A Day in my Life... #ulog 16

in #ulog6 years ago


This morning it was freezing! I was so cold on my way to work! I like it when it's so cold outside though because then I can dress warm with my thermals on underneath and a hoody also.


I know it might not seem terribly cold to a lot of people with it being only 51° and not technically freezing, but here in California when it gets this cold at this time of year it feels like it especially when it's wet like it has been.


My cough and sore throat are finally behind me, but I found these cough drops at the dollar store last week and I'm kind of addicted to them. They're so good and they're not all hard and mentholy like the usual type.

I always go to the dollar store to get cough drops when I need them because they are always so expensive at pharmacies (huge shocker, not!).

Ever since being diagnosed with diabetes I've learned to stay away as much as possible from the pharmaceutical industry as well as the medical industry. It's all such a racket and it's pretty embarrassing given the fact that most countries can provide the same goods and services at a drastically reduced cost. If I were able to, I wouldn't be opposed to emigrating to another country just for affordable health care. I haven't been to the doctor in years and haven't had health insurance either, except for a brief month when I was tricked and lied to (bait and switch) and ended up having my personal data breached by the incompetent insurance company.

So yeah, I'm not too happy about the current state of health insurance or health services. In a perfect world, I would be able to have brand name, state of the art insulin, an insulin pump, a continuous glucose monitor (CGM), and not have to pay $2,000+ every month (not at all in my budget) just for the privilege of staying alive with a good quality of life and health. It's not my fault that I have this disease and it's also not fair that I have to silently suffer day by day while I ration my test strips, ration my insulin, and while my body slowly destroys itself because of the incessant and egregious greed of the pharmaceutical and health industries.

But I don't complain and I just try to keep a happy face, so no one really knows or understands how I feel. I guess that's why they call it some like a "silent killer" or an "invisible disease". People always think I look healthy, but I'm really far from it. I just tread the water until some miracle happens or until the day I die.


Anyways, while I was working I was in this older neighborhood that has alleyways. I love exploring alleyways, there's just something alluring about them that fascinates me. I guess it's just a more raw and honest view into the lives of those who live along it, instead of the carefully (or not so carefully, lol) curated front yards.


I also stumbled across this two-faced cat, who was very friendly and curious about me, unless I tried to pet her. She would run away but then quickly return to quizzically check out what it was I was up to.


I found this graffiti in a bathroom that was pretty freshly painted. I can't at all read what it says, but the stylistic swooshing script was interesting and really eye catching. It really is an art form, just a shame that it's applied in such poor taste of venue.


Nearby, opposite the park are these old stately homes. The autumn leaves of the trees and the clean air really set it off today and i just had to take a picture to remember this day.


After work, I went to visit my grandma who is from Texas. She had some old photos of when we went to visit her in Texas back in the 90s and this is a snapshot of me at the time. I'm not really sure how old I was in this picture, but it's safe to say it was a very long time ago 😆.


After my visit with my grandma, I went on some errands.

First I went to Walmart to get some insulin, because they have it there for only $25 WITHOUT A PRESCRIPTION, whereas I would need a prescription (which means at least $100 to see the doctor to get one) and then pay $200-$300 at the pharmacy for brand name insulin. I tried doing that before and it's just not sustainable, no matter how I try to cut costs in other areas of my life. Also, going to the doctor to get the prescription is really a lot more than just $100, because he will want blood tests done (A1c and others) which is anywhere from $125-$150 depending on what lab decides they want to take a cash pay patient that day........ 😡🤬😤

Anyways, after Walmart I went to winco and stumbled across this package of pulled pork that someone had eaten and put back on the shelf. I was disgusted that someone would be so bold during such a busy time at the store, but hey, more power to them I guess!

Until next time...

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