wrapped up SEPARATELY. This is so contradictory to the 'organic' concept. I was told the reason behind it is that the organic produce should not touch the normal produce because of the contamination. How ridiculous is that?

The only problem I have with plastic is the way people deposes of it and other trash. If you see a piece of trash on the ground pick it up and put it in a trash can. Its not hard, yet people can't do that but complain about the environment.

A group of environmentalist had a protest on camped out for it. The trash that was left behind took six months to clean up at a cost to the local people. But that's OK

This is just grandstanding. It is stilly straws are not that big of an issue. The fossil fuels used to make the replacements and the health hazards of reusable ones in public places are much worse. This is just another way to put a feather in their hat say they did something great. While making us pay a little more for what we buy. While at the same time doing nothing about the real issues cause of the lobbying groups those companies have. It is just a joke.

Yet people hear "Ban Plastic XXXXX" and they just jump right in there with support without giving any thought on anything else.

While at the same time doing nothing about the real issues cause

Why should they when they get support for just using any negative thing to the word plastic.

No thought to cost, impact or if any results would be achieved. They don't want the problem to go away because they would loose any cause to follow.

I guess that issuing a law that bans it was cheaper than creating an educational program or recycling it.

Why teach a person to fish when you can have them rely on you. :) It solves no issue. Another talking point BS


indeed, is not banning but a safe disposal that would ultimately create a healthier environment. If it is not the plastic straw, it's something else. Recycling and educating about it would be a good start. Also, enforce fines for fly-tipping or illegal waste dumping and littering.

Recycling and educating about it would be a good start. Also, enforce fines for fly-tipping or illegal waste dumping and littering.

That would be a great start

All plastic should be band. We have no need for it. Wity so many other ways of making bags ( hemp, cotton, etc.) We dont need plastic for bags. Straws can be made from glass or metal that we can use over and over, or why not just sip the cup.. not only is the ocean littered with this waste but so is the land... idk thats my thoughts on it.

I don't think you truly understand what plastic are used for. From roads to medical equipment. it also is used to fight global carbon emissions. (asphalt is responsible for 2% of global carbon emissions.)
Electric wires in your home is uncased in plastic.

Do you really think that banning plastic will stop pollution. People pollute not the items used in the pollution.

why not just sip the cup

So your OK with plastic cups and lids but not straws. This was the whole point of the post on how it is meaningless and hypocritical To ban straws as a fix. To think about the position that one takes and not just go along with what might sound good at the moment

Idk in hawaii we banded all plastic bags, no more using them for shopping etc. Its been a good thing . People reusing more durable bags pays off. No i dont like drinking from plastic either i would prefer glass anyday. I was just saying that alot of things dont need to be plastic. So many birds and other marine life die from straws and even bags and balloons. Taking one step at a time i think will be a good idea... not hating what your saying just its my opinion .😣

banded all plastic bags

I have no issue with that. I pick them up all the time from blowing around.

Pollution is a major problem and whats been done to the oceans is despicable.

If the action being taken is straws only, the only thing you are doing is blowing sun shine up my, you now where :)
I would have had a little more respect if you also banned the plastic lids also. Better yet why not start a project picking up trash. or give out tickets for littering. There that one would make a difference.

We are no a far cry from banning all plastic :)

It might just be a small step and will grow. Sadly everything comes down to money, so maybe put a recycling tax on all plastic that way people will be more willing to recycle to get it back. Like how they do with bottles..?? Idk just thinking out loud.

just thinking out loud.

I do that to! Its a good thing.
I don't know about another tax but they do need to make recycling easier and available

yes ... with recycling the garbage will be used for human needs. such as waste in the cycle into electricity

That is not the big problem, there are others that must be taken into account, it is crazy to eliminate them, with so much plastic in the world.

San Francisco is just one place banning straws and they have one of the worst pollution/Garbage in their streets. To include needles. You would thing banning needles would be done.
The straw banning is nothing more then a political / public scam.

It is ironic that straws are the focus when there's so much plastic anyway. I guess it's something easy for people to focus on to make them think they are helping with the pollution problem. An easy scapegoat I guess :) Let's ban straws so everyone doesn't notice the plastic lid or plastic chair or plastic...a million other things :)

its a scam. started of with Starbucks changing to paper straws. they are cheaper. and is gaining ground with cities. They cant keep needles from being dropped all over the place but want straws out.

People just follow along and don't look to see if the is a motive behind it

It's just another bandwagon for people to jump on. don't worry though, it'll pass before you know it and something new will come along that you can shake your head at :)

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