Venting My Frustrations Out in a Poem (Ulog Day 55)

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

I am not in any way happy this day. It's so frustrating that I just want to lash out on someone. Yes, I am not the goody girl one must have imagined. And I don't like pretending to be one either... if I'm angry, then I am. This day is just fvcking annoying! I don't care if people hate me!!!! Only those who know the real me and yet accepted me are the ones I'd care for unconditionally. If you're real, then I'd be real. If you're good, then I'd even treat you better. My patience can extend to such length, but I'm only human... Don't expect me to be good to you especially when you know for yourself that you're being a b!tch... xD

This frustration is real
I'm hating what I feel
People can be so annoying
They do nothing but complaining

FML is what I should say
I'm definitely hating this day
Why are you being so good?
Damn! This is ruining my mood!

I hate how you continue to care
Although those btches won't even dare*
Call me rotten; call me names
I'm just tired of playing their stupid games

Those people... if you could still call them that
Don't deserve your love and care; it's a cruel fact
But hell; can do nothing but support
I just don't want to sell you short

But if I honestly say from the bottom of my heart
In my life, I no longer want them to be a part
I can move on and live with people that's real
I'm sick and tired of toxic people that's' hard to deal


Feel free to hate me... idgaf!

This post was made from


I learned a lot about the post. Thank you

Your work is well articulated and inspired. The good side of pressure and pain is that it brings out the best of us out sometimes and this result is most dependent on the paradigm of the individual involved.

That's true... after writing this, I feel so much relieved... ^^ Thanks for dropping by! :)

Well done.
Frustration should be bought out, be it in any way.

Thank you very much. It's better to let it out than keep it to myself... :)

we don't live in a perfect world,
some days are not that good.
we are entitled to feel bad,
let the day pass, and tomorrow you'll be glad..😊

Lovely words I long to hear...
Washes away inhibition and fear...
I thank you, from the bottom of my heart..
In my life, your words will always be a part.. <3

@tegosheiは、ポエムが好きですね。ナイス ポエム!


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