ULOGGERS: Today's Certified and Verified ULOGGER (True Celebrity) is "@sn0white". Join In As Her "True Fans". We Will Fix Many Worries!!!

in #ulog6 years ago


"True celebrity-hood" once and for all, for "everyone"

@uloggers is beginning to unfold and it will carry excitement and tons of awesomeness. There will be beautiful testimonies. 

No more worries, for together we will fix many worries.
No worries, we are still on track because the entire curriculum has been "one" and the same.
@uloggers is simply a part of one entire curriculum!
Please digest this post and this post and like me, join in and become a Ulogger today. Become "true celebrities" and "true fans" of #ulog.

Each @uloggers legacy post, will birth a vertified/certified ULOGGER; "True Celebrity".

Each featured ULOGGER will be asked series of questions as part of a curriculum and required to answer these questions on-the-spot. Too, for them to be on here, we must have gone an entire curriculum via DM. There is also ever-testimonial gift involved. Well, it will be your turn soon. You will find out in due time.

The essence is to draw unadulterated INTEL from the elements of their very being and use this to dispense in return, "valuable INTEL" ("no books" involved/in the undertone of an illiterate) related to success both on "steemit" and "in life"
Moreso, the entire endeavor is a curriculum to celebrate them. 
We will also use each of these ULOGGER posts, to consciously and heartily fix many worries.
Jehovah in charge!

We implore you to spend today in specially celebrating "@sn0white" (a now fully certified and verified ULOGGER) with me. 

Kindly, make sure to follow her and become her "true fan" 

Sometimes, you could never really be found out without the rightly-posed questions. Many times you may have the right limitless notions sit forever in your brain and mind because on your own, you can't process these thoughts out into reality, even in writing, without the right directional questions etc. 

We will jointly help matters in that regard. 

On @uloggers, of utmost pertinence is "community"; thus, we will use this activity as often as possible, to strengthen the community, amp its excitement and unveil even its underlying deep beauty.  

We will celebrate each ULOGGER, empowering them, by stamping them "whale inside"/"TRUE CELEBRITY" both on steemit and in "life".

We will strive to touch as many ULOGGERS as possible, empowering them and stamping in them, "never-ceasing burning fire". We will impact hundreds and gradually thousands of ULOGGERS and this is powerful. 

Now is the timely time and sometimes, it is "timeliness" that gives an event, act, movement or endeavor, its ginormous power/effect, more than anything else. 

@uloggers legacy posts, will involve a series of questions shaped to tap into our very elements"untalented-style"; we will put each ULOGGER "on-the-spot", getting unadulterated feedback from their "very person" and we will use this feedback, to give just the right kind of "breakthrough INTEL" in return

We will look to give each ULOGGER, advice related to "steemit" success and an all-encompassing "life" advice
There will be "no books" involved!
I will simply "break down" and dispense this INTEL and it will come out especially made for YOU, resulting from my truly intense love for you. 

Be kind as to value it, by trying to understand even its undertone and by giving it even an illusionary never-ceasing testimonial essence; testament to the fact that, on steemit and regardless of how "donkey-life", life is tending to be, "breakthrough opportunities" can come your way at any moment, not only because situation is better now than ever (with steem, steemit, decentralization, blockchain etc) but also because you are "a true celebrity" and at the very least, a "true celebrity" to me.  

I am your indubitable TRUE FAN.

Invite new friends too; to join steemit to become ULOGGERS; "true celebrity". Be sure to share @uloggers with friends as it will be one steemit account holding a repository of "everyone" in fly/shine-mode.


Let them be ready to receive me as their ultimate "true fan", from day one because the only qualification is "human".

That simple!

Within each edition of a @uloggers legacy post, we will evolve in our substance and be made anew and all the more solid in our character; empowered! 

Here are the things to take note about, each time you come across any of our posts:  

  • Humanity is the brother next to you. 
  • Even within the atomic-like elements of my tiny lines (words), that i will dispense as celebratory advice are giantly "beautiful intentions". So when i say the words, "you are "true celebrity" to me" for instance, it is because "whale or minnow", you matter just as much!
  • I am not a writer. I am not a reader either. My empowering response to each ULOGGER aren't fancy words. There are simply "Terry".
  • Nations are just locations. We are the world!
  • I am your ultimate "true fan"!
  • You are my "true celebrity".
  • Let's surpass google together!
  • You are bigger things to me than money!
  • Be ready with a plastic bottle labelled "tears of joy".  For soon, we will cry these types of tears. (Whenever, i eventually do, i will like to save them, for they would have been my first!)
  • Even when i don't appear around (e.g in the DMs, posts etc), know this one thing: "I have done suffering like crazy; i do suffering like crazy but my entire-tired-being loves you still!"
  • If you are not featured just yet, know that i will reach out to you soon. However, know that my response message to each ULOGGER, is  "me talking to everyone", same as i would in the DMs; thus, by means of each ULOGGER legacy post; know that we have spoken.
  • Whatever you learn from each edition, may it keep on "an incessant testament" to the fact that "possibilities" are very possible.
  • Please look to support each ULOGGER with as a "true fan", leaving an empowering comment, perhaps, a voluntary donation and kindly strive to follow them.
  • You are a celebrity but to be "real-deal" celebrity, you must relish celebrating others too. So with each edition, heartily join me in celebrating others.
  • We will draw inspiration from each series to stay excited in steem activities.
  • We will draw inspiration from each series to bring new friends on steemit.
  • We will get to know each ULOGGER, for the human that they represent.
  • We will have an ever-growing repository of each beautiful ULOGGER.
  • The millions in breakthrough-money that you may seek so passionately, may be find-able underlyingly in each of these legacy posts because "i break down" to dispense them. Please look closely! Please don't doubt it! My love is kamkpe strong.
  • etc

Each edition of a @uloggers legacy post, will feature a ULOGGER and has a style-guide and an entire mentor-ship session (behind-the-scenes), designed to empower each of these ULOGGERS and fix many worries; stamping each featured ULOGGER, "true celebrity" in the real-world called "life" and "whale inside" on the best blockchain called "steem".

We want to create a vibe by means of the beauty steem offers, "shining "YOU" forth", so that new steemians joining organically true the search engines or after discovering @uloggers; join steemit and stay because of "YOU"; the shining "YOU".

Kindly look to sharing https://steemit.com/@uloggers online and offline, home and abroad as a means also to easily promote steem/steemit.

(ULOGGERS) whether "private figures" or "public figures" will be featured alike. 

Note that a ULOGGER can stay private while creating ULOGS. For the most part, if a steemit account is private, the ULOG it creates is likely to be private too.

Today's Certified and Verified ULOGGER is "@sn0white"

The curriculum involved a style-guide that had a set of general, un-prying questions, answered by @sn0white on-the-spot. 

Based on her answers and an entire chat mentor-ship session, we picked the very elements of her constituent and we will cook her some timeless heartfelt advice as someone who truly loves her.

Basically, i will celebrate her, highlight her own strengths and i will sift even "weaknesses" to find strength therein. 
Together, we will celebrate and empower her today. She will become our celebrity and we her true fans.

The set of questions below, simply formed a style-guide, so that we, along with @sn0white, can build a legacy post together; we as her "true fans":  

1. Who Are You? 

(This should cover (all or some) things like, your very definition; your existing dreams; your forgotten dreams; your aspirations before steemit; life before steemit; life since steemit; what you would like to  accomplish on a limitless scale, if there were no odds and what odds there are or there have been; things you don't like about yourself; things that are unique to you; things people don't know about you etc. 
Anything at all that constitutes YOU!)   

2. How do you feel about yourself now? Is there an old-self, you would like to regain? Is there a new-self you would love to attain? 

3. Mention one virtue, you wish you could work on.

4. What do you write about the most on steemit and why?  

5. How did you find steemit and has it become your bus-stop and why did  it become your bus-stop?  

6. If you were to have a business, enterprise or company etc, what would you call it and what would it be about? 

7. Do you believe you can fly?  

8. Is there one person on steemit, that you can say, "as long as this  person stays on steemit and keeps on active, i will be also stay active  on steemit" and who is that person and why is it this person?  

9. If you had just one shot at "breakthrough" and it was your "very next  steemit post", what would you write about? 

10. Would you still read a mind, if you knew that this mind has loads of problems, that you aren't able to fix?  

Legacy Question: 

  • If generations yet unborn arrive and they had to read your legacy; what will they read? 
Tell me what "legacy" you will leave behind. Keep it as short as possible! 

@sn0white: spoke to me on-the-spot. She answered most of the questions above:

 1. Who are you? 
I am a simple girl with simple dreams in life. I'm dreaming to have a complete family, a family that lives together. We're not a broken family, but the distance of my mother remains as adversity. She's been working away from us for nearly 13 years now, and she's taking a vacation usually every two years. My mother kept it a secret from us that she'll be working abroad, I was only 14 that time. When I found that she's already in Singapore, I cried like she's never coming back because we're not used to being away from her. We're three siblings and I am the only girl. 
Growing up without a mother to guide you is not easy. If I have the opportunity to have my own family, I will do my best to strive with my future husband and stay together with our children. Children need parents to lean on. I can't believe that I have lived half of my life without a mother beside me. I know it's hard for my mother to be away from us, especially that she already had three grandchildren. I totally understand her situation that is why I'm hoping that I can make a way to send her back home with us. These are my existing dreams. 
When I was in high school I wanted to be a Flight Attendant as my career, but I didn't pursue it due to limitation in finances. But I got no regrets about it. Before I met Steemit, I'm just a student and focusing in my studies. I won't deny that I joined Steemit to earn but I am getting more benefits. I am not just earning, I’m also learning. I haven't tasted the fruit of my labor yet because I have a plan, but I would love to withdraw a portion of my earnings to experience the joy of reaping my rewards. 
My goal in Steemit is nothing but to succeed in this platform. I want to be a ‘whale’, that’s the ultimate achievement of every Steemian. It may be far from happening and it will take a million of minnow steps, but I’m optimistic about it. I would love to support my fellow Steemians in every way that I can. I like to see my family having a comfortable life. I want to succeed with my family, I want to reach the mountain top with them. I’ve been through many obstacles especially when my mom left. I became vulnerable, which I hate about myself but I’m trying to manage it. I’m unique in my own way. Though I can’t really describe how unique I am. I was often misconstrued being a sourpuss, but I am the opposite. I am indeed a sweet person. 
2. I actually had some bad attitudes before and I am happy that I refined myself, but I need to continuously improve.  
3. I want to constantly pay respect to all people. 
4. Apparently, I am enjoying writing my ulog. I love sharing about myself, things that I am comfortable to share.  
5. Steemit is beautiful, it has been a cozy bus terminal not just a bus-stop for me. I can stay as long as I want and wait for the right bus.  
6. An Internet Service Provider and I will name it Stream It. It’s a no brainer why I’ll name it that way. Hehe 
7. I do believe I can fly, just like R. Kelly’s song. My dreams will flutter just like wings. 
8. Yes. It’s Mr. Terry Ajayi. My admiration is off-the-roof for @surpassinggoogle. He’s an unbelievable guy. 
9. The title will be “Reaching My Goals”. I would like to inspire people to create their goals in life inside and outside Steemit and how to grasp it. 

Her Lecacy

Yes. I will. I want to challenge myself and I believe that every problem has a solution.  It will be a pleasure to engrave my legacy for the unborn. I will impart the knowledge that it is possible for humans to undergo metamorphosis but it takes courage. We can’t just settle from being good because there’s always room to be better, or maybe become the best out of ourselves. As a Steemian, I believe that a minnow can turn into a dolphin and eventually transform into a whale. 

 My Life Advice To Her:  

You have special virtues and i tell you "rare" even, in the world as a whole. Well, you are a kulitress but this is a special, even rare virtue depending on how your "kulit" is used.

Hahaha, sweetheart you are no simple girl. You simply can't be. No, not you! Well, you can be "simple" but only if your definition of "simple" carries context (sophistication)

The word "simple" without its "pretty context" can be misconstrued, removing "sophistication" altogether. 

Yes, a Rolls Royce is simple! "Simple-looking designs; plain; without special many ADs. Now, that is simple! 

Gucci comes in two or three plain colors. "Now, that's simple!"

Your pink FUR coat. "Very simple".

Champagne isn't all that flamboyant as a liquid, hahaha, it has limited foam (but it can pop). The bottles aren't all that fancy (just over-sized). The liquid is pretty much plain. "Now, that's simple!" (Champ d pain)

Terry; is simply "your boy Terry". No blings! Hahaha, but i tell you; "my simplicity"................ Well, i just joked. I am simply "your boy Terry" but this particular "simple" has weight and occupies space.

In life, in its entirety, not many things are simple. Except, we want to create easy-to-create illusions and say it is, many things in life aren't "simple". 

Hahaha, life in itself is one complex thing. 

Hahaha how did water get in the buko? Why is the sky blue? etc

Even when it was Paradise an perfection, man still had to exercise his free-will and display conscious love for real; hence, the serpent! Hahaha, it wasn't simple then. 

Adam had to sit down to ponder; wonder; name all the animals without biology. Now, assuming this was his dream, there was nothing simple about that dream

Well, you can say it is simple; "hahaha Adam, just sit down, let the air fill your nakedness, pluck the next fruit and name dem animals" but I tell you, there was sophistication to this particular "simple"

Well, eat and drink and merry, that was simple and was what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah, when Jehovah felt regret.

Note that, the creator Jehovah can just answer us; He knows our needs but he tell us not only to ask but to keep asking. Well, in truth, in life, especially in "this life", many things aren't simple.

We may have to want something. We may have to believe with deeply-rooted conviction that we deserve SOMETHING. We may have to keep asking. It is complicated! Well, "simple" but with a measure of sophistication (responsibility, with conviction, conscious etc).

Even monkeys, won't go using their teeth to crack nuts any longer. "It will sit down, apply some swag and use/create/innovate a stoney tool instead. 

Yes, dem birds migrate. "They play in the skies, then travel across country on airborne vacations". 

Well, the lilies keep their very shine, because the Creator Jehovah tends to them.

Humans are special. "Have in subjection, the fish of the sea!"

Jesus was simple but his for his garment, people cast lots to have a piece of that gorgeous linen and his one sandal never wore/tore. When it a tax time, he could say, "take the next fish and pull our your coin".

My point is in my context. Please try to decode my coded message. 

We were made in Jehovah's image and that is a hefty-weighty sentence. My point is, "yes, a ton of things are vanity but "a ton" of things is not exactly vanity because though we are mere dust, we were a complicated creature, created specially, with brains powerful that super-computers etc

One way to learn about Jehovah is through His word but there is another way; "his creation"; YOU! You are special, great, magandaest etc 

Going back............ Your dreams 

The truth is many things aren't that hard. In deep real truth, many of the things we begin to call "dreams" aren't "dreams"; we have had to convert these very attainable things into "dreams" by virtue of "not being on greener pasture" e.g when i left my parents, i gave it 5 years but this is painful comedy really. 

Well, many simple things are hard in the many parts of the world and we simply find ourselves in these parts but how about if "nations were simply locations"; and yes, what if the Philippines for instance, was greener pasture? 

Mumsy closed her eyes to do what she did. It was painful! It wasn't simple. It was conscious. But what if "nations were locations"? Just maybe, we would have been "families" in "a home". Just maybe!

Just before my mum died, was when i was on the verge trying to restore my home and i tell you, that is one ginormous, un-simple "dream" even as "a dream" and entire conscious feat but you know what, "i knew it and that drastically (in my pursuit of it) but.....................

I failed woefully..................... but i was close!

Knowing/establishing the true gravity of your dream is a huge start. Yes, in truth your dream is simple but there is a lot of sophisticated conscious effort to make/keep it simple and it is indeed simple.

We have started that journey. "Light in the tunnel".

Your dream is a noble dream. A special dream and so so so attainable. So, so, so simple but you will have to join in "for real", in making it so.

You aren't simple. You are special. You are hot. You are lot of amazing things and "sprees of shopping in Paris" isn't far-fetched, not because we aren't "mere dust" but because you are simply bigger than the smaller things. 

Overall, we aren't exactly to seek these things because these things are to seek you out (not because we aren't mere dust but because your irresistibly special "but" you will have to know that these things simple, normal and "small thing". 

You are worthy 

And your dreams, those are ginormous dreams too. Well, simple but requires sophistication. Giant. Yes, giant! Worthy; A feat; With weighty intentions; Drop-dead gorgeous; Very far-fetched in some cases; Going-to-the-moon-like in some cases. 

I tell you, bringing your family back together into one home isn't anything close to easy. 

That became my sole aim for ages. It never happened. I tell you these things because establishing this (to start with) will gear you up, put you in conscious-state, re-tell of responsibilities, amp your game etc

Feelings can indeed stay "simply feelings"; especially in these parts of the world. Establishing these things, will help, because "odds" suddenly will lose its "shock" factor and odds without its "shock factor" are half-odds.

Well, you are game for this and i have figured that out. So i render to you weighty INTEL, for you can carry it. 

You are kulit but kulit needs the right diversions and this is cause is one worthy one. After this entire curriculum, consciously catwalk that walk and go bring Mama home. 

Note: mum(s) just won't stop. I tell you, they won't!

My mum stopped, while collapsing on the stairs. She stopped right into the hospital and she never came out.

 In her dying words, she still spoke of donating her eyes to my dad. She still spoke of us. Gosh, even in her subconscious mind, when she left English and went back to her mother tongue, she was praying for us; "Anak, anak, anak".

Gosh, gosh, she didn't want me to spend! She spent all her time on those hospital beds, bothering me about "no spending", but gosh, she so so so wanted to live, that when she was dying, i didn't see it coming and there was no time to prepare or say one goodbye. Gosh, not even one! 

Gosh and just how much was i going to spending? 100k/200k pesos gosh. I won't lie to you, i wish i had 50 million pounds and time on hand, so i could take her to another location and at least fight, even if i lost. 

But i was half-human and yes, even with all my self-belief, i was half-human but this is not me, never me. 

Read about my mama plans

While she was in the ICU, someone visited from no-where, with newfound hope. He was going to put his job on the line for this story and he was going to experiment clinical treatment as last resort. I went to the new ward as i practically had to fight them to remove my mum from ICU to a private room, with all the ICU machines. 

They wasted all the time in the world.

Well, i went to the new prospective room to wait for my mum's move, (since they had concluded their protocol and were set to move her) and i found the bath room. 

To fight anew, i went into the bathroom and was getting ready to pour water on my head, (with dully-lit eyes as i was going to try hope again), to fight again but seconds in, i was called. 

"It's "over" time.

I ran downstairs to begin "30 mins of watching my mum leave me". My already-frail mum and they pump her frame turn after turn. 

Gosh, almost nothing in life is any longer "simple".

Even breathing in my case, is "two gasps for one gulp". My very being forgets to breathe. My frame is scared to breathe. I now have to be conscious to breathe. Even, that free reflex (precious gift) isn't simple.

And especially, in nations that the world call "developing", where there is donkey-life, odds are mountainous. 

To really dream in these places, you may have to climb that mountain with your dreams; lose all your physical weight en-route the climb; get to the top of the mountain and just as you crumble  under the weight of your now very hefty dreams and are about to off-load it onto the mountain surface, the south slight-wind will come, "hit the back of your ear" and un-balance (now-lanky) you and vooooooooooooooooooooooooooom, gbosa, gbagaun, gbagaun, yakata. 

You see; you won't even hear these sounds as it will simply play in your head as you lankily walk back down to ransack the mountain shores, to look for the pieces of your dreams. (i.e if your genes are kulit enough)

Hahaha, now you are back down and you find each piece (of your shattered dreams), then you may assemble these pieces or assemble the only pieces you could find to make an improvised version of your original dream, only to climb a now taller mountain because you are drained and lanky; then, you reach the top and the north slight-wind vooms and hit your other ear.

I tell you, in some cases, one can grow a third ear and a fourth. 

Inanycase, we can try stamping the ground to say YES, by asking for it. We can look to the skies and truly ask; Reach that mountain top, feel closer to the grandiose heavens and really wail-ly ask!

@sn0white, you will have beautiful testimonies; Your mama back with you. I simply want you to know that it is possible. Very possible!

But feelings can stay feelings forever; simply "feeling" forever, till they are consciously put to use and this is where to work on. It has begun!

You love her, you tear dem tears for her. Your diva is in your kulitness. Your ever-present readiness to dive. So, this is it! 

We will join in as "true fans" to help matters and she will back

When you say "sweet dreams", i tell you, it is one giant sweet dream; "A complete home". 

Note; you aren't alone. You have never been and now moreso, you have one more ultimate true fan and many true fans. 

And yes, like you have already figured out, you can look to adjust matters within your own family, when "your own family" arrives but i tell you, even that journey or dream, isn't "simple", because even that journey is so tied to your very conscious effort now. 

Yes, all that journey, starts now. Simply pave the way. Let's suffering now have valuable essence. Yes, it so so so start now. And not just one suffering, yours and mumsy's

When i say "suffering", i don't mean all financial.

Mumsy, may have left for one reason. That can't keep being "a reason". So, let's work it out from henceforth. Turn nations in locations, to where "greener pasture" is in every location . Well, the simple truth is, you can so can. And not because we are superpowers but because if you look at "we were made in Jehovah's image, in its true full weight, size and depth, then these things are very "simple thing", not far-fetched/going-to-the-moon desires.. 

If we can keep a home, we make awesome congregations.

And i tell you, "women" are "strong thing". If you know what i mean. Abigail, went all the way to appease David. "No simple feat" and yes, Nabal can have been so angry (if he knew) but she went for it and silently saved him. 

Women are "strong thing".

You deserve cakes and i am here to re-tell you.

I have almost always never had dime. I have hardly ever seek dime. Hahaha, if you gave me a Bugatti, i take it like its a chump of cake, because there are bigger things than the small things. 

Well, even if i don't use it or ("i am simple"); i may remove its side mirror for my keeps, so that i least, for the first time, i have a mirror to peer into; then i may remove the door for keeps, so i can give my wrecked fridge a Bugatti door; remove the seat, so that i can have a chair and to repair my damaged pelvis; remove the logo "for drive"; then give out the other parts or sell each part and share the proceeds. 


I will keep the engine to sell it (at good deal), to secretly give you and mumsy "a shopping spree in Paris", (like she secretly left to perhaps, to enhance "living" for her kids); make the return flight go back to PH and when in PH, give her a small garden gift, with greener pasture.

"She will shed tears", i tell you, she will but we will give her some teardrops SMT(s) and say "Mumsy, i love you; i have missed you and now, i want you to stay" and i tell you, "love" just spoke for real and it will touch her and break her softly and she will shed tears again and hug you and cry on your shoulders and she will say, "my daughter, i have missed you too; i was silent but oh, how i have missed you" and she will breakdown again, "you with her in one tight-tight hug" and you will both seat down on "greener pasture" and see the tears in each others eyes and she will break the stare, for she will grab you in another tight hug and this time she will say, 

"Sn0white"; i am not "the seven dwarfs" but i will stay".

There is light in the tunnel now; right now; right here but we need to see it. We need to blink right and so see it and move towards it, so that we can see it for real. Yes, we need to go close to draw assurance, then insurance happens next. Gosh, it is true; "light".

Tears have always had value and now, there is the teardrops SMT and imaginary as it still is, "we exchange it". 

I left home since 15 and my 3 sisters did too. But this is cause, many things aren't that simple. When you love, you want to spur change and is perhaps, why your mum is away as well. 

It was nothing close to "simple". Life isn't simple. The Bible isn't simple. 

Dig dig dig but in the era we are in; it can be technical, stunty digging; "simple". However the case, it is a conscious art. 

We can have really strong feelings (desires) by our measure but we may never take this feelings to levels where "feelings" become actual "true power" and we never get to take ourselves to places, where we can control this "true power".

Feelings can thus, ever stay "feelings"

It is now time for a bit more sit-down, a bit more solid talk, a big more moves, a bit more drive, a bit more.......

In truth, you have many virtues, but i focused on one in my response here as many of the other aspects are tied to this particular one. 

You do have awesome aspirations and your very legacy isn't accepting "settling for less". So there, "your kulitness" is where much of your strength is but be kulittress for real. Simply divert it aright (to those valuable places). 

It is possible to be really kulit about "why the referees are staring at you", so much so that you "must stare at them till they drop their gaze" but how about the race?

Be kulitress for the race itself and next time, you catwalk that walk, the room will halt because even in the midst of your prominent simplicity, your very presence showed and it filled the room.

As for fly, you can so fly but "fly" is inside-out. R-Kelly believes he can fly and produced that song because his very cores believe it

It has began. "fly" is next.

I so so so wanted your autograph. Thanking for giving me!

Note, i so wanted to go out to look for a printer to have it for keeps on paper but i will have to do that another day. 
I have a bad fone too, plus, i am not well and before i knew it, it got dark.
However, i so want you to know that "your boy terry" has no ounce of exaggeration to it because my entire tired being can't create exaggeration
Well, i want you to know that you are precious and i am your ultimate "true fan".

Too, henceforth and ever-ongoingly, you now have many "true fans". Always visit this testimonial post and ransack the comments too, to ever-ongoingly be reminded. 

Give this one steemit post (even if in your mind's eye) incessant testimonial essence as a "very special gift".


You are alot of beautiful things.

As for your loving intentions towards your family, while your dreams are in-the-making, state your loving intentions to them; make it known!!! 

Dreams are really dreams when they are span-less; limitless etc, so have no fears @sn0white; tell Mumsy that you are working towards it. Give her time-frame even. Yes, it can be December and start to shine towards that effect, henceforth. 

Trip her with your intentions. Resound it; resound it; resound it as even if you don't fulfill it, she will so know that "you were all about it" and i tell you, that'll carry her.

My mum died. I gave her nothing! But she knew within her cores, that if i had and she was here, i would give her skyscrapers.

May your very definition display your intentions; resound it with resolve. This will work wonders before your intentions come to fruition. Amazing superpowers will build up within you and power you up beyond measure.

e.g i would usually say; "pick a pen, rehearse your signature, hone it, for soon you will be signing autographs and thank you for doing just so. Now, you have signed us (your true fans) "autographs":

Thank you for signing autographs for us all! 
As true fans, please consider having a copy (for keeps) when you want, either digitally or hard. You can take pictures with it, if you desire and show up in the comments, if you are a "public figure".

My Steemit Advice To Her:  

I will keep this short as i am not physically fit but over time, we will learn on the go and in weekly discord talks.

Steemit is a strong point but based on the making of your person, you need special kind of INTEL, just for you. Let's restart the journey and re-spark it right here within this entire post. 

Ransack and digest this post. Listen to its undertone. Play out the pictures in each line. Look for contexts. Look for principles. Look for exceptions to rules etc Use your mind's eye, not just your brain and heart.

Decode every line. Look more intently at how this one post was used; one "steemit post" but one post containing dreams, virtues, legacies, ups-and-downs, life, "you", power, codes, autographs, fly, shine, surpassing google, poems, true celebrities, true fans etc

See within your mind's eye what will happen if someone comes across this post in the search engines, for instance. Imagine, how many people are in the search engines "seeking a fixing". Imagine, a Terry lurking in the search engines looking for next standout person, to give the key to old Yacht to and coming across this one post.

One steemit post, even one, can keep you ever-incessantly in the limelight somewhere out there; but you will have had to be the limelight in this one post.

We will keep this one post out there, everywhere, you in the limelight as "True Celebrity"; a certified "ULOGGER".

For steemit journey (success) it all begins there! "In these seemingly helpless-looking posts". So, play with your posts. Wake old dreams up using your posts e.g go fly with @sunnylife (she has an airplane). 

Define and re-define you, your dreams etc within each post. Yes, you can exercise those virtues you want to improve on, even on steemit. You want to respect more. Well, steemit makes "exercising respect" possible as it offers you a space that rendezvous people from different walks of life. 

Play out your dreams (keep them alive in dream-bits) into fruition. Be stunty. Be technical. Attempt out-of-the-boxness. Use each post to impress yourself. Use each ULOG to shine and to be "true celebrity"; we your "true fans".

e.g we can bring your enterprise to life, using designated posts, rehearsing seeming-impossibilities into life. 

Apply "life" to how you play steemit. Imagine scenarios and creating valid illusions to where, "any scenario you can successfully pull off" means "possible".


Is your own internet service provider called "stream it" possible? 

Let me give a very simple "life" scenario. Then, you tell me, if it is possible.

The world is big. The very internet is big. Tons of people are looking for the ever-missing piece of their puzzle and you so can be it! You so can be having the key to their padlock. Yes, you! Well, you will never really know till you display these keys and well, you may not know you have someone's key, till you dive into yourself to find a bunch of keys (no padlocks) or till someone finds you, dives into you to pick his/her key.

I am telling you, "you have many of our keys". We have many padlocks (no keys). So stream it! 

The scenario proper: i am in Switzerland, i have jackpot money. I would like a company in PH (to setup an internet service provider (no name yet) but i don't know its people, i don't the route to take, i don't know anything about PH etc. 

I find a sn0white, perhaps online through the search engines or on steemit on her blog or in the DMs and all i here her say is "internet, you better wake up before i stream it". Talk ensues and he contracts you to open up or woman an internet service provider called "stream it" in a partnership etc

Isn't this possible? Well, so so so more than that is so so so possible.

We have cooked up the scenario and bore it forth here, so from hence forth, it is possible "illusion or real". 

So stream it.

Brainstorm and store even your coded drafts on steem; you your audience. Draw unadulterated feedback from your "true fans" and evolve your dream, enterprise etc a bit closer to spanlessness each time. 

Expand you horizon here on Steemit, to where nations are locations. Relate with the world. In your case, many things starts from your very next post, henceforth.

Let your dreams be in your cores, deep-rooted, solid, resounding with conviction. It is tied to all we discussed in the "life" segment above. Apply "real life" to steemit.

Shine "stream it" forth. Use your post, to draw in your exact type of audience. You can do this by coding your very definition in the undertone of your post. Leave the surface for everyone but draw in like-minds using those codes. 

When you start to spot closely-like-minds; build a community. Start with a tag. Push, push, push. Create a movement. Make the movement indispensable. Then, grow this community. If you have like-minds outside steemit, bring this community onto steemit. 

https://steemgigs.org will be ready soon. When your dream is tight, we can work on building this dream. 
SMT is coming; you will need a community; your community. (You can fund-raise with SMT etc)

There is a ton to rehearse now; experiment with; play around with. 

For you and your hefty responsibilities; i tell you; you will need to play. 

You will need to be bigger than money inside-out and money when it knows you are bigger, will seek you out.

I will pause here! Simply tie the life advice to the steemit advice and you will grasp.

Your are awesome!

Your boy Terry


Your ultimate true fan.


Every certified ULOGGER becomes stamped "true celebrity"/"whale-inside" in the real world and on steemit, in an entire session involving an entire curriculum. 

We all play a role. 

 True Celebrities = True Fans + O; where letter "O" equals loop 

  • Each ulogger is likely to have a space on the ULOG steem-based website, if there happens to be one.
  • We will also use each ULOGGER legacy post, to enhance general reputation for SteemGiggers on the steemgigs website.
  • On @uloggers, we will bring each ULOGGER to the limelight before the faces of hearty "true fans".  
  • We will use each post to fix worries.
  • Each ULOGGER experience and entire curriculum involving talks and methor-ship involving 
  • We one to keep on account on steemit, that holds a repository of ULOGGER legacies. Ever-ongoing evidence that we were here.
  • We want one steemit account, that each steemian can present to a mainstream audience in their efforts to promote steemit; one steemit account full of "shine"; one steemit account that is able to appeal to the soft-spot of every genre of "human", to levels where "new ones" begin to desire to flock onto steemit because of us, moreso than just the incentive to get rewards. 
  • We want to serve the search engines with our beauty.
  • Right here on steemit, we look into creating a really solid, visible community of ULOGGERS. (Though, we have a base-community building on behind-the-scenes on the discord, there is timely need for something visible; "in the limelight"; right here on steemit.)
  •  @uloggers will hold physical evidence of a growing list of "true celebrities" ever-ongoingly. Our shine will fill steemit and will provide incessant inspiration to on-lookers and ULOGGERS alike, to strive towards span-less levels of greatness.  
  •  We want to create a vibe right here on steemit, by means of a visible community of ULOGGERS, that stirs further community and amplifies steem & steemit's beauty inside-out, growing steem/steemit into further levels of mainstreamity. 
  •  At this timely moment in steemit's young life, we want to unveil the true depth in beauty of the steemit community, to tighten and strengthen our conviction in steem as technology but moreso, in steemit as medium upon which "humans" can shine regardless of status.  
  •  We want the world to join steemit, also for the sole reason of ULOGGING; becoming ULOGGERS. 
  • We want one steemit account, that you can simply show to friends, home and abroad, offline and online, promoting steem/steemit as a home and for "everyone"
  • We want to create a historical history.
  • etc
We can

Please read all the resources about  #ulog and @ulogs, so that you can grasp the grand underlying of what we will constitute. 

We Are True Fans

Today's ULOGGER ("True Celebrity") is public figure and she is @sn0white

How You Can Join In As Her "True Fans"

  • Leave her a solid comment displaying love for her.
  • Pray for her
  • Give her connections
  • Add to her ideas
  • Refer in good light to others
  • Visit her to inspire her
  • Adopt her! (You may want to do so in the comments or seek her out in the community HERE!!!)
  • Voluntarily donate to @sn0white
  • Print her autographs and take selfies with it
  • Follow her
  • Always visit with her
  • Become a "true-type-curator" on #ulog, so you can spot her ULOGS.
  • etc

How To Become A Ulogger?

Please digest this post and this post and like me, join in and become a Ulogger today. Become "true celebrities" and "true fans" of #ulog.

You can start simply by getting your personalized ULOGGER header/footer from @phantum04 here!!!



You can also use these profile cover ULOGGER banners freely:

You may need to resize them! Perfect dimension would be  1280 x 191 as recommended by the creator "@jejes"

There are also free dividers that you can use with your steemit posts:

Please subscribe to this YouTube channel below as it will start to be loaded with simple short videos dispense rarest assimilateable INTEL in relation to success on steemit and in life.


If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful. 

To vote my witness, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses or simply click Here to do it on one click! 

If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy. 


wow that's my friend! im so proud. I am a fan of her since the first time we met, and I got to know her more when we worked together in a medical clinic. we've known each other for more than a decade. Aside from prettiness, she's really makulit but sweet and thoughtful. Brave, adventurous, and so much more.


Ageeh, ang ganda naman ng nasa picture, pwede po bang makipagkilala? Hehe

Ako Si Sn0white :) can you be my one of 7 dwarf?hehe just kidding. Thank you @shula14

I'm already a dwarf ate. Hahaba

good ol' days

Yeah. I dig some pictures with her.eto yung last na bonding naming dalawaScreenshot_2018-05-28-22-41-15_1.jpg

ang tagal na. Kailan mo ko itritreat ulit @sn0white ? Hehe

I’m so skinny and my kilay( eyebrows ) are thin also haha
Thank you for these pictures ate

di bale, constantly beautiful 😊

Wow thank you. And you also ate.

You're not skinny at all. You're simply unique

Yes my dunkman.

Thank you my friend ate @el-dee-are-es

naiiyak ako. Tears of joy

i'll give u a hug. i'm so happy for u. baka hindi ka makatulog ah 😅

Sweet naman ate Salamat po.

She's an exceptional and unique lady with beautiful dreams.

I love your flattery words. :)

Congratulations @s0white on your energence as the true celebrity and true fan. Indeed, @ulogs will fix worries.

Keep steeming and you will reach yoir peak here. You are such a strong and courageous lady.

I've been dying to reach the mountain top here. :)

Indeed!!there'll be no more worries


I love how this is written, I fell in awe of the wordplay.

Sn0white, I don't know you yet but I do notice your presence in Discord, the way you are game says a lot about you. I know a woman who can conquer the world when I see or hear one and you've got it. Go forth and rock you are just about to shine brighter than you've ever had. Slay!

I know you and I love you Karen. :)
Thank you for the encouraging words.

Indeed! She can conquer the world and she will. I love her dreams

Do you think so? Thank you for believing. :)

I ain't thinking, I believe and have a lot of faith in what you can do.

Her words speaks a lot of her.

Congratulations madam @sn0white. Bidang bida ah. Hahaha

In her dying words, she still spoke of donating her eyes to my dad. She still spoke of us. Gosh, even in her subconscious mind, when she left English and went back to her mother tongue, she was praying for us; "Anak, anak, anak".

Imagining these words makes want to cry. I know how it feels like losing a mam, and to hear your mom like that, it squeezes my heart.

You know the brotehr that came last minute? bro landrito

Bro. Landrito sounds familiar to me.

From what congregation sir? the surname sounds familiar to me
we also have Bro. Landicho here,hehe

Yeah, I remember when you told me.

@sn0white, I celebrate you. AM glad to notice that your name has a "ZERO" - "0" rather than an "O". You just became a HEROIN in steemit. You are a true ulogger and I appreciate it. This line in your legacy is quite sophisticating:

It will be a pleasure to engrave my legacy for the unborn.

AM glad I to have an imprint for posterity sake. I will feature you in my upcoming "posterity project". Glad that you offered something tangible here.

For @surpassinggoogle, this time-valued and extensive analysis of @sn0white's responses is quite amazing. You have a loving heart. God bless you more.

#ulogs is really a minning procedure.

The greatest achievement in life is being able to keep a lasting and impactful legacy for the unborn. I'm glad that that is your dream @sn0white

Thank you sir @uyobong

I want to join the entire #uloggers to celebrate our true celebrity in the person of @snOwhite. You're indeed a great person. I took time to digest your answers to the questions that were being thrown at you. I have learned a lot from what you said and I have equally been inspired.

It's quite unfortunate that you had to grow up without your mother. I seem to be in your shoes, so I know how it feels like. It isn't easy. But be it as it may, I'm proud of you for not letting that deter you from achieving your dreams in life and even on the block chain.

I particularly love what you said here;

My goal in Steemit is nothing but to succeed in this platform. I want to be a ‘whale’, that’s the ultimate achievement of every Steemian. It may be far from happening and it will take a million of minnow steps, but I’m optimistic about it. I would love to support my fellow Steemians in every way that I can.

It is indeed every steemians dreams and only those who are serious and consistent will reach there. I am certain you will reach your full potentials on steemit. Good luck.

My advice to @snOwhite:

Please do well to digest everything @surpassinggoogle has said to you as a form of advice. It will help you greatly.

Let's keep #ulogging together.

I'm continually digesting Sir Terry's words.

I really love she said here :

We can’t just settle from being good because there’s always room to be better, or maybe become the best out of ourselves.

Indeed we can be better. Thanks @sn0white for the reminder

That is my sn0wy. And I thank you for that.

You're welcome

@sn0white, it pays to be real and simple, Congratulations! To @Surpassinggoogle, thank you for your determination to be a true minner in steemit. Posterity will not forget your you and your seeds shall receive favour.

With #ulogs, I am so motivated that I can become relevant in steemit. It's now time I should start to #ulog since blogging was a bit difficult for me. I have many of my life stories to tell. Thank you @surpassinggoogle. @Sn0white am challenged by your dispositions. Congratulations.

Wow what a great ulog on such an interesting person.

She is far from simple as she always is there being a true celebrity in each show.

yeah @maverickvintus, @sn0white is simply real and interesting.

She's awesome. She never misses a show, I guess

Hehe. you noticed it.

Really sir @maverickinvictus? Thank you so much!
Mabuhay Team SteemGigs Discord!

She's courageous too. Look what she said up there that can metamorphose only if we have courage

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